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not another Bamboo Ben Sale!

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bamboo ben posted on 12/18/2002

Aloha TC'r's',
This Sat. & Sun. 2/1 & 2/2,
50% off all Bamboo Ben Art!
20% off all bamboo Ben Bars, Furniture & Accessories!
1-2002 bar left @ 50% off!
many new 2003 items to choose from.

Bamboo Ben
Bamboo Ben (custom tropical decor)
712 Yorktown Ave. #20
Huntington Beach, Ca. 92648
Store Hours- Sat. 10-Sunset(ish)
Sun. 11-4ish
Other Hours by appointment 714 960-1860

[ Edited by: Bamboo Ben on 2003-01-31 10:09 ]

PolynesianPop posted on 12/18/2002

Hmmm...I did have my eye on a couple of other things there! Are you going to be open on Sunday?

stentiki posted on 12/19/2002

Party at Bamboo Ben's on Saturday!

bamboo ben posted on 12/19/2002

We'll be open Sat. 10ish to Sunset(4ish) and Sunday 11ish to 4ish (unless we get washed away in the "Storm of the year" via channel 7 storm watch guru Dallas Ratings I mean Raines says).

bamboo ben posted on 12/19/2002

Sten "Uncle Arty" Tiki will be performing "Shake it up Baby" all day on Sat.(as seen in the Rm 135 video) for a mere donation of a cocktail!!

stentiki posted on 12/19/2002


And Ben will do his rendition of the Spandau Ballet song, True as seen in his high school photos from the 80's. :wink:

Don't miss it!



RevBambooBen posted on 12/19/2002

Double "douw" to you my fury little friend!
My Brother just dropped off a picture of me when I was 15 (1980)hanging out in the crowd at the Starwood during a Circle Jerks show! Ha! You'll be singing on Sat. and liking it!!!

MakeDaMug posted on 12/19/2002

Ben will sing a modern day pop ballad...
"I'm stuck in a Pagoda with Tricia Toyota" as originally performed by the Dickies while wearing a tutu! I swear... just kiddin' Ben! You're so damned punk dude - you win!!

Tiki_Bong posted on 12/19/2002


Do you know any Agent Orange tunes?

("look at the scientist in the lab, under the microscope...")

Nui Nui 2 posted on 12/19/2002

Bong, That's The Adolescents not Agent Orange. Ask Ben we stood side by side in the pit.

laney posted on 12/19/2002

BEN, I know you're having this giant sale this weekend but I may not be able to get out there until next week. Please save me a "Mele Kalikimaka" hanging sign if you look like you're going to sell out. I already gave my best friend one and she LOVES it. But when I went to hang mine I realized it is spelled wrong. My stick-in-the-ground sign is fine as is my friends. Cory has his eye on a bar also but is going home to N.Y. for the holidays so maybe we can work out a deal when he returns. Thanks a heap and "Mele Kaikimaka" to you :wink: :wink: :wink:

Tiki_Bong posted on 12/19/2002

Nui Nui 2,

You're right. That was a long, distant time ago. Many brain cells have passed on since then I guess.

stentiki posted on 12/19/2002

Reverend Eraserhead!

I'll try and swing by on Saturday for the sale but no singing for me unless it's "Amoeba."

I wanna check see that pic of you at the Circle Jerks show.

Mele Kalikimaka,


Mrs. Bamboo Ben posted on 12/20/2002

Oh man, Laney.... I should have pulled that sign off the wall. A customer noticed it over the weekend. Sometimes when we do quantity production, slips occur. A few years ago Ben had an order for 1000+ bamboo candle cups for Toes on the Nose. The branding iron was never ordered by the client, so Ben hand carved "Toes on the Nose" on each cup. Well, some read "Tose." ooops. Could have been worse, I guess.
I think I have one hanging sign left and I'd be happy to hold it for you. Really sorry about that.
Mrs. Boo

RevBambooBen posted on 12/20/2002

I think I stood next to Nui Nui before there was a pit! I think "slamming" wasn't even a word yet. Nui and I hung in the same crowd. Newport/ Cuckoos nest! Hey Nui, remember that riot down in Balboa (when you's used to play in the garage)with all those hippies and us with garden tools!!? And just think, we're all mellow now enjoying tiki!

Nui Nui 2 posted on 12/20/2002

Ben, I can't believe you remembered that. I almost fell out of my chair laughing at the thought of us all grabbing weapons (shovels, hoes, rakes,etc.) and running around that parking lot attacking hippies and their cars. Just don't tell my wife or kids that story if I ever run into you on the street.

stentiki posted on 12/22/2002


I stopped by Bamboo Ben's yesterday and picked up some awesome Bamboo frames for my Matson Lines menus at 50% off!

Ben & Mrs. Boo, Mahalo for all the great ornaments and your hospitality. Great surprise visit by the Baxdog yesterday -- good seeing you, bro!

Don't forget to check out the pic of the Baby Bamboo Ben at the Circle Jerks show -- how'd you get into that show anyhoo? Oh yes, and the Witco barstool currently on display. Unbelievable!

Mele Kalikimaka,


P.S. The Baxdog will be performing Wayne Newton songs all day in the parking lot today. Don't miss it! :wink:

[ Edited by: stentiki on 2002-12-22 13:52 ]

Mrs. Bamboo Ben posted on 12/23/2002

Mahalo to all the TC'ers who stopped into the shop this weekend. Visitors are cool.
Actually, Bax switched from Wayne to a terrific rendition of Jingle Cats....wow, he's really got a knack for the meow pitch! Sounded just like the tapes. Fabulous!
Mele Kalikimaka!

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bamboo ben posted on 01/31/2003

This Sat & Sun 2/1 & 2/2,
50% off all Bamboo Ben ART
20% off all Bamboo Ben Bars, Furniture & Accessories!
1-2002 Bar left for 50% off!
Many new 2003 items on the store floor!

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