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Anyone watching I Love the 80's on VH1???

Pages: 1 5 replies

johntiki posted on 12/18/2002

Anyone been watching this mini-series on VH1? I have been pretty impressed and delighted - such a flashback!


Turbogod posted on 12/18/2002

I caught it last night. It's pretty good.

Trader Woody posted on 12/18/2002

Is that the one made in the UK, full of fat balding guys going, 'Ah yes, I recall being a pirate for 3 months before Adam Ant stole my look'?

Trader Woody

atomictonytiki posted on 12/18/2002

I liked "I love the 70's" better, Johnny Vegas talking about moon dust was the best bit.

Tiki_Bong posted on 12/18/2002

Ah yes, the 80's - when women were women and men were women. Skinny ties and tight pants; I think it took a full 5 years for my sperm count to recooperate!

(Do you really want to leave me, do you really want to make me cry ...)

thejab posted on 12/18/2002

Trader Woody asked:
"Is that the one made in the UK, full of fat balding guys going, 'Ah yes, I recall being a pirate for 3 months before Adam Ant stole my look'?"

No it's a new show with a bunch of current rock stars (were talking Blink 182 and Sister Ray here) talking about how cool Air Supply and Pat Benatar were in the day, but they were only 5 years old at the time so they didn't know any better. In 1980 I was 19 and going to see Black Flag and couldn't care less about "Urban Cowboy" and preppies. It's funny what people will reminisce about!

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