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Stentiki thanks you for your thoughts and prayers! - Updated 8/1 4:15 a.m.

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Hang in there Arty, You are obviously much loved. I look forward to meeting you.

Sending healing vibes in Arty's direction....

Stay strong, Arty. We'll be thinking of you.
Johnnie and Lady Velour

eel posted on Wed, Jul 13, 2005 11:03 AM

My prayers are with you both, come home safe and strong. Eel/Laney


I'm not sure if I should be posting this but here goes. Arty REALLY NEEDS our thoughts and prayers

Well, I am glad you did, Ben. Thanks. I know too well how serious it can get and the more info on Arty's situation the better.

Arty, Arty, Arty...get better, man. Thinking about you, hoping for the best.



I don't know Arty, but we will be sending some rum-soaked tiki thoughts and good wishes his way this evening from our Tiki bar. Get well, Stentiki!

My heart goes out to Tina. I hope she's surrounded by friends and family, and that it gives her some comfort to know how many people are pulling for them.


'Olu'olu Lapa'au Koke!
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.


Just logged in after too many days away! Stentiki & Tina, you have a lot of positive vibes being sent from all over the world! Stay strong & keep fighting! Peace & Love!
Greg & Cyndee Summers


I haven't met stentiki, but when I do - I hope he and I can trade hospital stories and then talk about our separate journeys back to good health.

C'mon, braddah. Come back to us soon.

Tina, I know you're holding his hand as much as possible. That physical communication is important - as both Angela and myself have learned, both of us having been in emergency rooms this year - and through prolonged recoveries.

Hope to meet you both sometime this year.


Our thoughts, prayers and well wishes go out to Arty and Tina. Now hurry up and get well! You've got more mai tai's to drink!

~The "mug" Family

I haven't met you yet Arty but I look forward to a drink & a chat at a future TC event!!
Take care and we wish you a speedy recovery!

Arty, I too haven't had the pleasure to meet you yet. You're way too young to move on the the great island in the sky. TC won't lose you if we can help it. Deepest thoughts, best wishes, and lots of love and energy to Stentiki, wahine & family.


Give 'em hell, Arty!

My prayers and wishing you the best of luck.

Sending my positive vibes yr way Stentiki!
Hope you pull through quickly

On 2005-07-13 01:05, SugarCaddyDaddy wrote:

For those of you that haven't met them yet, here is Arty (Stentiki) & Tina:

Photo by TikiGreg.

They are a great pair! Really.

Keep those thoughts and prayers a comin'!!!!

Arty is the one who coined/named me, "Rev" Bamboo Ben.

I played a trick on a few of you and Arty and Tina a few years ago and said I was turning 40. Arty and Tina brought over the hill stuff to the party. It was classic to tell them I was only 38. We had good laughs!!!

Double post, triple post, any post!! He needs us 24/7 !!!

If any of you are into old Punk Rock, whip out ye' old Bad Religion, play it loud and proud, cause they are his fave.He needs to hear it!

Keep the positive vibe going!! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!

I remember a few Oasis's ago when room # 135 had it's "founding night" Mrs Boo and I showed up with beer. He was all stoked to get off the rum for the rest of the night. We had a great time. It's on video. "Shake it up Baby!! Scream and Shout!!!!" It's classic!!! Find the video!! He hated seeing it but it was way too cool!! It is like, This dude knows how to have a fun freakin time! Let it all hang out!!

And the O.C. mini crawls..........oh man. oh man. This will be another post.

He has a new boat and named it the Kon Tiki. We've talked many times about going out but we've always had cross schedules. We'll make time, this time for sure!!!. I can't wait to tell him that the guys from the "Kon Tiki" in Tucson Az. were at the shop yesterday.

I know most of you aren't into football but Arty is into RAIDER-NATION! My brother in law was in ICU for 7 weeks this year. He is a Raider Fan. Chongo did us some stickers and it seemed to put mega possitive vibes on the sitch. We put, Raiders, Jumbo's Team. Now, we need "Raiders Arty's Team!"

Just had to get a few things off of my mind so I can make room for some more positive thoughts for my/our bro Arty.
Hang in there buddy. Hang in there!! Hang loose!!! Just hang in there!

We love you man!!

Arty, Haven't met you but from the sounds of all your friends here on TC, you sound like a great guy. Any Tiki lover who needs some well wishes should get them. We wish you a speedy recovery and hope you get better soon!!
Good luck and all the best, Dan
Taboo Tiki

uncle arty,

emilia and i really enjoyed the couple of times you were in our home (if you can brave NJ transit, then recovering from this heart attack'll be a piece of cake). emilia asks about you often.

our thoughts are w/ you & tina,
tiki chris

p.s. for those of you who have not had the good fortune to meet arty, he sincerely is one of the nicest & most personable people i've ever met.

I just thought I'd pop in again to keep the positive vibes coming. C'mon Arty, keep up the good fight- there's a Mai-Tai at the end of this ordeal.

Arty, Tina -- my good thoughts have always been with you. Focus on healing, knowing you have a large caring ohana here to support and help you out any way we can!

Wishing you well here from the 805.......

Though we have never crossed pathes, I too want to float some positive energy and thoughts to you guys,
Arty and Tina! Adding mine to mix with your Northern California ohana!!

Arty is the only guy I know who is a founding member of a TC chapter of a city that is over 3000 miles away from his home! Its that spirit that will motivate his recovery.

ben, arty had me convinced that I had to watch the raiders one sunday when he was in NY, instead of our normal tiki activities. I think his argument was a winner due to the fact that the raiders are pirates, ergo tiki! what a crafty dude!!!

tina and arty, thinking of you today xoxoxo

Posting the good thought. Positive reenforcement sent.


