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Tiki Finds

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Kenike posted on 06/19/2005

Found these yesterday. The TV coconut mugs were 59 cents each!

Unkle John posted on 06/21/2005

See Juno, I told you there are tiki out there in Dallas. The spirit of TV is with you... and me! I found a Trader Dicks peanut mug, a knock off version of your above (Made in china, not OMC.. got two of those) and 4 small Dizknee Land Polynesian Village goblets at Thift Town in Ft. Worth. I think I'm going to hit them up everytime i come to visit.

-one man aspiring to be everyone’s favorite unkle.

My Tiki Lounge http://unklejohn.suddenlaunch.com/index.cgi

[ Edited by: Unkle John on 2005-06-20 22:22 ]

Kenike posted on 06/21/2005

I told you there are tiki out there in Dallas.

I've been finding stuff at that antique store by Love Field that Tiki Matt told us about. That's where that OMC mug came from...the TV coconuts were from Goodwill. Some of the tiki stuff at the antique store is REALLY pricey though...like that Tepco bowl for $75.00! They also had some interesting TV S&P shakers but they were $16.95. They had some nice Orchids bowls for $12.00 I might pick up..but even that's a little high. Still beats Ebay though.

SilverLine posted on 06/21/2005

I just bought this guy today and have been trying find info on it. I was surprised he wasn't in the "Tiki Mugs & More Gallery." I KNOW I've seen this one around SOMEWHERE. Anyone have an idea who made this?


Kenike posted on 06/21/2005

I just bought this guy today and have been trying find info on it

That's an OMC mug. The sticker on the bottom is probably missing.

SilverLine posted on 06/21/2005

Thanks for the info, Juno! That's great!

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 06/21/2005

Silverline - I believe Capt. Midnight has dubbed that one the "flipper mug" and henceforth it shall ever be known.


sumu posted on 06/23/2005

Best tiki finds: a Kelbos coconut mug for $0.45, a koa wood calabash for $0.50, and a koa wood tray for about the same.

Tiki Royale posted on 06/23/2005

Aloha y'all,
So I was lucky enough to be in the beautiful state of Georgia this week and made it to the Trader Vic's in Atlanta. I love this TV's. The bar is small and intimate and the decor is GREAT!!
Anyway, I picked up a Port Light glass... It's the clear red kind with all of the gold paint is intact. and there are no markings.
Are these still in production (they didn't seeem to be using them behind the bar) or does TV's only have the ceramic ones made nowadays?

rodeotiki posted on 06/23/2005

Found this today for 99cents (thats Canadian)

Kenike posted on 06/23/2005

Found this today for 99cents (thats Canadian)

The tiki on that mug has nice detail. Mine looks like a big brown blob.

Rum Demon posted on 06/23/2005

Most thrift stores in my area have started boosting their prices on anything remotely interesting. Though I did JUST pick up this war club for $3. Maybe I overpaid, as there is no carving on the other side. Oh well, can't afford a trip to the islands so this will have to do for now.

Kono posted on 06/23/2005

On 2005-06-23 14:38, Rum Demon wrote:
Maybe I overpaid, as there is no carving on the other side. Oh well, can't afford a trip to the islands so this will have to do for now.


Pffftttt, it's well worth three bucks! Especially since it's apparently one of the last authentic tiki items not to have been exported to Canada. :)

Rum Demon posted on 06/24/2005

Well worth three bucks to me, obviously. Though you are right, it might be good to take a trip up north to snag some undervalued merchandise...


Slacks Ferret posted on 06/24/2005

Yay RodeoTiki!

I'm glad you found something!

Unkle John posted on 06/24/2005

My finds from this past weekend and today:

from left to right: A latern. I don't know if it's nautical or rail road. But it has a green globe. Either way I collect both. A Trader Dicks (made in China) 2nd Version? Two Daga Maui Lu Resort mugs. (I had to give a blood sample for a new job i'm persuing... the tiki gods must have been smiling on me for having to go through that)

Four small Polynesian Village goblets.
AND a working black powder pistol (with octagonal barrel) $5. I got it at a garage sale, and I shot it over the weekend. My father in law has black powder rifles. He's jealous of the pistol.

