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What's wrong with Jimmy Buffett?

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Thomas posted on 06/10/2005

I've never thought Jimmy B. is "tiki," and I think that discussion is a bit silly.

At the same time, I'm not personally familiar with the psuedo-tiki, "drunken frat boy" scene that so many associate with Buffett. I'm sure it exists, but I don't encounter it. I suspect most "drunken frat boys" nowadays aren't listening to musicians who are a few months away from the age of 60, but I could be wrong.

One sort of "compartmentalized" piece of my social life involves getting together with Buffett enthusiasts and having a good time once in a while. There is a rather remarkable phenomenon called Parrot Head Clubs. I scoffed at this at first, thinking nothing could be lamer than adults being in some sort of "fan club" for some aging rock star (I had no interest in his work at that time). But it so happens the LA, NV, and AZ clubs stage an annual event at one of the resorts around here. I went and was amazed at what I found. Singer-songwriters in the "tropical music" niche genre, performing original material. A highly festive, colorful atmosphere, with many of the participants being quite a bit older than I would have expected. A very mellow "vibe" (I know that's a goofy word, but hey). A "vending" scene that could, incidentally, be of potential interest to some TC'ers. And get this: raffles, silent auctions, etc., all for raising money for charity (Breast Cancer Research). The event raised many thousands of dollars for this and other causes. It might be of passing interest to some that, to quote the official website, http://www.phip.com , "During the Calendar Year 2004 Local Chapters of Parrot Heads In Paradise, Inc. Contributed Over $2.2 Million and 404,690 Volunteer Hours to Various Local and National Charities."

I'm just passing this on in case it is news of interest to someone. You can dislike JB's music and still acknowlege that this is a pretty interesting, shall we say, "sociological phenomenon." I'm not aware that other recording artists have inspired this kind of thing, in which people get together and combine festivity with charity fundraising. I find it pretty impressive.

Riptide posted on 06/10/2005

Hello Everybody, My name is Riptide and I like Jimmy Buffett.

Whoo, I feel so much better now. It's like a giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

One thing to think about: I'm sure that there are a lot of people out there in TCland that are able to make a living off of their creations because people other than us here buy their wares.

Oh yeah, just for the record: I hate vegetables.

Trader Woody posted on 06/10/2005

On 2005-06-10 14:45, Riptide wrote:
Hello Everybody, My name is Riptide and I like Jimmy Buffett.
Oh yeah, just for the record: I hate vegetables.

Me too.

Trader Woody

Thomas posted on 06/10/2005

Ah yes, the Cheeseburger hats. Well, I didn't say I found every aspect of the scene to be "impressive." Speaking for myself, as goofy as I sometimes get, I cannot imagine a scenario in which I would knowingly don a cheeseburger hat. I mean, hey, they look like fine folks, havin' a good time, but dear me... BTW, I think JB has done some fine songwriting over the years, but that Cheeseburger song ... heaven help us.

[ Edited by: tropicalguy on 2005-06-11 02:12 ]

Thomas posted on 06/10/2005

[ Edited by: tropicalguy on 2005-06-11 02:13 ]

alohabros posted on 06/10/2005

all this talk of Jimmy Buffet and I don't believe I ever heard any other tune by this character except for the Magarita song which seems like it came out years ago... his son is named Kenny Chesney, who I believe sings country western songs to disabled alligators in the Everglades... I could be wrong.

mrsmiley posted on 06/10/2005


Ps- the worst margarita I ever had was with the JAB at Maragaritaville in Key West!

Riptide posted on 06/10/2005

On 2005-06-10 15:28, Trader Woody wrote:

On 2005-06-10 14:45, Riptide wrote:
Hello Everybody, My name is Riptide and I like Jimmy Buffett.
Oh yeah, just for the record: I hate vegetables.

Me too.

Trader Woody

I don't know what scares me more: That people actually think that wearing anything patterned after a food product is a good idea; or that Trader Woody actually has this picture.

