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Rant of the Week

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I worked 12 consecutive days in a row to finish TWO projects due on the same day and was burned out, stressed out, blind with muscle tension headaches, fatigued, and then a co-worker decided to have a “personality conflict” with me.

I have chest pain from improperly moving a free fridge I found for a friend - which ended up costing me $100 in medical bills - but at least it wasn’t a heart attack! Now, the pain killers make me woozy and tired, yet also doesn’t knock me out at night. My doctor told me not to work out for 2 weeks, which is my only way of staying sane.

One best friend has been in the hospital for a few weeks now for emergency surgery; and keeps calling me thinking he’s about to die. Another best friend is in the hospital for a miscarriage.

My upstairs neighbor - normally a quiet college student - got into a car accident and is wheelchair bound - and for some reason now her parents and brother need to jump up and down on the floor at all hours of the night to help her recuperate. My “white noise” fan is conveniently broken for this, and I can only take my sleeping pills 3 nights a week.

An ex-boyfriend of mine contacted me recently to rekindle our friendship but turns out he just wanted to rekindle a BOOTY call! (men!)

I don’t have cable and have given up drinking for now. All I watch on tv are Buffy shows on DVD, but the last season I ordered has been delayed by THREE weeks!

My cat keep bringing live or dead birds into the house.

My DSL keeps going out.

My parents offered to send me to Hawaii for a week, but I can’t take the time off of work right now.

Thank you I feel so much better
Feel free to add your own.


At least you're not a Buffett fan!

Or are you....?

That's nothing. I was late for my nap yesterday.

ugh, the dead bird thing would put me over the edge!

Maybe you should take the ex up on the booty call? But tell him he can't spend the night :wink:

On 2005-06-23 15:30, Tiki-bot wrote:
At least you're not a Buffett fan!

Or are you....?

Yeah, like I'd admit it in THIS forum...

[slowly walks away, whistling "Margaritaville"]

At least your cat loved you.


Chin up-know that this too shall pass.However,the bird thing will probably continue.

Follow your parent's advice and go to Hawaii for free! You sound like you need an island escape and time to take in some fresh air.


At least you're not digging a jeep out of a mud puddle on Easter Island... at the moment.

On 2005-06-24 08:38, tikibars wrote:
At least you're not digging a jeep out of a mud puddle on Easter Island... at the moment.

That was actually quite fun - you were the one cursing the mud hill, not me. My only regret was that we had left the rum back at the "casa."

I still look fondly upon the permanent "easter island red mud" stains on the pants I was wearing that day.

I think my luck is turning - my friend in the hospital is doing better and last night I wore my Conga Lounge t-shirt to trader joe's; and as a clerk rung me up I noticed she was wearing a white tiki necklace carved from shell or bone (or plastic?). So I showed her my shirt and said "I'm a tiki worshipper" and she gave me her necklace.

What mana!


See?It always turns around-I'm sure even better things are in store for you.


take the booty call & no sleep over... and demand a couple hundred for your trouble...


Uh, isn't that called prostitution?


i hope not... that'd suck

[ Edited by: alohabros 2005-07-08 14:07 ]

Here's my rant entry:

Think God doesn't answer prayer? Check this out.

My luck runs out, and I get jury duty. So, I'm on a panel for this spousal abuse case. I'm as good as gone, right? They always tell me - "wear your full dress cassock - Clergy NEVER get picked to serve on a jury!!" As I had been telling friends all week - it was 10-to-1 against me making it on the actual jury!!

So - here we are this afternoon - and it's getting down to "crunch time" - the end of day two - AND I'M STILL IN THE JURY BOX!! I hate to say this, but I was really beginning to lose interest. It's just not as interesting as watching "Law and Order", that's for bloody sure! They never show this part on the crime drama TV shows!! It's really dull!

Even worse - I'm surrounded by MORONS!! I guess I should be used to humanity after all these years in business and 12+ in the ministry - but - OMG!! There're people sitting in the box, taking up time and YOUR tax-dollars - who speak about 12 words of English - three of them are: "I don't understand".

The court I drew is in Alhambra, CA - which locals will know borders on Monterey Park, and which I believe has more Chinese-speaking people than Hong-freaking-Kong!! The attorneys keep asking these people questions about their understanding of the law - and these poor slobs haven't got a CLUE as to what's going on!! So, I start praying the rosary to keep focused....then it hit me!! Oh, NO!! I'm going to make the cut!! Just based on the fact that English is my native tongue - I'm as good as IN!! Oh no!! I'm going to be "Juror Number 8"!!

The prosecutor has one more peremptory call to make - and so does the defense. I steal a glance at one of the friends I had made (who was paneled, but never got put in the jury-box) - and she just shakes her head and smiles. Her smile says: "You're going to make it, nyaah nyaah nyaah nyaaah nyaaaaah nyaaah!!" I had bet her lunch that I would not get on the jury. I just bowed my head, put my hands together and started to pray!!

"Lord - You KNOW I really don't want to sit through this!!" The judge says to the prosecutor: "The next peremptory challenge belongs to the People". Mr. Prosecutor gets up, and starts to speak:

"Your Honor...."

I start praying....

"Eight!! Eight!!!! EIGHT!!!!!!"

"Please thank and excuse....."

"EIGHT!! 8!!!! Ocho!!!!! Eight!!!!!!" - I'm silently screaming as I pray!

"Juror number...."



"Thank you for your service, Father...please report to the Jury Assembly Room for your completion certificate..."

And thank the Lord (or Tangeroa!) for His continuing to answer prayers - even the small ones!!!!!!

