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eBay: What are these?

Pages: 1 4 replies

I have one of these guys that I picked up at a junk shop. I thought they where salt and pepper shakers, but there are no holes on the top. BTW not my auction, and I'm not bidding on them.


Hey this was my 600th Post! Cool.

-one man aspiring to be everyone’s favorite unkle.

My Tiki Lounge http://unklejohn.suddenlaunch.com/index.cgi

[ Edited by: Unkle John on 2005-06-28 11:40 ]

Woah! Those are tres cool!

The design looks contemporary...love the little curl on the forehead, and the pointy teeth.

The form reminds me very much of treasure craft, except the yellow glaze is way off? Japanese version of treasure craft? But from when?

I'm very curious. Thank dog I'm not a cat.

Hey Congrats John!

Too bad calling dibs in a community of over 3,000 doesn't work too well.


Shit, guess I can take them off my watch list now.

I think you guys misread me.. I am NOT bidding on them. I have one already. I just want to know what they heck they are.

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