Nice job, Trader Woody!

By the way, one dude + four ladies = ???

FLOUNDERart posted on 06/11/2005

Hello everybody, my name is Flounder and I too like Jimmy Buffet.

dangergirl299 posted on 06/11/2005

thank goodness!

I was just thinking "you know, I don't know everyone's opinion on Jimmy Buffet! I wish someone started up this new debate" and voila!

I shouldn't wish so much...

Hurricane Vic posted on 06/11/2005

To answer the original question, nothing.

FLOUNDERart posted on 06/11/2005


[ Edited by: FLOUNDERart on 2005-06-13 11:00 ]

ikitnrev posted on 06/11/2005

Last evening I thought of one of the differences between Buffet style tiki and the more vintage-style tiki - I'm not sure if this has been discussed here before.

I associate the Buffet-style tiki with outdoor thatched bars, with an open view to some body of water, where one can watch the sunset. These tend to be located in warmer climates, on the beach, and thus have a 'Spring Break' or a 'I'm on vacation' or a 'I'm rich and retired' vibe to it all.

On the other hand, what I will call the vintage-style tiki bars tend to be rooms with no windows, with a self-contained tiki decor within. Thus the Kahiki, the Mai Kai, D.C.'s former Honolulu, the Tiki Ti, the Omni Hut, and many others would fit within this category. Rather than a 'Spring Break' feel, there is more of the feeling of a local restaurant where you can go and treat yourself to some cocktails and perhaps a meal at the end of a work week, and do that on a regular basis without spending big dollars on a formal vacation. These are the places you could visit year-round, even if it was snowing outside, and have no idea of what the weather or sun conditions were outside.

There are some tiki places that straddle the two - the Emeryville Trader Vics comes to mind. The indoor decor is great, but there are many windows that you can look out and see all the yachts outside, which during the daytime gives more of a Buffet-like vibe to the place. Perhaps the vibe is a bit different at night.

I'm curious - has Buffet ever written a song that takes place entirely within the walls of a more vintage-like tiki bar?


Thomas posted on 06/11/2005

I'm curious - has Buffet ever written a song that takes place entirely within the walls of a more vintage-like tiki bar?
I was going to swear off this topic, but ... I'm not sure I can answer that question precisely but it does remind me that Buffett has a song which is a total send-up (in a good-natured way) of Exotica. Bird calls, the whole bit. He starts out speaking, about how he's in the Tonga Room, at the gateway to the Pacific (SF), and that scattered across the Pacific there are bands that "play like this, and just. can't. stop..." Then it goes into the song ("Altered Boy," on the album "Far Side of the World" (2002)), maintaining the Exotica lounge sound throughout. It's pleasant as far as it goes. "Authentic"? Of course not. But hey, what is? And for that matter, what is "is"? (Just kidding!)

tikifish posted on 06/11/2005

You're right about the windows. Take the Jardin Tiki in Montreal for example. It just doesn't seem... right, despite the amazing decor. Why? GIANT WINDOWS overlooking the busy street its on. Way too much light!

pablus posted on 06/11/2005

Have you guys been reading the Hukilau thread?
Buffett is replacing Drasnin.

Now Flounder will be there for sure.

TikiGoon posted on 06/11/2005

Guess I will take what I can get...

