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Newbie nimrods

Pages: 1 22 replies

thejab posted on 07/10/2005

These newbies are bringin' me down.

Make them go away Bong!

Tiki_Bong posted on 07/10/2005


They will be given enough rope, and they will subsequently take care of themselves...

tikinoobie posted on 07/10/2005

but we just got here... can't leave yet. Thanks for the invite, though.

RevBambooBen posted on 07/11/2005

On 2005-07-09 18:06, thejab wrote:
These newbies are bringin' me down.

Make them go away Bong!

wussup with the code of conduct?

Tiki Matt posted on 07/11/2005

Wasn't everyone a newbie at one point?

donhonyc posted on 07/11/2005

what's wrong with the newbies?

pablus posted on 07/11/2005

You do misread.

newbie "nimrods" was the quote.

hewey posted on 07/11/2005

Yeah, i hate the newbie nimrods. The old nimrods they're cool in my book. Just don't like any new nimrods is all. :)

Shipwreckjoey posted on 07/11/2005

I like to think of myself as a vintage, old school nimrod. The longer I hang around, the nimmer my rod gets.

AlienTiki posted on 07/11/2005

Its funny that Nimrod has gotten such a bad rep.

I googled the name and this is really what I found. A side from countless blogs and forums where some guy calls another guy a Nimrod to improve his self worth or something.

the rest of the references to a man named nimrod are as follows.
Nimrod was "a mighty hunter before the Lord." he established a great kingdom and founded a number of important Babylonian and Assyrian cities. (Disclaimer: sorry not certain of the writings original source)

Any how I don't hunt or establish kingdoms. but if it makes you feel better you can call me a newbie nimrod.

You Savages.

thejab posted on 07/11/2005

OK, I guess I'm the nimrod because after I posted this I was informed by a friend that many of the new members who post stupid topics are old members who create new identities to rile people up. It worked on me. Duh, call me gullible, I never thought of such a thing.

My apologies to all the members, new and old, I may have offended by my inappropriate post. What can I say except I was in a bad mood that day.

Moderators, please delete this entire topic.

tikinoobie posted on 07/11/2005

Apology accepted... now wipe the schmootz off your grill!

We're all here to learn new things and have fun! Everyone helps make TC really great!

(and, frankly, from what I've seen so far Hanford has done a really great job...)

[ Edited by: tikinoobie 2005-07-11 11:46 ]

Tiki_Bong posted on 07/11/2005

I - Tiki Bong 2000 - was NEVER a tiki newrod. I was born and bred tiki, or as they say 'hanau a hanai'.

Now, drop and give me 50!

ZebraTiki posted on 07/12/2005

On 2005-07-11 10:51, thejab wrote:
I was informed by a friend that many of the new members who post stupid topics are old members who create new identities to rile people up.

Some people have way, way too much free time.

They should be more concerned with critical details such as if one can be a new member or an old member, wherein lies the the middle-aged member? How does one know when they've stopped being new and are suddenly old? (as far as membership goes.)

mrs. pineapple posted on 07/12/2005

Are you talking about the booze grubbin newbies, or just the newbie nimrods?

Benehune posted on 07/12/2005

you know you are middle-aged member when you are a snooze grubbin newbie.

Slacks Ferret posted on 07/12/2005

I'm a middle aged member

hiltiki posted on 07/12/2005

I think you are a middle-aged nimrod when you get on shout and the old school nimrods acknowledge your existence. And you personally look down on newbies.

RevBambooBen posted on 07/12/2005

I wish so hard that I could have a star next to my name but I'm afraid I'll get dis-membererd if I go off and tell someone to fuck off! That code of conduct is holding me back. Can it be re-writen ???

I have a shit load of "Real" old tiki info to be told but.................

If I can't swear I can't be real. I am who I am. If you can't take it, then bye bye!

sonofabeach posted on 07/12/2005

On 2005-07-11 10:51, thejab wrote:
OK, I guess I'm the nimrod because after I posted this I was informed by a friend that many of the new members who post stupid topics are old members who create new identities to rile people up.

NO! NO! Your kidding "Right" Never heard of such a thing. I am very disappointed hearing about this.
I think everyone should delete at least two or three of their screen names. Just to show your dedication in an attempt to end this type of activity.
On second thought, never mind. There would only be a few members left with no one to talk or bitch at. Think of the overall loss of Grand Members alone. Hanford would be bankrupt in a month. A freakin ghost town in a week. Death rate would skyrocket, robberies on the increase, stalking your neighbors. No telling what you would do if you lost this forum. Besides, I enjoy talking to several personalities at once. Makes it very interesting.

onlygoodvibes posted on 07/12/2005

Welcome back.

sonofabeach posted on 07/12/2005

On 2005-07-12 07:57, onlygoodvibes wrote:
Welcome back.

Thank you. I missed everyone. I see a new member SobSob has been filling my shoes while I was in California. Had a great time. Can't wait for our next visit.
Met some of the local tiki professionals in the area. Nice people. A little off the wall at times. Never the less enjoyed the visit. Would have loved spending more time with the guys. OOOOOOOPPPPPSSSSS! I edited this.

[ Edited by: sonofabeach 2005-07-12 08:39 ]

freddiefreelance posted on 07/13/2005

On 2005-07-11 03:01, AlienTiki wrote:
Its funny that Nimrod has gotten such a bad rep.

I googled the name and this is really what I found. A side from countless blogs and forums where some guy calls another guy a Nimrod to improve his self worth or something.

the rest of the references to a man named nimrod are as follows.
Nimrod was "a mighty hunter before the Lord." he established a great kingdom and founded a number of important Babylonian and Assyrian cities. (Disclaimer: sorry not certain of the writings original source)

Any how I don't hunt or establish kingdoms. but if it makes you feel better you can call me a newbie nimrod.

You Savages.

You didn't read far enough: Nimrod was the Poster boy for Hubris, he was King of Babel, Erech, Accad, Nineveh, Resen, Rehoboth-Ir and Calah, all in the land of Shinar. Babel being the most important of these towns, and was where legend says he built a tower to challenge JHVH.

The modern American usage of Nimrod is usually traced to a Bugs Bunny cartoon where Bugs sarcastically refers to Elmer Fudd as Nimrod.

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