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Parents, Aunts & Uncles -SunHats for Little Kids

Pages: 1 8 replies

Monkeyman posted on 07/07/2005

Hey all,

I have an substantial quantity of wide brimmed sun hats for kids 2 to 7 yrs old. I created an ebay listing for them yesterday so that everyone interested could see pics of them and get an idea of sizing etc.

My kids really like theirs. I havent been able to find anything like these hats so I had them imported from Mexico.

If you or anyone you know with little kids might be interested, please pass this link along.

Here is the link to the listing.


You dont need to buy them via Ebay (It was more for advertising purposes), just contact me via PM and we can work out the details.



[ Edited by: Monkeyman 2005-07-07 13:20 ]

Moki posted on 07/07/2005

Gotta love those models!! :lol: :lol:
What attitude!!

tikifish posted on 07/07/2005

Just a hint - when you put a title on ebay, best to use as many words as possible so people can find it. Searches dont look for words in the subtitle unless people specifically ask them to. So someone looking for 'child's hat' might not find it even if it may be exactly what they want!

I'd do something like this: SUNHATS For KIDS CHILDREN SUN HAT CHILD BLA BLA etc

It may sound like you have tourettes but it works.

eel posted on 07/07/2005

you may also want to add.. Beach, summer, swim, youth, etc(for people looking for swim stuff for kids)
or even Eames, SHAG, retro, VLV, vintage, TIKI, for more hits...hehehehe

Unga Bunga posted on 07/07/2005

On 2005-07-07 14:17, tikifish wrote:
I'd do something like this: SUNHATS For KIDS CHILDREN SUN HAT CHILD BLA BLA etc

Like This?

tikifish posted on 07/07/2005

hahah! WTF!!!

tikifish posted on 07/07/2005

Ah you fooled me! I thought that was the real auction for a second, hee hee

Monkeyman posted on 07/07/2005

That Unga.... He's a real trickser. King of altered media.

tikifish posted on 07/13/2005

Hot Baby!

Pages: 1 8 replies