I grew up in St. Petersburg Flordia from 1967 -1976. My folks used to take
us kids over to the Outrigger Inn @ the Sharaton for the Polynesian show all
the time. The memories are a little fuzzy, but I really enjoyed it. When
we moved to Maryland there was the Aloha Inn where my parents would take me
for Polynesian shows. Fast forward to 1990... I attend my first Buffett
show. Hey these guys have fun! Several years of Buffett Tailgates later, I
declare myself a Parrot Head. In the mean time Aloha Inn in Gaithersburg
Closes, Trader Vic's in D.C. Closes. 2001 I spend my honeymoon on Maui and
the guys at work get me to start joining on "Aloha Friday." The Tropical
shirt collection begins. 2003 Jimmy announces his 'Tiki Time' tour. I
begin to reinvestigate Tiki/Polynesia. It was then I stumbled across
TikiCentral and joined. Since then I have built an appreciation for true
Tiki bars, Tiki music and general Tiki culture. My tiki mug collection is
probably over 75. I can make a pretty good Mai Tai. I have some vintage Les
Baxter and Martin Denny LPs as well a mess of MP3s of all kinds of Tiki
Music. That said I still am a Parrot Head. This coming Wednesday I will be
in the Parking Lot at Nissan Pavilion drinking Boat Drinks(hopefully Mai
Tais) waiting to get into the show. I enjoy the escapism achieved by Tiki and Buffett. Buffett is just more readily available.

Mai Tai or Margaritta = Mai Tai
Rum or Tequila = Rum
Margarittaville or Trader Vic’s = Trader Vic’s
Buffett or Martin Denny = Both
Toes in the Sand or Drinking in a Dark Tiki Bar = Both

Believe me when I am able, I take in all the Tiki I can. I have never gone on the road to see Jimmy, but I have been to the Hukilau and added hours or even days to vacation road trips to stop at Trader Vics Chicago, Trader Vic’s Atlanta, the Mai Kai, and WaiTiki Orlando.

I understand and appreciate the view held my many TC members, but don’t hate me ‘cause I love Tiki and Buffett.

Thomas posted on 06/11/2005

2003 Jimmy announces his 'Tiki Time' tour. I begin to reinvestigate Tiki/Polynesia. It was then I stumbled across TikiCentral and joined.
I can relate to your post. Kind of reminds me of my experience with the Grateful Dead, as a fan of theirs in the '80s. Sure, music cogniscenti may have scoffed at the Deadhead craze, but as far as I'm concerned, the GD "pointed the way" for me to further investigate other areas that the Grateful Dead touched: Appalachian roots, Jug Band, R&B, Bluegrass, etc. They were a great "jumping off" point, as is Buffett (who also, if you pay attention, points in all sorts of directions, musically and literarily as well).
Guess I will take what I can get...
Well put!

dangergirl299 posted on 06/11/2005

Man, my parents of all people are becoming Jimmy Buffet fans - they mentioned just last night that when they go to New Orleans next week, they are going to check out the jimmy buffet (restaurant? shop?) I don't know - I tried to block it out.

On a side note, I wonder how many of us would accept an all expenses paid trip out to the Big Island with the catch being the only music you listen to in the condo is Jimmy BUffet CDs?

I know I have, on more than one occasion.

How many times can you listen to "Let's Get Drunk and Screw" while drinking mai tais with your parents before it WARPS your brain??

Ah well, at least I don't listen to the Backstreet Boys...

Kanekila posted on 06/11/2005

I understand and appreciate the view held my many TC members, but don’t hate me ‘cause I love Tiki and Buffett.

Hey TG -- Nobody here hates you (or, if they're true to the spirit of this place, they shouldn't). I know a gourmet cook who admits to the guilty pleasure of sometimes craving a Big Mac! Oh, if his gourmet friends only knew... tsk tsk...

But as I said in an earlier post, it all depends on my mood. Sometimes I WANT brain candy, whoopin' and hollerin' and calypso mixed with country. And then sometimes, I don't.


Hakalugi posted on 06/11/2005

On 2005-06-11 15:09, Kanekila wrote:
Hey TG -- Nobody here hates you (or, if they're true to the spirit of this place, they shouldn't). I know a gourmet cook who admits to the guilty pleasure of sometimes craving a Big Mac! Oh, if his gourmet friends only knew... tsk tsk...

Let's clarify this analogy:

Tiki = Gourmet Food
J. Buffet = Big Mac

RevBambooBen posted on 06/12/2005

I've heard that he has a collection of hawaiiana and poly pop that would put most others to shame. Hmmmm.

p.s. Angus Young plays rock but likes classical. Hmmmmm.

