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International Bubblegum Month

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Scram posted on 07/03/2005

October is the pinkest month of the year, with bubblegum music happenings all across the globe.

Is your town represented? If not--why not? We can provide a groovy portable happening to bring bubblegum joy to you and all your friends.

Please visit http://www.scrammagazine.com/october2005.html to take the Bubblegum Queen's geography quiz and get on the mailing list to further announcements.

Scram posted on 07/07/2005

Save the date, bubblegummers--October 7th is the night that LA goes bubblegum-crazy with a fabulous Bubblegum Achievement Award ceremony, a screening of the new documentary "Bubblegum Music is the Naked Truth" by Kier-La Janisse and an original bubblegum marionette spectacular by our host, Bob Baker!

Full ticket price, honoree and performer details are still to come, but if you'd like us to put your name on the reserve list, please email your answers the brief Q&A below and we'll hold your seat(s). There's no obligation, but this will give us an idea of how many people want to attend, how many guests we can accomodate, and if we have enough out-of-town guests to arrange discount hotel rooms. Most of all, it will make sure YOU don't miss out. This promises to be an amazing night of fun and fancy, and the Bubblegum Queen and I very much hope to see you there.

More info is at http://www.scrammagazine.com/october2005.html

Yours pinkly, Kim Cooper, Editrix, [email protected]


  1. your name ___________
  2. number of tickets requested ___________
  3. will you need a hotel room? ___________
  4. do you prefer chair seating, or intensive marionette experience floor seating? ___________

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