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I don't care// I'm proud

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Well, you know how you always want your kids to do better in life than you did (if you have kids/you know about)
Well then,
My two children just got their report cards
Let's start with the silent redhead
No conduct referrals and the grades
A A- A- A- A- B
Let's see my last report card for 8th grade went something like this
With 32 conduct referrals and two 11 day suspensions for fighting
Now on to the "Oh" so beautiful Lindsay
A+ A A A A A
Now my 6th grade report
19 conduct referrals and one 14 day suspension for knocking out my shop teacher Mr. Pephers
He started it, so they let me stay.
I have such great kids; I wish they knew how much I love them.
What a great Father's Day
I am the luckiest man on earth ! !
What's in your wallet?

When this stops being fun
It's our fault
Have no brakes Cannot stop
Happydog (What can I do?)

[ Edited by: thebaxdog on 2005-06-19 08:01 ]

Happy Fathers Day...to all the proud papas!

Thanks DawnTiki and I know how ya feel Bax. My best fathers day present this year was seeing my 18 year old daughter graduate from high school this week. She started out the first two years as a D student and managed to pull it together and graduate with a 3.8 GPA.

JTD posted on Sun, Jun 19, 2005 5:03 PM

On 2005-06-19 08:00, thebaxdog wrote:
I have such great kids; I wish they knew how much I love them.

Bax - When they have their kids, then they'll know. Happy Father's Day!

I'd have to say I hear you Baxdog-ster!,

Having youngin's or not having youngin's is a personal choice, and I can respect that.

But, being a emotional wimp, I do truly love me paternal gifts on FD....

Bax - I talked to Lindsey at the Oasis, and she worships you and Sara, she told me about the sticker she had made for your rear window, something to effect of 'my kids think I rock the world, do yours?' I haven't talked much to the silent redhead, but I've chatted with Lindsey every year at the Oasis, and she's one of the sweetest, smartest kids I've met, she knows, and it's apparent you guys are doing a fine job!
mrs. pineapple


Wouldn't it be cool if she got straight A's AND beat up the teacher?


...congrats, pappy.

But on the other hand, Ben's kids got him Devo tickets :wink:

wasn't there a post a while back saying something about Pets over Children??

"your stupid cat can't go get me DeVo Tics!! Arrrrrrrr!!"

Bax Dog , Bong Daddy, Ship, Bot to Be, and every DAD out here, you all ROCK!!


I've gotta say, I've been VERY impressed with the generation the current tiki set is producing, every single last one of the buggers that I've met have been excellent, upstanding, with-it, cool, intelligent... the kind of folks I'd love to kick back and enjoy the occasional lemonade with. Congrats to the 'rents of TC.

Not having any kids, I can still understand.
Happy FD.....

[ Edited by: goddess-sun on 2005-06-21 13:30 ]

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