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LATSA Picturez! Tiki Table!

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surfintiki posted on 12/17/2004


2 coats of poly, and let there be light!

[ Edited by: surfintiki 2012-05-31 17:33 ]

[ Edited by: surfintiki 2013-06-02 16:53 ]

Jungle Trader posted on 12/17/2004

You newbies kill me. Your work is very fine. Keep it up.

Aaron's Akua posted on 12/17/2004

Surfintiki, that looks really excellent & clean. Was that 4x4 stock material that you used? What kind of wood?


Benzart posted on 12/17/2004

Surfintiki, you made that look SO Easy. WOW, Nice clean crisp lines, Smooth finish and all around great appearance> Very Well done.

Mr. Dale posted on 12/17/2004

Perfection right from the start, Great job

surfintiki posted on 12/17/2004

Thanks y'all.
It's basswood, carves REAL easy, but is so soft, it dings too easily. Just have to urethane it good. I still like it though.
I like all the positive support, I remember art school days, where we would tear apart everyone's pieces! It kinda toughened ya. This is great.
AA- counterfeit Leroy looks AWESOME, that's going to be a cool piece hangin around.
Benzy-I finally saw Whale rider, the movie-so much cool carving there, I finally see why you like that style so much. I'm going to eventually try some of those stylings.
Mahalo to all!
"(May you be) in (Divine) Breath." (to all that compliment me!!!)

FreakBear posted on 12/17/2004

The stain looks great! Did you use 2 colors? If so you did an excellent job blending!

Raffertiki posted on 12/18/2004

That jump from step 2 to step 3 is impressive. Nice lamp!

Aaron's Akua posted on 12/18/2004

Basswood... I bought a chunk early on when I started carving, but abandoned the project. The stock was about half the size of yours for about $15 or so. Somebody told me that basswood doesn't stain well, but obviously it does, 'cause that really looks nice, SnT. Maybe I'll have to salvage that old piece. Thanks for sharing.


surfintiki posted on 12/19/2004

The stain is the same as I used on my last 2 tikis. Some spots on the basswood absorb differently, so it kinda looks like 2 different stains, but it's just the one.
I can't remember exactly what I paid for the basswood, but it wasn't that much... somethin like $15 for 16" x 28" and 8" wide, I cut it in half lengthways to have 8" x 8", 28" long. Had to drive for 2 hrs to get it though.

Kono posted on 12/20/2004

What kind of place would have raw wood like this? I went to a local woodcarver's store but they didn't have any wood! Just really expensive tools in display cases. There were three customers waiting to speak to every worker so I didn't ask anyone where the wood is sold.

surfintiki posted on 12/20/2004

I called around different lumber places and mills, but I believe it was a tip from a guy at a power tool store that told me about this place. Called HK Hardwoods, that's all they sell, I was psyched, but when I got there it was mostly long 2x4's, and some scraps. But plenty of little Cherry and Basswod scraps...not too shabby.

Aaron's Akua posted on 12/20/2004


If you're looking for pre-cut stock, you might think about picking up some redwood. It's not very expensive and finishes up beautiful. I haven't used any yet, but I know Polynesiac has done some really nice carvings using off-the-shelf redwood 4x4.


Kono posted on 12/21/2004

Thanks, I'll try that.

surfintiki posted on 01/30/2005

Finally got this one done, not easy with all the holiday hub-bub.

McTiki posted on 01/30/2005

Awesome work Surfer! I love the dashboard confessional!!! I got to try the smaller scale. Excellent! Mahalo!

Benzart posted on 01/30/2005

NICE job on those last ones too Surfer. I like the stain and finish too. That Basswood is a 2 faced wood. Carves easily and finishes nicely but you have to sand it a lot to remove nicks and dents.
Nice work.(or is it Play?)

Aaron's Akua posted on 01/31/2005

Those are ALL lookin great, Surf!

surfintiki posted on 02/04/2005

This was cherry wood again, still got a little left. I am so jealous of the exotic stuff benzart is coming up with. Any tips where to look for these tasty morsels?

Hau 'oli Tiki posted on 02/04/2005

Cool! I can alomost hear the mystical music byte from the Brady Bunch when they find forbidden tiki. I have a bunch of Palm trunks from 3' to 20' that fell during a huge storm. I know I should let them dry out (they weeped liquid in my garage for 2 weeks so far!) How long until they can turn into tiki? How do I get started. I'll practice on a small one. Is there a site with step by step instruction on tiki carving?

surfintiki posted on 05/01/2005

Here's me latest...#6 Maori/marq/moai! More of that basswood.

s U r F i N t i k i

[ Edited by: surfintiki 2008-11-08 09:56 ]

congatiki posted on 05/01/2005

very very nice surfintiki...how tall is
this one....love the combination of styles!

