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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki


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AlienTiki posted on 07/08/2005

[ Edited by: AlienTiki 2011-04-01 13:42 ]

AlienTiki posted on 07/08/2005

Mahalo Eric

[ Edited by: AlienTiki 2011-03-08 10:57 ]

alohabros posted on 07/08/2005

can you carve one?

AlienTiki posted on 07/08/2005

Shoots. I have a couple carved. Small kine.
I'll post those pic when I take them. No digital camera. But I'll take some pics and post them soon.


FLOUNDERart posted on 07/08/2005

Cool painting Alien. Let's see some mo.

A little feedback? I think the drawing is tight and the rendering and shading is as well. The only thing I would change is to add some more colors to the grays. I use to do the same thing with grays. If you were to look at a real stone scupture you would be likely to see some tints of browns and even some greens. It's just my two cents.

All in all though it's a great job.

Original Art by
Scott "Flounder" Scheidly


[ Edited by: FLOUNDERart 2005-07-08 10:39 ]

Capt'n Skully posted on 07/08/2005

AHOY there!! Really cool painting-

I love gargoyles, so you're tikified kitty speaks to me...

Tiki-bot posted on 07/08/2005

Nice painting, but isn't it a little far-fethced to call this "tiki" (even "alien-tiki")? Looks more like a piece for "Aztec Gargoyle Central" to me. :wink:

FLOUNDERart posted on 07/08/2005

On 2005-07-08 11:01, Tiki-bot wrote:
Nice painting, but isn't it a little far-fethced to call this "tiki" (even "alien-tiki")? Looks more like a piece for "Aztec Gargoyle Central" to me. :wink:

I think he was refering to his name "Alientiki" Alientiki's art.

AlienTiki posted on 07/08/2005

[ Edited by: AlienTiki 2011-03-08 11:01 ]

AlienTiki posted on 07/08/2005

Sorry definatly not a tiki.
It's a little washed out I'm not a very good Photographer.


[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore - removed religious references - 2005-07-09 14:29 ]

hewey posted on 07/09/2005

Uh, that isnt quite tiki either... :)

The quality of the 1st piece is awesome. Love to see a proper tiki painted in the same style.

Welcome to TC

Mystiki posted on 07/09/2005

Here, kitty, kitty....I love it!


On 2005-07-08 08:01, AlienTiki wrote:
Hi my name is Eric and I'm A tikiholic.
Im new here and I thought I might show off some art.
I realy dig all the art on this forum, some talented people.

Flouder, Miles and Gambino (to name a few) just inspire me.

here's a painting.

"El Gato Monte del Baul" I call it. I know its a mouthfull.

If you click on it you can see a larger image.


Mystiki posted on 07/09/2005

Hence, heregoes it be in the "Beyond tiki" thread. @;-)
OOohhh, is there a Gargoyle Central? Sign me up...

On 2005-07-08 11:01, Tiki-bot wrote:
Nice painting, but isn't it a little far-fethced to call this "tiki" (even "alien-tiki")? Looks more like a piece for "Aztec Gargoyle Central" to me. :wink:

AlienTiki posted on 07/09/2005

Thanks for the kind words,
Tiki-bot,Capt'n Skully,hewey and mystiki it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
What a great community u guys have here.
And mystiki I like your web site.
This image is swell.


kinda fishy very cool.
Aloha @

[ Edited by: AlienTiki 2005-07-09 06:46 ]

Tiki-bot posted on 07/09/2005

Hmmm, not sure if this is the right place to post art like "Immaculate Conception". Seems to cross the line regarding discussion of religion and (at least to me) good taste. There are plenty of "outsider art" sites on the web to post this kind of work.

[ Edited by: Tiki-bot 2005-07-09 11:04 ]

AlienTiki posted on 07/09/2005

[ Edited by: AlienTiki 2011-03-08 11:00 ]

Tiki-bot posted on 07/09/2005

There sure has been a run of "unpleasant" (read: "asshole")"artists" joining TC lately. This is Tiki Central. Re-read the forum desription for "Beyond Tiki". It's not for posting whatever the hell you want. No amount of awards, accolades or words of approval from your mom is going to make it alright to post anything you like here. And if your goal is to seek the approval and support of the TC community for your work by provoking and pissing people off, then you have more problems than I have time to go into here.

There are plenty of other sites to post your work. But, in keeping with tradition for newb trolls like you, you will stay here and continue to post and piss people off til you are ignored, despised, and probably banned. I wish we could could jump right to the end of this one, where you just get bored and tire of TC and never come back.

I have no issue with Thorsten Hasenkamm's brilliant artwork. He has posted his wonderful work here many times and is an established tiki (and non-tiki) artist. You would have known that if you weren't simply looking for something to support your weak-ass attempt to hi-jack this forum for your own ego gratification. Please take it elsewhere.

pablus posted on 07/09/2005

Since you like Miles and Flounder, perhaps you should take a few cues from them on how to approach the less-artistically-enlightened of us when proffering your work.

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 07/09/2005

Immaculate Insemination made my day. really twisted (a good thing, i think). keep it up.