Thomas posted on 06/12/2005

I heard he bit the head off a parrot onstage once.

TikiGoon posted on 06/12/2005

On 2005-06-11 19:05, tropicalguy wrote:
I heard he bit the head off a parrot onstage once.

Yea, but it turned out to be one of those carved ones from Ebay and he chipped his tooth.

Biotron2000 posted on 06/14/2005

Wow! 3 years plus and it gets resurrected. I had no idea when I posted this topic what I was starting...

Elvis-from-Hell posted on 06/15/2005

Jimmy Buffet is the anti-christ.

tikipedia posted on 06/15/2005

If we want to get high-brow about the Buffett vs. Tiki issue, I would say Jimmy Buffett is a more plebian experience as opposed to a patrician Tiki experience. Anybody can 'whip up' a pitcher of margaritas, but it takes care and expertise to make a decent mai tai.

But Buffett is also more of a Caribbean/Mexico experience, and Tiki is Polynesia/Southeast Asia one. The tropical similarities are strictly superficial.

BTW, we went to Jimmy Buffett's restaurant at Montego Bay airport in Jamaica. It had to be the slowest service in the world. Thank God the plane was leaving in only two hours!

On the flip side, we loaded up on Appleton Rum at the Duty Free shop for only $6.00 USD per bottle. Yum!

MTKahuna posted on 06/15/2005


Turbogod posted on 06/23/2005

Buffett fans hurt in gas grill explosion
By O’Ryan Johnson
Thursday, June 23, 2005 - Updated: 09:28 AM EST

Three fans tailgating outside the Tweeter Center's Jimmy Buffett concert dumped gasoline on a grill, causing an explosion that sent them to the hospital, a fire official said.
The fans were among hundreds in the parking lot outside the concert venue when the explosion happened, Fire Lt. Richard Fiske said.
One news report said the fans had trouble starting a grill and dumped gasoline on it in an attempt to light a fire. The gas caused an explosion that injured all three, WHDH-TV Ch. 7 reported.
Fiske said the victims were taken to a ``level one trauma unit'' at Rhode Island Hospital following the 2:45 p.m. explosion.
Police and fire officials did not release the victims' names, hometowns or the seriousness of their injuries.
Buffett's annual summertime show at the Tweeter Center went ahead despite the explosion, Fiske said.

purple jade posted on 06/23/2005

The Tweeter Center...
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Geeky Tiki posted on 06/23/2005

I ran this by my best Tiki buddy and he came up with:

Buffet fans had fun in high school, Tiki fans didn't.

But then he thinks Tiki is similar to Goth in terms of emotional dedication to a lifestyle and relationship to our "uniforms."

I don't know.

Are our Aloha Shirts and liking Exotica on a par with wearing all black and liking The Cure?

I had fun in high school but I don't really like Buffet. Still, I guess I can kind of see what he means.

Being hoity toity about Tiki isn't very Tiki, but then it would get all diluted if it was anything goes, so.....I don't know.

dangergirl299 posted on 06/23/2005

Personally, I'd rather hang out with a bunch of drunk, friendly, beer-bellied parrotheads than folks who regularly lie, cheat and look down on everyone else, but that could be just me.

I try to avoid making fun of the way others dress/music they listen to/drinks they drink/weird objects they spend a whole month's salary on etc. because they could easily say the same about US!

Although I AM fascinated by anyone who orders more than one bottle of white zin in a nice restaurant.

Well, I guess we are all elitists/purists about something.

Tiki-bot posted on 06/23/2005

On 2005-06-23 13:55, Geeky Tiki wrote:

Being hoity toity about Tiki isn't very Tiki, ...

I don't think there's anything wrong with being "hoity toity" about tiki. Just because someone sets their own standard for what is tiki doesn't mean they are actively disparaging someone's collection who doesn't meet their standards.

