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purple jade posted on 06/09/2005

This was supposed to be my contribution to the Mai Kai Gents CD fundraising drive. The idea, since I don't have much available cash, was to make the necklace for them to auction here, on eBay, or whatnot.

However, the necklace was apparently stolen out of their mailbox, as the Postmaster informed Iuka that there had been several mail thefts reported in the area. This was about two months ago...due to personal concerns I have been unable as yet to make up another one.

I am certain whoever took it was heartily disappointed and most likely trashed it, but if you should see it on someone or in a thrift store, you can tell them you know it's hot and there will be some bad juju headed their way unless it is returned to its rightful owner!

P.S. Thanks for the CD, Iuka, I love it!

[ Edited by: purple jade on 2005-06-08 20:02 ]

[ Edited by: purple jade 2005-08-25 09:11 ]

rodeotiki posted on 06/09/2005

What a beautiful piece Pj. Sorry to hear that some heartless bastard stole it.

Sam Gambino posted on 06/09/2005

That's really a cool piece, pj. It really has motion to it. Some jerk somewhere has a nice piece around his/her neck.

purple jade posted on 06/09/2005

I should mention that the figures of the band members are based on original artwork by Kevin Kidney!
He's responsible for the motion!

[ Edited by: purple jade on 2005-06-08 20:33 ]

Sam Gambino posted on 06/09/2005

Well then, you certainly captured it.

Formikahini posted on 06/09/2005


And you're right, PJ - the *sshole who stole it will neither appreciate it, give it to someone who will, or even make a buck off of selling it!!

I hate crap like this!

It was a beautiful piece. I have my fingers crossed that somehow, somewhere, someday it will turn up anyway.

DawnTiki posted on 06/09/2005

What a shame! I would have loved to have gotten to see it in person.
It's awful that it never made it to it's intended destination, the Gents and Mysterious Miss Mauna Loa sadly missed out :(
I am floored how much it looks like the drawings. Its just so darned cute!

Great work PJ! BRAVO!
Swell websites guys, I need to visit more often.
Purple Jade's Tiki

The MaiKai Gents

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2005-06-09 08:15 ]

Humuhumu posted on 06/09/2005

Oh no! What a terrible shame, it's a lovely piece and clearly took a lot of talent & effort to pull together. What a heartbreak. I'm glad we at least get to see it in photo form.

Basement Kahuna posted on 06/09/2005

Nice piece... there is little worse in this world than a thief. Hope it is returned..

tikifish posted on 06/09/2005

The person is probably wearing it with my lovely vintage hawaiian barcloth coat they stole, too!

Iuka Grogg posted on 06/09/2005

Yes, "heartsick" is exactly what I felt when I figured out what happened. We are based in a small town and I know our mail carrier and postmaster personally and they are very trustworthy folks, so I'm pretty sure neither abscounded with the piece. A couple other folks on our street have also had some theft problems and I'm having everything sent to a P.O. box now. That all said, Purple Jade is an wonderfully talented artist and an incredibly generous person. We (The Maikai Gents & TMMML) are so appreciative of her and hope to benefit from her creativity again soon. So... the APB is out! If you see this necklace, immediately contact the authorities or PJ! Either way, I'm sure the thief will be taken care of in the appropriate manner.

-Iuka Grogg

Turbogod posted on 06/09/2005

That stinks. That was some beautiful work there PJ.

Tiki_Bong posted on 06/09/2005

That blows!

That is really nice work PJ.

Hope it somehow was misdelivered by accident.

martiki posted on 06/09/2005

I can't believe someone cound even FIND Iuka's mailbox, much less steal from it.

Seriously- BFE, folks.

Very sorry to hear- it's a great piece.

Chongolio posted on 06/12/2005

What a cool piece of work PJ. That Sucks it got nerped! I hope the necklace gets spotted and the theives find a rattlesnake in the next mailbox they try to pilfer.
That probally explains why Iuka's Kamapua'a book never made it to him either. Hey Judd, did the second book make it in to your nimble fingers?


Iuka Grogg posted on 06/13/2005

Chongolio! Funny thing, Just before reading this post, I had sent you an e-mail congratulating you on such a fine job on the book. When you originally sent it coincided with the time that PJ sent her piece, so the thief may have gotten two treasures. Uggh. There is really is a rattlesnake that likes to hang out near the mailbox, but I wouldn't wish that on anyone (not even a nasty necklace nabber). P.O. Box from now on, yup.

-Iuka Grogg

Unga Bunga posted on 06/13/2005

A beautiful piece of character of the people we know PJ.
You have a great view on life too. Best 2U!

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2005-06-13 09:33 ]

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