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Anyone know anything about this awesome volcano bowl?

Pages: 1 8 replies

TikiManiac posted on 12/14/2002
fatuhiva posted on 12/14/2002

its OK

it looks handmade to me though- like a class project type of thing. you can see the kiln stilt marks on the bottom and it just has that amateur quality to it. It's a decent piece, but not spectacular.. no markings, a duncan-y looking glaze, seems fishy..

TikiHula posted on 12/14/2002

I disagree. This bowl looks exactly like the bowl in the Hawaii Kai, NYC drink menu photos of the volcano bowl they used. Either someone made an exact mold of that bowl, or this was possibly from the Hawaii Kai.....either way a very cool bowl and I've only seen one other one on ebay in the past.

TikiManiac posted on 12/14/2002

Nobody on Ebay seems to agree with you fatuhiva...with 6 hours to go it's at around $150...hey, that price is too steep for me, but not for danlovestikis...

laney posted on 12/14/2002

Judging by this sellers other items I think they hit up a lot of estate sales. (old books and glass,etc.) It definitly looks vintage.

fatuhiva posted on 12/15/2002

hey its their money-

but im telling you, i know a production piece from a non-production when i see one. I know the bowl you are referring to, ive seen one in person, and this was not the real one. Just like you'll see tiki-bobs moldmade from ceramics classes from the 60's, you'll see bowls such as this. There's just a bunch of red flags on that piece in my opinion- i'd rathjer spend the $ on something known rather than an iffy one, but thats me.. its all in the eye of the beholder anyway.. it could be it actually was from restaraunt that had a home-studio guy doing their wares, like the tucson kon-tiki mugs, which are essentially made from molds at a local's house that were pulled from the kon-tiki hotel in phoenix mugs that were the actual true production mugs. however, those tucson mugs are marked, so they dont seem to count as "non restaurant ware" as much to me..

but i wouldnt have shelled $300 for that bowl- im glad there are people out there willing to do it though.

tikifish posted on 12/15/2002

I vote for home-made. It sure looks it! Someone made the bowl by hand and then made molds of some moai head to make the 3 figures. That's my guess!

Anyway, it's still cool... but not worth that kind of $$$ in my opinion.

midnite posted on 12/15/2002

My expert analysis:

Pie is good!

On a related note, I have to agree it looks homemade/pottery class. One can look at a few features and usually confirm it was made in non-commercial equipment. That said, it is a pretty cool bowl. I know of some collectors that really seek out the amateur stuff. Those items will be rarer. We tend to go for vintage, used in a restaurant/bar, and cheap.

Overall I like it....the price? I like it if I was selling it!


KokomoTikiBar&Grill posted on 12/16/2002

It is Homemade, take it from a maker of ceramic pieces. You can look at the bottom and tell. I just wish I had the mold!

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