One of the biggest mistakes people (and by "people" I mean "Americans") make is to think that simply discussing something entails automatically adopting opposing viewpoints. There will always be a "my stuff is better than your stuff" attitude here, but it's gotten so out of control these days. Why is is necessary to become defensive or adversarial about it when you should just be content with your own standards?

Geeky Tiki posted on 06/23/2005

I hear ya Tiki-bot, I was thinking more about how many people need to make a production out of their loathing of something that somehow fails to reach their standard of inclusion.

If something isn't Tiki to someone, that's cool. Save me the hate part, though.

With this Buffet thing, I can't say I've heard enough Buffet to really work up to full blown hatred or feeling threatened, Tiki-wise. I'm stuck at apathy.

Discerning, yes, derisive, no.

Kono posted on 06/23/2005

On 2005-06-23 13:55, Geeky Tiki wrote:
Buffet fans had fun in high school, Tiki fans didn't.

Ouch! :o

I think that this may apply to other common points of polarity that we find in everyday life. PC users had fun in high school, Mac users didn't. Dog lovers had fun in high school, cat lovers didn't etc etc.

On 2005-06-23 13:55, dangergirl299 wrote:
Personally, I'd rather hang out with a bunch of drunk, friendly, beer-bellied parrotheads than folks who regularly lie, cheat and look down on everyone else, but that could be just me.

Ouch!! :o

On 2005-06-23 13:55, dangergirl299 wrote:
I try to avoid making fun of the way others dress/music they listen to/drinks they drink/weird objects they spend a whole month's salary on etc. because they could easily say the same about US!

Well said.

On 2005-06-23 13:55, Tiki-bot wrote:
One of the biggest mistakes people make is to think that simply discussing something entails automatically adopting opposing viewpoints.

Good point (but I edited out the "Americans" part because I think that the disposition to automatically form up into opposing camps is not a distinctly American trait).

On 2005-06-23 13:55, Geeky Tiki wrote:
If something isn't Tiki to someone, that's cool. Save me the hate part, though.

I agree completely! Whether you listen to John Cage or Christina Aguilera don't mean a rat's ass to me. And I won't think any more or less of you for it. Now...the clothes you wear, the car you drive...sure, I may hate you for that!


dangergirl299 posted on 06/24/2005

On 2005-06-23 13:55, Geeky Tiki wrote:
Buffet fans had fun in high school, Tiki fans didn't.

I had fun in high school in a supernerd, overachieving sort of way, but not in a underage kegger/drop out of high school pregnant sort of way. Does that count?

Is it wrong to stay up until 3 am each night to do like 3 times the amount of work required on a project to achieve an A, for no particular reason?

If so, than I don't want to be right.

Tiki-bot posted on 06/24/2005

On 2005-06-23 15:52, Kono wrote:

...Whether you listen to John Cage or...

Or don't listen to John Cage, depending on which piece you are talking about. :)

Biotron2000 posted on 06/24/2005

On 2005-06-23 15:52, Kono wrote:
Now...the clothes you wear, the car you drive...sure, I may hate you for that!


So why is it that they make Fords in Canada, Chevrolets in Mexico, but they make Hondas and Toyotas in the U.S.? :wink: :wink:

alohabros posted on 06/24/2005

invite all parrotheads and Tikiphiles into one large arena. Get them really drunk and then give them knives... see what happens

Captain Morgan posted on 06/24/2005

"invite all parrotheads and Tikiphiles into one large arena. Get them really drunk and then give them knives... see what happens"

I think technically, the last group standing would be the losers. Because the two things the groups have in common is their pursuit of being laid back, and being drunk.

alohabros posted on 06/25/2005

yeah, but... any day above ground is a good one!

Traitor Vic posted on 06/25/2005


I saw the title of this thread (after not paying any attention to it at all for a few years) and thought, perhaps, that it had been announced that Jimmy Buffet had been diagnosed with some sort of horrible (not terminal, but probably voice threatening or disfiguring)affliction.

