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free keyboard between 12 and 5 ET

Pages: 1 1 replies

fartsatune posted on 12/20/2002

This is way beyond tiki but some of you may be home and want to try for a free keyboard and mouse from logitec between 12 and 5 ET today. Normally I just post useless crap so I am hoping to make up for it .. maybe someone here will win..they are giving away 20,000 so the odds should be good! It is open to US and Canada..not Quebec (tabarnac!)Here is the address...

good luck!

[ Edited by: fartsatune on 2002-12-20 01:27 ]

fartsatune posted on 12/20/2002

Please read the rules as it appears you can keep trying to win until a popup comes up saying you won!!

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