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Dallas Tiki ?

Pages: 1 4 replies

Talkie-Tiki posted on 12/20/2002

I’m going back "home" for new years does anybody know of good tiki bars in that area? It can’t be too far out of the metroplex any suggestions

TikiMikey posted on 12/20/2002

Sadly, there aren't even any BAD tiki bars in Dallas anymore. Unless there's a top-secret one that I'm unaware of. Perhaps you could crash a private New Years Eve party that someone might be having in the old Trader Vic's spot, but that's your only hope. (It's available for private parties only.) I think Reever has seen it lately, if I remember his post correctly.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Wishing you a Happy Holiday, nonetheless!

Hold me closer, tiki dancer.

[ Edited by: TikiMikey on 2002-12-19 22:10 ]

tikibars posted on 12/23/2002

Trader Vics, Don the Beachcomber, and Kon Tiki ports all had places in Dallas at one point. All are now gone. Stephen Crane also had his Chapparal Club in Dallas - level of Tikiness in that place is unknown. Anyone have a clue?

I am looking for the address of the old Vic's Dallas location. Anyone have that handy?

Mele Kalikimaka!

TikiMikey posted on 12/23/2002

On 2002-12-23 12:54, tikibars wrote:
I am looking for the address of the old Vic's Dallas location. Anyone have that handy?

Mele Kalikimaka!

It was at the old Hilton Hotel, located at 5600 North Central Expressway (at Mockingbird), Dallas. Sorry, I don't have the zip code at my fingertips, just looked up the current Santa Fe Hotel in the phone book.

Talkie-Tiki posted on 12/23/2002

its in the corner Of Mockingbird and I75
If you know where Southern Methodist University is you can find it

BTW you can rent out the room for private Parties

I'm coming back for new years

(hint hint)

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