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Tiki Centralites at LA Santacon 2002

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floratina posted on 12/15/2002

Ten TCers participated in this year's Los Angeles santa rampage.

Big Al
Trader Pup
Mr. Smiley
Crazy Al
Cherry Capri
CB Howlie

There were over 220 drunken, lousy santas this year. Starting at 9:00 am, we were dragged in 3 double-decker busses from Old Town Pasadena to Chinatown/Olvera Street to Farmer's Market and The Grove. Some of us TCers were on the busses and others joined the marauding pack in their own vehicles. The idea is to invade public places and surprise unsuspecting normals with an inevitably obnoxious spectacle. Did I mention bars? Santa really seems to like those.

Hopefully the other participants will add their anecdotes here soon. I have to get some pictures ready.

floratina posted on 12/16/2002

Here are some pix:

The 35er in Pasadena was our first stop. Hopefully you can see the Santa graffitti: "Ho!" written in spray cheese.

Trader Pup and Big Al

Shelley and this guy with a disco ball head thing

A santa in an aloha shirt and a gorilla-claus

Huell Howser and TCers at Farmer's Market

TC at Madame Wu's. Front row: Trader Pup and some guy. Back row: Big Al, Mr. Smiley, Enid, some guy, Crazy Al, Brad and Eastern Bloc santa.

Crazy Al's Thing, decorated for the holidays.

CB Howlie, Cherry Capri and The Futura!

I have some video captures to add later.

[ Edited by: floratina on 2002-12-15 16:18 ]

cynfulcynner posted on 12/16/2002

HUELL was there? Did he just happen to be at Farmers Market, or is Santacon now part of California's Gold? 8)

floratina posted on 12/16/2002

Just then our group was apart from the larger group; we made a brief stopover at Farmer's Market. At that time, the bulk of Santa was freaking out the security in the Grove next door.

Huell just happened to be passing through. He saw us sitting there and asked us why we were Santa. He said he'd like to do a show about it and I indicated that it probably wasn't going to happen, Santa is undercover. He looks at all of us and says incredulously, "How 'undercover' could it be?" I don't think he understood that Santa does not like to discuss his itinerary and doesn't need the publicity. It really isn't a good fit. I told him to burrow deeper into the Grove to really see Santa in his glory, (blow-up dolls and all) but he didn't want to. If he had, he would see that this is not exactly the G-rated type of material that "Visiting" requires. He took Trader Pup's card for next year. If he was actually serious I think he would have gone in for a look at the mayhem firsthand.

Traderpup posted on 12/16/2002

....got my cheapo disposable camera photos back today...

A few TC'ers at Farmers Market:

Floratina , mezmerized by her santa hat:

Couple of santa busses starting the day:

Freeway santas:

Shelley getting molested by construction workers:

Crazy Al & Mr Smiley, in a rare, serious moment:

Other than any incriminating photo evidence, I deny any participation in SantaCon 2002!


floratina posted on 12/17/2002

Here are some video captures:

Cherry Capri and CB Howlie


Shelley sings from the naughty songbook

Santa takes the freeway

Santa takes over an intersection on Colorado Blvd in Pasadena

mrsmiley posted on 12/17/2002

Those with eagle-eyes will notice that Mr. Smiley Santa was wearing his #20 Trader vics racing vest that he got as being part of trader Vics emeryville Mai Tai Drinking team!
Emeryville Rulesss!!

floratina posted on 12/17/2002

Here are some more video captures:

Big Al at Hooters

Shelley greets traffic

Shelley says these drivers are “naughty”

Crazy Al and Brad in the Thing. Snowflake was swinging her whip out the window of the bus and had just hit Al with it.

[ Edited by: floratina on 2002-12-16 18:27 ]

crazy al posted on 12/17/2002

HO'HO'HO' I got to start eating more cookies, having a "bowl full of jelly" was a blast........

Tiki Tina Santa the Party QUEEN!!

Humuhumu posted on 12/17/2002

Wow. I don't know what to say, other than that you guys are making a beautiful, beautiful contribution to society. Looks like a blast.

stentiki posted on 12/21/2002

Wow Tina!

You guys are crazy! Looks like too much fun. No wonder you all waz whupped when you got to our place!

We're definitely in for next year.



Cherry Capri posted on 01/11/2003

Better late than never...
I finally uploaded our personal pictures from Santacon 2002. Here's one of the gang at Farmer's Market

to see the rest - here's the url

[ Edited by: Cherry Capri on 2003-01-10 17:27 ]

floratina posted on 01/13/2003

Those are nice pix! I think those are the first I've seen from inside Madame Wu's. I think all the other picture-takers were too loaded by then.

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