Kenike posted on 06/24/2005

Nice scores Unkle! I've been looking for those Daga mugs for ages.

[ Edited by: Juno on 2005-06-24 06:18 ]

Humuhumu posted on 06/26/2005

Hanford & I had a lucky day in central Oregon... we stopped in The Dalles, where we didn't find much, and then Bend, where we found a good-sized piece of tapa cloth (!), four Trader Vic's coconut mugs (sans "Aloha") for .50 each, and a great box of swizzles that included three tiki ones. I've posted about the coconut mugs here, with a picture, and the swizzle sticks here, also with a picture.

webwide posted on 06/26/2005

So we finally hit a few garage sales, estate sales and antique stores today. We had scored nothing and were working our way toward the front of the antique mall since they had already announced that they were closing. That's when I saw this really funky, kinda ugly thing on a shelf. $5 seemed a bit steep, but it was definitely Tiki so I was prepared to bite the bullet. Then I looked at the bottom. Well, whaddya know!

"Alli" gold
c 68 by #702
CoCo joe
Made in

I have no idea if it's worth $5 or not, but at least I recognized the manufacturer's name thanks to this board. Our first Tiki!

Dancin' Lizard posted on 06/26/2005

After just telling someone that I never EVER find anything in my area...I find these in one day.

  • The fabic is vintage and is narrow in width. Two yards for $1.50.
  • The wooden bowl is carved with "Hawaii" on the side and has a lid for 50 cents.
  • The couple is just a little statue from wood, headhunter-style people, palm tree and a Hawaii sticker across the top for 50 cents.
  • Trader Vic's coconut bowl with "ALOHA" on the back for $4.00.
  • Coconut purse for 75 cents.
  • Fourteen older hotel and PCC post cards for 10 cents each.
  • And finally, the volcano bowl for 75 cents.]

The volcano bowl is a mystery. Marked Todd Seattle on the bottom and has a molded "E" on the front. No date, the volcano portion is really deep and goes to the bottom of the bowl. I'm thinking maybe Edgewater Hotel? If anyone has a clue please let me know.

I think I'm going to complain more to people about how much I can't find in my area. It seemed to work!!

webwide posted on 06/26/2005

Found a few interesting things today. First, we snagged those tikis at Dollar Tree, and a few other tropical items. Thrift stores were all closed so we hit a couple of antique malls:

4 LP's

  • Hawaii Calls: Favorite Instrumentals
  • Harry Owens - voice of the Tradewinds (beautiful wahine on cover)
  • Alfred Apaka - Sing me a Song of the islands
  • The Magic Islands - Alfred Newman - this one is my favorite so far, just for the cover art. Diamondhead on the front/back, and a full color booklet inside full of pictures, including a lovely wahine, and a glossary of tips on speaking hawaiian! As a bonus, when I pulled the LP out along came a 45 of Alfred Apaka doing Little Brown Gal and I'll Weave a Lei of Stars.

Found an unusual wooden mask that stands about 3 feet tall. Looks pacific, but not Tiki or moai. Black wood w/ slight green tint to carved portions.

The wife also found a New Zealand souvenir Tiki w/ mother of pearl inlay for eyes. From Aotearoa, made out of Kauri wood.


[ Edited by: webwide on 2005-06-26 21:13 ]

Cool Manchu posted on 06/26/2005

I found this the other week. I finally fixed my scanner, so I thought I would post it. I have a high res version if anyone wants a larger image.

Tikiwahine posted on 06/27/2005

Manchu, that's gorgeous!
Thanks fer postin'!