[ Edited by: PapeToaTane 2005-07-08 18:20 ]

[ Edited by: PapeToaTane 2005-07-08 18:21 ]

I don't know if this is the right place to post my complaint but here goes anyway. I don't like it that everybody's names got WAY smaller on the message board area of Tiki Central. What's up wid that?

I love a good jury duty story!
I'm glad it worked out for you Padre.

I'm totally exempt from jury duty on so many grounds: I am an attorney, all my friends are attorneys, I've worked on criminal and civil cases, I've appeared in front of most of the judges in Alameda and Contra Costa County (and had lunch with many of them), I've dated a cop, and I was sort of in the military (2 weeks). I don't think any of my colleagues would want me sitting in the jury box, applying whatever I think the law is and telling all the others how to vote at the end.

On 2005-06-23 15:30, Tiki-bot wrote:
At least you're not a Buffett fan!

Or are you....?

I am. I love Buffett, Tiki-Bot and everything unusual and different from the norm.

[ Edited by: sonofabeach 2005-07-12 08:45 ]

I am a small contractor and I just got tapped for Jury duty and dang it! if I am going to take a day off I would do something with my Wife, How do I get out of it?
I have done jury duty many times when I worked for a big corporation but now if I don't work, I don't eat. Any tips you can provide will help.

On 2005-07-12 21:17, bananabobs wrote:
I am a small contractor and I just got tapped for Jury duty and dang it! if I am going to take a day off I would do something with my Wife, How do I get out of it?
I have done jury duty many times when I worked for a big corporation but now if I don't work, I don't eat. Any tips you can provide will help.

Immediately send the court a written letter asking to be postponed for a while and claim financial hardship. The sooner you try to get out of it, the more likely they will grant it. If you wait too long they won't grant it because they can only waive so many people before they get down to the core minimum.

After you send the letter, call them every day until they confirm you're off the calendar.

If that doesn't work and you have to show, just tell them you'll have a financial hardship for any trial more than a day; then tell them you are close friends with cops and/or attorneys.

I got called once and it was for a child abuse case. I really didnt want to do it . I told them as a father if someone ever touched my kids I would kill them. Not sure why but I was sent home shortly afterwards..

The one time I was called for jury selection I really wanted to get picked because the guy was clearly guilty as hell and I wanted to put him away for a long time. I was dismissed though -- go figure. I was impressed by all the excuses people had for wanting out of jury duty.

Ok, my rant THIS week is:

My sister had surgery last night for an ectopic pregnancy (it was growing in the tube; they had to remove it).

I think, on balance, at the end of your life it’s not going to matter how big your collection of stuff is, whether you have wrinkles, that you don’t weigh as little as you did in high school, that you don’t eat as many fresh veggies as you should, that you watch more tv than you think you should, that your boss is insane, that people have been mean to you, what kind of car you drive, what house you live in, who cut you off on the freeway. I think what matters is that you are good and loving to the people who are important: your family, your spouse, your children, your close friends.

Go out and find your soulmate if you haven’t already and marry him or her (and it doesn’t matter if it’s a him or a her) and have beautiful and happy children. Be good and loving to them and your family; they are all that matter. Forgive them if they hurt you because no one is perfect. None of that other stuff matters.

end rant


Oh, just do a great big bong hit!

You will feel fine!

Yes, I vote for a bong hit.

I've done Jury duty. Double murder trial in Brooklyn. Sequestered jury. Hung jury. One of the most rewarding things I've ever done.

I got called in Pasadena for a rape and assault case. Sat in jury selection for three days. I was the last of the original prospective jurors left. For some reason the prosecution cut me. But I am glad I went.

Think about it. While there were "morons" in that jury box, there was one clear thinking individual there also.
Now someones fate is in the hands of morons...

Do your jury duty people.

You never know, one day your fate might be in the hands of "morons".

Sorry if it sounds harsh... Lifes like that sometimes.

Hows that for a rant?

D.G., Remids me of Lloyd Bridges in Airplane- you picked a h*ll of a time to give up drinking.

On 2005-07-26 16:52, lucas vigor wrote:
Oh, just do a great big bong hit!

You will feel fine!

And what does Bong think about you hitting him? What if he did a big Bass hit, Hmmm? You can only hide behind that dog house for so long, he's bound to catch you sooner or later.

man, i tell you what - i DID pick a hell of a time to give up drinking!!!

it's been a weird and wild summer so far. is it going to calm down or do I need to start wearing a safety helmet every where I go?

I can't address the "bong" comments - the nature of my job requires me to go nowhere near that stuff - but you guys have some hits for me...

On 2005-07-26 14:08, dangergirl299 wrote:

Go out and find your soulmate if you haven’t already and marry him or her (and it doesn’t matter if it’s a him or a her) and have beautiful and happy children. Be good and loving to them and your family; they are all that matter. Forgive them if they hurt you because no one is perfect. None of that other stuff matters.

end rant

Well said.


...how is education supposed to make me feel smarter? besides, every time i learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain. remember when i took that home winemaking course, and i forgot how to drive?

homer simpson
local culture


Hey DG,

Have things been improving for you lately?

On 2005-08-03 06:08, Urban Tiki wrote:
Hey DG,

Have things been improving for you lately?

Yes, thank you!
My sister was only in the hospital for a few days and is now recovering at home. I am going to visit her this weekend.
You TC ohana have been very supportive of me and I appreciate it~

Excellent news. Siblings are so cool...at least when you get old enough to aprecciate them. I used to fight like crazy with my brother and sister when we were young (that's normal), but now that we are older, I treasure the times we spend together.

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