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eBay: Munktiki SneakyTiki is selling himself

Pages: 1 6 replies

tikiEAMES posted on 06/14/2005

This is one sneaky tiki, he's just posted himself on ebay.


I've gotten way into vintage vinyl, been buying tons of early verve, impulse, other jazz and exotica. The good news my record collection is amazing. Bad news my bank account isn't. Here's your chance to get the m modern gallery sneaky tiki munktiki mug.

[ Edited by: tikiEAMES on 2005-06-14 15:33 ]

tikichic posted on 06/15/2005

[ Edited by: tikichic 2005-10-06 06:57 ]

aquaorama posted on 06/15/2005

You may want to relist that under the Hawaiiana Collectable section of EBAY. That's where you'll find 99% of the Tiki Mugs. You may not get as many people seeing it where it's at right now.

tikiEAMES posted on 06/15/2005

Thanks for the tip, great advice. I sell typically only midcentury furrniture, eames herman miller, knoll, etc.

tikiEAMES posted on 06/15/2005

Posted: 2005-06-14 17:12

Wow, what happened to your feedback?

I sell mainly chairs, furniture. One mans junk is another's treasure. It's really hard to get 100% as some people take slightly used to mean new, people are very fickle when it comes to furniture. I've had pairs of chairs, that one person has loved while the other has hated. Most of my sales aren't even through ebay. I would say about 20%.

tikiEAMES posted on 06/17/2005

looks like he's really going--met the reserve? I'm a little sad, but I'm sure the new owner will take good care of him.

He doesn't eat much a few limes, some trader vics mai tai mix and some good rum.

Trader Woody posted on 06/17/2005

[ Edited by: Trader Woody on 2005-06-17 22:55 ]

Pages: 1 6 replies