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Bamboo Gardens of WA ~ big tikis!

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dogbytes posted on 07/12/2005

i was suprised to find a pair of tiki today! they're at least 8 feet tall.. i only had my camera phone .. they flank the entrance to the garden. the sales guy said the bosses daughter got them from her dad, who brought them back from "polynesia" i think thats what he said.. i'll find out more..

and the other tiki

i'm going back tomorrow to buy the black bamboo and some grasses ~ to decorate around my spitting moai fountain by Seamus!

Exoticat posted on 07/12/2005

Those are cool.

Yeah...last chance to spiff up the Rongo Rongo room before I get there...ha :wink:

monkeyskull posted on 07/13/2005

Where is this place, Dogbytes?

dogbytes posted on 07/13/2005

5035 - 196th Ave NE
Redmond WA 98074

i didnt get a chance to return (i'll go friday instead) for my 'boo and more pix.

btw: there are cheap cheap pots at bamboo hardwoods!


woofmutt posted on 07/14/2005

If yah live in the Jet City area Bamboo Gardens is an excellent (maybe the best) source for live bamboo and bamboo info. I actually haven't been there in a couple years (No tikis then) but the grounds were pretty cool with a couple fully mature timber bamboo groves and many fully mature bamboo varieties. They also sold several kinds of bamboo fencing, cut bamboo, deer scareers and other fountains. A friendly and knowledgable staff. Well worth the trip.

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