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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki


Pages: 1 4 replies

Benehune posted on 07/09/2005

Okay, that was a well deserved lock (alien dude). However, I saw some signature lines that I would love to know how to create. Tiki Bot, I would rather ask you for help than Alien. Please...

Tiki-bot posted on 07/09/2005

Anything you like! Just PM me what you want.

Tiki_Bong posted on 07/10/2005

If I must play moderator de jour, reopening locked threads will get your minute pee-pee smacked.

Benehune posted on 07/10/2005

What? who wants it unlocked, and more importantly, who is smacking the pee-pee.

[ Edited by: Benehune 2005-07-09 21:57 ]

I dream of tiki posted on 07/10/2005

.... And now back to your regularly scheduled TC programming.

Pages: 1 4 replies