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thrift store score

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hula hula posted on 12/22/2002

I was feeling a little lucky today so I took a little trip down to the local thrift store,
and look what I find myself,My first velvet painting, for a whooping $6.99!!
The girl at the shop said there was 3 of them , but she had bought 2 and could'nt afford the last one.
I told her if she wanted to sell, call me,it never hurts to try.

first shot of how it looked when I bought it.

and now how its on display

Im really running out of wall space. :)

fartsatune posted on 12/22/2002

Great score!!

GECKO posted on 12/22/2002

ho nice one Hula! I went shopping today too at da local thrift/antique store and I get a few vintage postcards and photos. nothing big but it was fun.

this is a old Hawaiian Village, Waikiki PC

this is a pc of the old bar called "the willows" on Hausten Street Honolulu HI. Looked like a pretty cool place to have a drink ya. Glass fish floats hanging all around.

I have an extra one of these if anyone would like to trade an extra trader vic post card? or other tiki bar.

this is a black and white photo with a little paragraph taped to the bottom. I know this is old because the paragraph says the tiki is a popular photo spot for tourist at the international market place but that tiki no longer is in the international market place.

check out this vintage picture of da kine over on da big island. old square kodak picture. what year did they use these size photos?

all dis fo $4. good deal.

bamboo ben posted on 12/22/2002


Talkie-Tiki posted on 12/24/2002


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