Benzart posted on 05/01/2005

Surfintiki, this guy is really neat. a Maori Moai all in one, waaay cool. Very nice.

finkdaddy posted on 05/01/2005

This guy is very cool. So smooth and perfect. I like!

Aaron's Akua posted on 05/02/2005

Great design & finish, and I love the detailing, especially that close-up shot of the hands. Thanks for posting! What's next?

AlohaStation posted on 05/02/2005

Excellent tiki!

I agree with Benz that Basswood is a 2-headed beast. Your skills have exceeded your material. You may find a new wood rewarding.

surfintiki posted on 05/03/2005

Thanks youz guyz. He's about 24" tall. And yup, time for a new wood, I got a biggie given to me by a guy in maine, who wasn't sure what it is, my guess is oak!? Twill be my first large guy. It's taken me days to de-bark it. Doesn't peel right off like other stuff I've done. Chiseled it til my hands bled. 4 1/2" grinder with sand wheel grinded it til the basement filled up with sawdust. Friggin's gotta be a better way!

Benzart posted on 05/03/2005

Try a good old fashioned Draw knife. More barkcomes off with less work and the log is Smoothe all around. Also it is not imbedded with chisel killing grit from the grinder.
You can really work up a sweat with the drawknife, but Much lass than the other methods.
How dry is the log", If it's Oak and still fresh, be careful of splitting. Looks like fun.

surfintiki posted on 06/04/2005

Aloha! Here's the outcome on my unidentifed piece of wood. My guess, is it's maple. It's got some interesting grain. He's just over 4'.

I spent way less time sanding than I wished too. I need more power tools! mo' money, mo' money

He's now residing in my local surf shop. Should bring up the waves.

s U r F i N t i k i

[ Edited by: surfintiki 2008-11-08 17:24 ]

flacookz posted on 06/04/2005

Love number 6's tats and I always like to see a happy tiki. Especially laughing.

The Sperm Whale posted on 06/04/2005

I really like the design of your #6. I like his huge mouth and the way the stain came out. Keep up the great work.

Benzart posted on 06/04/2005

YEp he's a keeper. Love the stain, what color is it?. Love how the mouth flows into the whole piece, the body too has a nice feel to it. Very well done

Aaron's Akua posted on 06/06/2005

Surfintiki, that's a bad ass tiki who looks like he's up to no good! I like!

rodeotiki posted on 06/06/2005

Thats a cool tiki . Nice work Surfin. Same ? as Ben , what color is that stain?
Thanks for sharing.

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surfintiki posted on 06/06/2005

thanx. Minwax, red mahagony. I thought this one was a little weak. I'm gonna have to do WAY better next one.

Raffertiki posted on 06/06/2005

Wow! I really like the mouth on the new guy. Mucho personalityo.

SCTikiShack posted on 06/06/2005


We need your good juju surf tiki over here in Santa Cruz.
It has been flat for over two weeks and we are getting a little chapped.

Long live tikis and waves,

Capt'n Skully posted on 06/06/2005

Those are some great tikis- I really like that maori moai lookin guy.

Octane posted on 06/06/2005

Looking good, they all look great. the stain really sets off the detail well.

finkdaddy posted on 06/09/2005

So what's he laughing about?

FLOUNDERart posted on 06/09/2005

Wow i never seen your stuff before. I'm just getting back to browsing TC. Can't wait to see more.

Great stuff. Love the detail in #6. I'm a sucker for detail.

Keep it up

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Palama Tiki posted on 06/10/2005

you've got some incredible carvings there!

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surfintiki posted on 09/21/2005

Back at #8 & 9 again, after a long intermission thanks to a hernia surgery...still hurts to put hard pressure on anything. A little at a time. I got a mini mahogany and a birch "Reloy" goin.
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hewey posted on 09/21/2005

Love that little guy with the board. Cute :)

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Moondance posted on 09/21/2005

Nice work, I like them both.

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GMAN posted on 09/21/2005

I agree. All of them are beautiful.

Aaron's Akua posted on 09/21/2005

Love the color of that mahogany. Leroy's gonna look righteous also. Take your time, don't pull anything. Good to see you back at it.

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HelloTiki posted on 09/21/2005

Great Tikis. Are these mostly chiseled? So Cool!
I made a Tiki first, and THEN decided it should become a lamp!
I do my Tikis Bass Ackwards and I majored in Pig Latin.

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