DawnTiki posted on 07/09/2005

wie for not eye kain't C nu-thun :(

AlienTiki posted on 07/09/2005

Tiki bot. I won't need to call you an asshole or talk about your mother to get my point across. The fact of the matter is the thread is called beyond tiki.

"Got something to share that's not Tiki, but you think the members of Tiki Central would like it? Share it here. Lounge, Retro, Swing, Cars, Tattoos, Art, and beyond"
How could you get much plainer than that. it appears as if you have some sort of religious hang ups. There is no need to push your dogmatic bullshit down our throats.

Its sad when old, washed up artist who hit a dead end before their career even starts, have to call names to feel better about themselves. And ride the coattails of much more talented artists.
you're a sad old man. You should be ashamed of yourself.

On 2005-07-09 12:16, Tiki-bot wrote:
There sure has been a run of "unpleasant" (read: "asshole")"artists" joining TC lately. This is Tiki Central. Re-read the forum desription for "Beyond Tiki". It's not for posting whatever the hell you want. No amount of awards, accolades or words of approval from your mom is going to make it alright to post anything you like here. And if your goal is to seek the approval and support of the TC community for your work by provoking and pissing people off, then you have more problems than I have time to go into here.

There are plenty of other sites to post your work. But, in keeping with tradition for newb trolls like you, you will stay here and continue to post and piss people off til you are ignored, despised, and probably banned. I wish we could could jump right to the end of this one, where you just get bored and tire of TC and never come back.

I have no issue with Thorsten Hasenkamm's brilliant artwork. He has posted his wonderful work here many times and is an established tiki (and non-tiki) artist. You would have known that if you weren't simply looking for something to support your weak-ass attempt to hi-jack this forum for your own ego gratification. Please take it elsewhere.

Kono posted on 07/09/2005

On 2005-07-09 12:16, Tiki-bot wrote:
There are plenty of other sites to post your work. But, in keeping with tradition for newb trolls like you, you will stay here and continue to post and piss people off til you are ignored, despised, and probably banned. I wish we could could jump right to the end of this one, where you just get bored and tire of TC and never come back.

No offense, but you're the only one I see pissed off Tiki-bot. That painting reminds me of Ryden and Flounder's new stuff. What does bother me is that we seem to be getting into one of those phases where attacking newbies is the thing to do. If you don't like something just ignore it. Or if you think it doesn't belong here then use that U-Moderate thingy. No reason to give someone new a hard time.

hanford_lemoore posted on 07/09/2005


Please do not post any art of religious nature. Please don't post any art that is supposed to offend.


Hanford Lemoore
Tiki Central

AlienTiki posted on 07/09/2005

Hey no problem. no religous stuff is fine by me.

Wait a second . Aren't Tikis religious?

So lets clear this up. Paganism good or no good?

I didn't mean to get tiki bots pantys all in a wad and I promise not to post any anti christian stuff. Scouts honer.


AlienTiki posted on 07/09/2005

Many Mahalos Kono.

I'm glad you like it.

Humuhumu posted on 07/09/2005

Alright you two -- to your corners.

Tiki-bot -- go a little easier on the new guys, give them a chance to learn how things work around here. Don't assume that they should "get" Tiki Central right out of the gate. And use that U-Mod. (Thanks, Kono.)

AlienTiki -- We ask people to not discuss religion and politics on Tiki Central. This is not because they are not worthy discussions, but because they too often become contentious and don't fit what the TC vibe is supposed to be about.

In general, posts that are designed to attack, offend, or just generally rile shit up just won't win you a lot of friends here. If you aren't here to be friendly, consider whether this is a community you want to be part of.

pablus posted on 07/09/2005
Tiki-bot posted on 07/09/2005

I think we need to look at my progression of messages before accusing me of noob-bashing. I was polite and complimentary in my first message about AT's initial post. In my 2nd I said I personally found it distasteful (fully within my rights to comment on publicly posted art) and I thought the subject matter was inappropriate for Tiki Central, and Hanford agrees. Then AT felt the need to say "If it offends you, good." That, to me, puts him in the "asshole" corner. I thought I was quite clear in saying that there are plenty of places he can go post his non-tiki art, but when someone just wants to be a jerk for the sake of being a jerk, well, there's no stopping them.

AT, you showed your true colors quickly. Keep it up and we'll get to that eventual ending I mentioned earlier. That you apparently need to stomp on others' work, whether you know them or not, for the purposes of pumping up your own sorry self says a lot about you. And I'm not sure where you get off bashing my so-called "religious hang-ups". I don't have any, but if I did, your dumbass statement would be even more offensive. I'm not the one who posted a painting of their "dogmatic bullshit".

I've wasted too much time in the past arguing with fucknuts like you, so I'm done. You can bitch and moan and degrade and call names all you want - go crazy! And in a few days or weeks, we'll never have to hear from a sorry-ass loser like yourself again. Bye!

Kono: I am all for artists, new or old, posting their tiki art here. To say that there's some concerted effort to "bash all noobs" here is ridiculous. It's when they cop that defiant, "I'm an artist man! Worship me!!!" attitude that they need a bitch-slap. They need to upset and disrupt through their art, which is a completely valid form of expression, just not on Tiki Central.

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