Talk about a Buzzkill...

floratina posted on 06/29/2005

When we were in the Doo Dah Parade in November, they positioned us in the line of march so that we were right behind a Parrothead unit. They had this huge flatbed truck with a thatched-hut tiki bar on the back of it. One of the guys was saying to Pup that we should all have a beer (or somesuch) until he saw the parrot swinging on a noose from the back of Pup's MaiTaiCycle. "Hey...you guys don't like us..."

naugatiki posted on 07/03/2005

In my town there's a hybrid bar "Jimmy-Tiki" bar that until a few months ago had 3 paintings of tiki mugs on it's windows and when you step inside depending on which way you turn your head you either see a few stray mugs and thatch, a parrot, and a few Bacardi mirrors and posters. The proof of the pudding was when I ordered a mai tai and it came back to me in a bright red hue and the unmistakable scent of grenadine. I went back this week and some classic rock cover band was playing and it looks like the Jimmy Buffet side has launched a successful coup against the tiki.

Rum Demon posted on 07/03/2005

Having just this week sold my beloved sailboat and given up the salty ways of my youth for warm and cozy lubberly homesteading, I can finally bid farewell to the parrotheads.

Having lived aboard for several years, I was constantly bombarded with JB from the Parrothead bar at my marina. Not so much JB music, but "Margaritaville". They apparently had only one CD, a live JB concert and it was rare they played any song but Margaritaville. So I'd be sanding teak in the hot sun for hours on end, and like clockwork, once every 20 minutes or so, they had to play THAT SONG.

I'd blast my own music, but inevitably my CD would end and I'd laugh aloud at the distant strains of JB and his adoring fans singing along from some concert of years past.

My friends were always amazed when they'd come down and see that I wasn't exaggerating.
"Good god. It's that song again, isn't it?"
"Yep.""How many times is this?"
"I think this is #8"
[followed by an awed and perplexed silence]

To top it off, the only thing the damn place ever served?: Cheeseburgers, and not even good ones.

Maybe I'm bitter because I was usually working or reading or trying to watch TV or getting ready to go sailing while these yahoos were perfectly content to get drunk on $4 bottles of Corona and eat greasy cheeseburgers and TALK about sailing while listening to the same damn CD over and over.

Partly as a result, I'm more than content to build a little tiki bar in the darkest room in the basement, sit in it all day drinking Mai Tais, and listen to Martin Denny's greatest hits over and over and over and over...

to each his own,

...and over and over...again.

Haole Kat posted on 07/04/2005

not a thing.

sonofabeach posted on 07/14/2005

I was in a tiki bar in California where several old men talked about carving a tiki from an old piece of palm. Don Ho played on in the background.
One was caughing up flim and hacking constantly. One picking his ass and several times smelling his fingers prior to dipping into the community popcorn dish. One fell asleep. Another looking out the window and flinching his head back and fourth in an attempt to shake the swarm of flies. The last picking his nose, wiping it under the counter and bitching about all the noise across the street. Mocking the way a young man dressed as he cut a big wet fart,vibrating the old mans bar stool and lauhing out loud as he munch on some slightly brown colored popcorn. More butter,more salt. The sleeping guy rose and said. What the hell is that goddam smell. It smells like shit in here.
A few minutes later I walked across the street to the other Tiki Bar which from the outsde looked almost identical in apperance. A young lady and a big smile welcomed me at the door. Buffett playing on. People dancing. Much conversation everywhere you looked. Approched by a lovely woman wearing a parrot hat on her head took my order,laughing and dancing. I guess it's whatever makes you feel good. Real Tiki Bar or a Buffet Tiki Bar. Guess it just depends on the mood your in at the time.

[ Edited by: sonofabeach 2005-07-15 08:09 ]

mrs. pineapple posted on 07/14/2005

ahhhhhh, SoaB, we've missed your profound, intellectual and grammatically challenged musings.

BTW - it's Don HO. Maybe Don HOE is the guy sniffing his finger after each butt pick.

Pages: 1 2 3 110 replies