SoccerTiki posted on 06/27/2005

I found a tiki-carver in my own neighborhood! He does all his stuff in his "own style" and refuses to "sell-out"
Check out this...It's a tiki bar with a tiki host!!! Pretty cool (and heavy!)It's almost 6' tall and the stools are about 18"


tikipedia posted on 06/28/2005

I also recently posted how I never find anything. So I decided to do daily sweeps of secondhand shops after work. My finds for the past month.

Left group are thrift shop & garage sale finds:
Four coconut mugs from the Tahitian
OMC pineapple mug from the Outrigger Monterey
Tiki Farm bamboo mug
Unmarked Otagiri-type
Trader Vic's Fogcutter mug
Unmarked mermaid mug
Unmarked Tiki Leilani mug
Two unmarked, Orchids R-1 type mugs
Unmarked Hawaii pineapple cup
Unmarked wooden fork and spoon

Right group are Ebay buys:
Orchids R-74 mug
Two Hawaii Kai Moai mugs
Set of Kon Tiki (Montreal) salt & pepper shakers

CheekyGirl posted on 06/29/2005

I thought these bottle caps were kind of cool. I'm going to make them into earings and a choker.

Got the picture to work, but I don't understand why I can't get the image BIGGER!

[ Edited by: CheekyGirl on 2005-06-28 17:32 ]

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 06/29/2005

Had to fight Doctor Z for this great set of owl mugs at a church rummage sale this Saturday:

Each of them is signed "Mary" on the underside:

So I was looking through my well-worn copy of the BOO later that day...

When suddenly I spot one of my mugs on page 67!

I couldn't help from shouting, "Oh My God!! I just found five pristine Mary Kibby's!" The actual mugs that were used to serve the famous Cinnamon-Coffees at Mary Kibby's DUMPLING-HAUS in Solvang. Rumor has it that you got to take the mug home as a souvenir if you ordered your coffee along with a hearty breakfast of aebleskiver, frikadeller and smørrebrød. But so few of these mugs have ever been found, that the story seems unlikely. And to think that I found five for a quarter apiece! These suckers go for hundreds on Ebay.

My question to Sven is - did you ever hear of more than one Mary Kibby showing up at once? Could these be dead-stock? They appear to be in new condition except for a lot of crazing to the glaze. Are you ever going to release a paperback version of the BOO to be sold at local donut shops?

For you newbies who haven't picked up a copy of the BOO, I'd highly reccomend hunting one down. Even though they're out of print, they still show up on eBay. Sven is just beginning to hit his stride as a writer of American pop-culture, but is still struggling charmingly with the English language at times, as can be seen in the odd-syntaxed title of his 30-page chapter on Macrame Owls:


[ Edited by: Sabu The Coconut Boy on 2005-06-29 01:32 ]

johntiki posted on 06/29/2005

Sabu - you've hit the mother-load! Wow all those Mary Kibby's in one place... the Owl Gods must have been smiling down on you that day! I'd give my right arm just to find one and you got 5 all at one rummage sale - wanna trade? I've got some primo Enesco's and a near mint V. Pfeiffer that I'd be willing to part with!

ookoo lady posted on 06/29/2005

Sabu, you're a hoot! Have you posted your find on Owl Central yet? Those guys are going to go nuts when they see this!

Tiki Royale posted on 06/29/2005

You funny guy Sabu... You cocoNUTS.

tikigreg posted on 06/29/2005

Thanks for sharing Sabu! You really have the Owl-loha spirit! :D

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 06/29/2005

On 2005-06-29 05:15, johntiki wrote:
wanna trade? I've got some primo Enesco's and a near mint V. Pfeiffer that I'd be willing to part with!

John - I couldn't ask you to part with your rare V. Pfeiffer, but I'd be willing to swap for one of your Enesco's. Let's bring our mugs to the Autumn Hoot at Anderson's Pea Soup in Buelton this October and do some nocturnal trading.


webwide posted on 06/29/2005

On 2005-06-29 12:26, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote:
Let's bring our mugs to the Autumn Hoot at Anderson's Pea Soup in Buelton this October and do some nocturnal trading.


