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How will you harness the power of Mayonaise?

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Gigantalope posted on 07/03/2005

It's been said that most holidays in the US are the creation of Hallmark. It seems to me that most of what I've been seeing for the 4th (now that the do-gooders have made explosives harder to get) was dreamed up by Miracle Whip or Bestfoods.

How do you intend to usurp the Power of Mayo on this day of freedom?

Shipwreckjoey posted on 07/04/2005

I just captured a 32OZ jar of the vile Best Foods substance that took refuge in my neighborhood Vons saupermarket. I plan on neutralizing it's evil powers by mixing it with cut up cooked potatoes, green onions, hard boiled eggs, dill pickle, black olives & some mustard, salt & pepper and consuming it along with several beers, a couple of hamburgers and a slice of watermelon.

Tikiwahine posted on 07/04/2005

This stuff I use maybe a handful of times in a year. Today, was one of those days.

Tuna melts were on the menu, and they were tasty. After draining the water and dividing it up amongst the drooling, begging pets, a little mayo goes a long way to moisturize said tuna, bread, and cheese combination.

Man I hate cooking for one.

docwoods posted on 07/04/2005

Mayonnaise! The imcomparable ingredient in a slew of dips and dunks that mark the host or hostess as a smart and savvy entertainer.Artichoke dip,crab dip-all would be much the poorer without that magical combination of egg and oil.Bring it on!

finkdaddy posted on 07/04/2005

I like to put it in a shaker with 3 kinds of rum, some orange curacao, the juice from half a lime, and a squirt of almond syrup. Garnish with a lime wedge and a sprig of fresh mint.

Gigantalope posted on 07/04/2005

Finkdaddy, have you ever had to use Miracle Whip in this concoction? Does it have the same verve? Does anybody use this stufF...it seems to have a following fo determined groupies. I buy it because it makes my wife mad.

Macaroni Salads seem to be on the down-swin in picnic feeds. (Three Bean too)

Mayo makes a fine grilled sandwich-exchanging the Mayo for butter.

Look at the time, I better go put my Maynaise flag up.

purple jade posted on 07/04/2005

Here in N.O., it's pronounced MY-nez.

Traderpup posted on 07/04/2005

Sometimes... on a nice hot summer day, I like to go to the park, sit on the grass, and enjoy some cold, right-from-the-package oscar meyer hot dogs, and dip them in the mayo for a tasty hot weather treat. I like to sit in a crowded area of the park, and watch the people watch me......

finkdaddy posted on 07/04/2005

On 2005-07-04 08:51, Gigantalope wrote:
Finkdaddy, have you ever had to use Miracle Whip in this concoction? Does it have the same verve?

Yep, in fact, it gives the drink a tangy zip that using lime juice alone doesn't give!

Unga Bunga posted on 07/04/2005

I like to jump naked in a bath tub full of the stuff.
I call it my "El Sinko De Mayo Day"!

Pepe le Tiki posted on 07/04/2005

I clog my arteries with the following:
MMMM...Mayo with a table spoon of curry, a dab of dijon mustard, a dab of honey and a couple pinches of fresh chopped celantro. (all these ingredients are to taste)
Really good as a veggie, french-fry or chip dip. Good on burgers or hot dogs too!

PS...Happy 4th TC'ers of America!!

mrs. pineapple posted on 07/04/2005

When I was a kid, on the swim team, we used to use Mayo as a hair conditioner. It smelled really gross.

And totally unrelated, I also loved tomato sandwiches with a thick layer of mayo, salt and pepper! mmmmmm.

My roommate a few years ago was a Miracle Whip gal, blech. Can't abide by that stuff.

Tiki-bot posted on 07/05/2005

On 2005-07-03 18:42, Tikiwahine wrote:
This stuff I use maybe a handful of times in a year. Today, was one of those days.

Wait! Victoria? CANADA!? Our government will soon be in touch with you for unlawfully celebrating a U.S. holiday. Can't we even keep our red-blooded American holidays from being out-sourced?

Tikiwahine posted on 07/05/2005

On 2005-07-04 17:04, Tiki-bot wrote:

On 2005-07-03 18:42, Tikiwahine wrote:
This stuff I use maybe a handful of times in a year. Today, was one of those days.

Wait! Victoria? CANADA!? Our government will soon be in touch with you for unlawfully celebrating a U.S. holiday. Can't we even keep our red-blooded American holidays from being out-sourced?

Hey hoser, Canada Day was on the 1st, my mayo day was the third, git yerself straightened out and take off, eh? :wink: Or do you claim the entire weekend for yourself? :P

I should have made myself some Belgium waffles with Canadian Maple Syrup(my weekend specialty), that'd shut you up :wink:

Now I must get oot and a boot, it's quittin' time!

(no harm, tis all in good fun. Tiki-Bot, you and the missus are always welcome in Victoria town, drinks & tunes on me of course)

Pepe le Tiki posted on 07/05/2005

People, People...the solution is quite simple: Extend Free Trade to include holidays!
You can celebrate July 1st and we can celebrate the 4th, this would equal a four day weekend for all. Actually, a full exchange of holidays throughout the year would mean two Thanksgivings and several months with two long weekends, how bad could that be?
We'll even throw in access to Canada's vast reserves of Mayonaise to compensate for increased consumption. :wink:

tiki mick posted on 07/12/2011

I like zimbabwe VERY much!

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