Arty and Tina

The tiki torches are being kept lit for you guys.

Hurry back to HB

The Trustar Ohana

To Uncle Arty and Tina,
I hope you know how many friends are pulling for You Arty! The Ohana Mana is bigger and more powerful than you may think!!! You have a very large support crew even outside your imediate family and friends. That includes of course all of us here at the House of Tiki sending out our prayers for a speedy recovery. It's just not fair that you have to go through this rather than someone much more deserving (hmmm... let's say for instance the terrorists in London perhaps?) ...Well, your strength and courage will surely get you through this and back in tiki action soon! We love you Arty! Get well quick! Wes and the tiki crew at HOT


I love you, Uncle Arty + Tina. Stay strong. You are wonderful and giving people. Very special Ohana.
Please get well soon.
Manic Cat

  • his heart is now beating on it's own*

Ok, that's moving in the right direction. Baby steps for now...baby steps. Next thing I wanna hear is they get him off the ventilator, got to keep them lungs strong. Then, out of that blasted CCU!

Glad to hear some positives. More mojo for Arty.



Keep it up Arty, baby! Go, go, go! OK everyone, take a deep breathe and wish it over to Arty. Kinda like clapping for TinkerBell only we're breathing for Arty.

Come on Arty, we're here for you and Tina. I need to toast a Mai Tai with you as soon as possible. Hang in there.

Nothing but the best of wishes and hopes for a full recovery from the Gardener household to you.



Back again to keep the home fires burning for Arty and family.HEart working on its own shows Arty has the will power and tiki is behind him and pushing for all it's worthWant you to be HappyHappyHappy.

I also have not had the pleasure of meeting you Arty. All of us at T.C. send you best wishes on a healthy speedy recovery.


Arty... Arty... Arty!!!


Why do bad things happen to good people? Arty, this is just a minor setback for you. You will recover and be as good as new. My thoughts, prayers, best wishes and all the mana I can spare go out to you.

Rock N Roll Baby!!

(from page 1 just in case)
Update 7/14 1:30 p.m. PDT

Great News!!! Tina left a message on our home phone, I just checked it from work. Arty had a very good night last night, and his heart is now beating on it's own. They took out the pump that was keeping it going, and he now just has a pacemaker. He's still on a ventilator, though. They also started taking him off the heavy sedatives, and slowly bringing him out. He was semi-conscious this morning, opened his eyes, and he's responding to stimuli. Woo Hoo!!

The message machine cut Tina off, so that's all I got for now, but I will try to call her again later. Please keep those well wishes coming, as they are working wonders folks!! Mahalo, Mahalo, MAHALO!!!

Yee Haw!! Great News!! Go Arty! Go!!!

Was just checking out the new and incredibly improved fast TC Search last night and this a.m. for old posts via "Stentiki". Man, we had some fun posts back then. My scanner is screwed up but does anyone have any pics from the first O.C. Mini Crawl? And or any other pics of Arty?

" The wheels on the bus go round and round!!! " Remember that one Bong?? Classic!!!

Keep up that Positive Vibration !!!

It's working in Arty's Favor and all of ours too!


Praying your recovery will be swift and sure! Hang in there Arty!

I am so glad for the good update, you go, ARTY!!!!!!

I got a Meow-Tai waiting for you when you are out...

Here's Arty mixing, at my old "bar-in-a closet", in New York on one of our NY Crawls, what fun!


Get Well Soon
The gang at Otto's Shrunken Head NYC is rootin' for you!

Great news, but we'll be keeping those good vibes coming.


Arty, come on outta' there. When you get out and are convalescing, I'll give you free tiki carving lessons, so hurry up and get better.

Praying for you bigtime here, Arty and Tina. I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you yet, Mrs. Stentiki, but you've got a great husband there. I'm looking forward to his next visit out Texas way and even more, to hearing about his full recovery.

Big hug from Houston,
alice b


Go! Go! Go!

Stay Strong!

Uncle Arty told me once that he felt that he was blessed with the ability to bring people together. In his time of need, I am so glad to see all of Tiki Central coming together for Arty. He works so hard to create this Love! FEEL THE LOVE, ARTY!!! You bring so many people together!

Get Well, my Tiki Brother.



I've been in touch with the Right Reverend Bamboo Ben and Mrs. Boo quite a bit lately, and I've come to find out that Arty is a die-hard Raiders fan. So for the time being, I'm going to usurp the moniker of the Oakland team, and henceforth, it shall be known as ARTY Nation!!

Let's hear some cheers for Team Arty!!!

Give me an A... give me an R... give me a T... give me a Y

What's that spell? ...ARTY!!!

What's that spell? ...ARTY!!!

What's that spell? ...ARTY!!!


(Please post your cheers below!)


Cheers for Arty?

Shall my presence in my Jr High Cheerleader outfit be needed? I am ready at a moment's notice to crank out a few chants, bust a move or two. Keep me in mind. I can bring it!

Well, perhaps Arty is better served by me simply continuing the positive vibe. Think good thoughts, hope for marked improvements, say a prayer, chant something, yodel, buy a lottery ticket, wave a dead chicken over your head...whatever. Just keep Arty in your mind during the day, think positive.

Can't hurt.


TEe...Tee......tee...(echoing effect)


Good thoughts going out to you and your family Arty. Hang in there.


Please be safe and our thoughts are with you
Jim and Jessica

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