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Number Six-Harry Potter and the HBP

Pages: 1 9 replies

docwoods posted on 07/17/2005

Well,I'm finished...and blown away!Worth the wait and then some.Got the books last night-stayed up until almost two,and then had to take a break for some sleep-JK has really topped herself-reads right along,more questions answered-surprises-it feels like I've gorged on a wonderful,highly awaited dinner for two years,and finished it off way too quickly.I need a cigarette now.

Palama Tiki posted on 07/17/2005

my wife picked up her copy today; she's been reading since we got home.

PapeToaTane posted on 07/17/2005

OK!! Let's all promise - NO SPOILERS POSTED HERE!!!! :) I got my copy at Noon today, and I'm just past halfway through!! I'll be done by tomorrow for sure - tonight if I end up with insomnia!! It sure is good!

Tiki-Kate posted on 07/17/2005

I finished it last night, and it was very well done.

I had planned to take the entire weekend to read it, but I couldn't put it down.

I'll probably read it again in the next week or two.

J K Rowling is one of those authors that I can't stop reading. I have a few others. Orson Scott Card, Lois Duncan, Beverly Cleary, L M Montgomery, Douglas Adams, Carolyn Keene or The Stratemeyer Syndicate (whichever.)

I've read the Harry Potter books at least three times a year since 2000 when one of my neices got me hooked.

I wonder if Rowling will really stop after the 7th book.

mrs. pineapple posted on 07/17/2005

I repeat.... NO SPOILERS! I haven't got it yet...

I think any writer who can get 12 year olds to put down thier gameboys and read giant books, should get a medal!

Benehune posted on 07/19/2005

As should any kids' book that makes me pick up a dictionary.
Okay, I finished today, when is #7 due?

PapeToaTane posted on 07/19/2005

Tried to pace myself and make it last - no good!! Finished HBP this morning over coffee. Now, as always, the "second reading" is underway as I have started listening to Jim Dale's "Book-on-Tape" version.

docwoods posted on 07/19/2005

I'm reading it for the second time also.Can't wait to trade ideas and theories after everyone has read it who wants to.

Fez Ape posted on 07/22/2005

It has been a couple of days now since I finished it, and well, I am still somewhat, well not sure what, is it just me or was this such a huge departure from the last 5 books?
It seems J.K. threw the whole formula of how she wrote the Potter books right out.
It was a great read, but left me stunned and confused with the ending. And pondering the future of the Year 7, how soon will it be here?!?! And why must it end there?

Tikibelle posted on 08/03/2005

Just finished! I know, it took me longer then normal, but I got it late and have been ultra busy. Is anybody ready for a spolier thread? I want opinions.

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