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Are Your Strokes Tiki Related?

Pages: 1 13 replies

Tiki_Bong posted on 06/20/2005


pablus posted on 06/20/2005

I think they...


finkdaddy posted on 06/20/2005

No, but mine a a bit "Different" :D

MachTiki posted on 06/20/2005

Tiki_Bong posted on 06/20/2005

I was sure after I posted this dumb-piece of shit thread, that someone on TC would have to come out of the woodwork and say "Bong, you're such a crass-hole! My mom, dad, aunt, sister (insert relative here) died from a stroke, and you're making fun of it!"

dangergirl299 posted on 06/21/2005

how odd. I was having chest pain all last week, but it was not tiki related.

RevBambooBen posted on 06/21/2005

Did Bong say Stroke?? http://www.astroglide.com/

DawnTiki posted on 06/21/2005

A melody of which nightmares are made....
Misunderstood lyrics to Billy Squier's

"The Stroke"

Something struck me.

Stone age stuntman

Long Live Scotland

Something, Something

Strong and Stupid

Correct Lyrics:
Stroke me, stroke me

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2005-06-20 22:25 ]

Benehune posted on 06/21/2005

Once again, I have been proven wrong about the written word and the many different interpretations of it. My strokes are always tiki related, I loved Different Strokes (but what a bunch of stroked-up stars), and well, I don't know any bands with tiki or stroke in their name or song list. I have to go now and stroke...

SwampCreature posted on 06/22/2005

No, Ben, it's http://www.astroglides.com

[ Edited by: SwampCreature on 2005-06-22 00:36 ]

Benehune posted on 06/22/2005

WOW Swampcreature, thanks for turning me on to them. They have a great sound. I never guessed anything but bilge would come from this thread. I would love any other recommendations you might have in this genre. Thanks again, Ben

Polynesiac posted on 06/22/2005

Oooohhhhh.....I thought you meant THIS type of tiki stroke....


"Hey, at least I'm housebroken."

[ Edited by: Polynesiac on 2005-06-22 08:38 ]

MachTiki posted on 06/22/2005

Thanks for sharing Polynesiac! That site was very informative. Please make sure to keep us abreast of any other sites relating to modern Tiki culture such as this one.

Tabu The Wonder Seal posted on 06/22/2005

On 2005-06-22 08:37, Polynesiac wrote:
Oooohhhhh.....I thought you meant THIS type of tiki stroke....



Pages: 1 13 replies