You could get arrested for that in Texas.....

johntiki posted on 06/29/2005

Sabu you've got a deal! I just made reservations at the Buelton Day's Inn for Autumn Hoot - I'm staying the entire week leading up to the event so I'll have a prime location for Hootenanny! For those who aren't in the know Hootenanny is when all the owl vendors set-up and sell to all 7 or 8 manic collectors (like Sabu and I) - the cool thing is they really make it "owl-thentic" by opening the doors after dark! I'm already getting psyched! But a word of warning Sabu - if anyone is selling a Fitz and Floyd Great-Horned figurine, it's mine!

ZebraTiki posted on 06/30/2005

The more I read about owls, the more it sounds like tiki...

It turns out Ann Landers was quite the owl collector, and her collection is going up for auction:

Does anyone have a authentic recipe for mouse grog?

Tiki Joe posted on 06/30/2005

Anybody got a used copy of Duke's Hoot Quest for sale?

Slacks Ferret posted on 06/30/2005

Okay boys,
enough is enough. This here is "Tiki Finds"
I suggest you start a new thread fer yr owl finds. Then I'll post the awesome Bestwick I found at Goodwill.

Slacks Ferret posted on 06/30/2005

BTW....anyone see the changes they made to Owl in the Winnie the Pooh ride at Dizneyland?

Tikiwahine posted on 06/30/2005

Yesterday I went to a thrift store I visit maybe twice a year and came home with these:

The "Hawaii..." one is a very lengthly book as well, with all sorts of cool Hawaii info and pictures.
The cover on the bottom right is the back of the one next to it.

Detail of the Hawaiian Swing LP, great tiki. Good thing it's instrumental, the inside of the cover is completely in German.

johntiki posted on 06/30/2005

Hey Slacks! You wanna trade something for that Bestwick!? :)

Pomaika i posted on 06/30/2005
webwide posted on 06/30/2005

I can't believe I just looked at the pictures and read half the posts on all 99 pages of this freakin' thread!

Chub posted on 07/01/2005

Just picked this one up at a local junk store. It's made of red clay and has a handle on the back.

[ Edited by: Chub on 2005-07-02 10:13 ]

Unkle John posted on 07/01/2005

Hey Chub nice find there!

I found this guy a year ago at an antique mall for a few bucks, labeled as "primitavie mug". Same company.

Just thought you'd like to see it. It's also in Tiki quest along with yours.

-one man aspiring to be everyone’s favorite unkle.

My Tiki Lounge http://unklejohn.suddenlaunch.com/index.cgi

[ Edited by: Unkle John on 2005-07-01 00:22 ]

Chub posted on 07/01/2005

Thanks Unkle John, I dig your mug too. I see yours on page 23 of TikiQuest but can't find mine in the book anywhere. It's obviously made by the same people though.

PS. Does anyone know how to turn html back on? When I go to post now, it says HTML is: off just to the left of the Message Body.

Tikiwahine posted on 07/01/2005

Here are some recent finds, and some not so recent ones. The maori guy on the far left I found yesterday along with the pineapple, the 5 little bamboo escargot forks, the crying candle and the 50's chalkware boy. The maori mask on the far right is styrofoam/plastic and does have inlayed eyes like the others.

Unkle John posted on 07/01/2005

WOW TikiWahine, those are awesome. Oh and you are at the top of page 100!! Man this is the best thread on this board, in my opinion.

Chub, I thought yours was on page 23 as well. I looked again and it was a different design. I wonder if Duke ever saw your mug?

Tikiwahine posted on 07/01/2005

woohoo! and I busted 1,500 posts too.
Geeze, maybe I should cut back. ha.

chub that is a totally different mug, never seen one like that before! congrats, it's a great find!

[ Edited by: Tikiwahine on 2005-07-01 13:35 ]

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