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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food

Bar Recipes

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ok so I did a search and well I don't get along with the search so here goes.....

I was hanging in a bar last night and came up with this quetion that I know pose to the mixologist and other......We all know that either you go to a respectable Tiki Bar or someones home to get a good tiki drink or you just avoid them.....a bad mai tai is a horrible thing.....Well I was wondering if anyone had any recipes that we could give to a regular bar that could be made from a regular bar stocck......like a decent Zombie recipe you could get at say a pub.....

Tiki Bar Recipe:

1 part bamboo
1 part thatch
3 parts booze
3 parts tiki
2 parts good friends

ok, so I'm cheeky today.

The drinks made in regular bars are always made with regular stock, which is why they suck!
There should be no sweet and sour in a mai tai!


There are a few drinks in the Grog Log and Intoxica that have pineapple juice, grapefruit juice, or OJ, and no fresh lemon or lime juice. Some of these may be suitable for a regular bar.

Look through your copies of the above books. If you don't have them buy them here: http://www.tikibosko.com/

Or do as I do and just order a beer or highball. Unless I know the bar can make good cocktails I won't even order a manhattan there.

well what spawned it is a bar I frequent had just got Salor Jerrys in.....I like it so there......and I was reading the lil recipe tag that comes with it and had the bartender (a friend as all should be) make me the suffering bastard and the navy grog.....now the bastard wasn't horrible but not right either.....and the grog tasted like a weak rum punch......but if we could compile a list of some good bar alternative recipes then if your stuck at a regular bar your set.....or I am smoking crack and this all in my head


Sorry to say, unless it is a bar that has been doing drinks for some time, like decades, you would find it hard to walk into any regular bar and order even a semi-decent drink. My belief is that, that is why places like Tiki Ti are such historical landmarks is not only the decor but their ability to make a drink the way it should be made. Another way to look at it is, how often does someone walk into a bar and ask for a Mai Tai, or a Zombie, two of the most common tiki drinks, and yet I would safely assume that 9 out of 10 times the bartender will give a puzzled look about what you want. I do think it would be cool if someone could do a pocket tiki drink guide that you could carry in your wallet say with the top 10 drinks that like you said would be able to be made in any bar anywhere and most most important TASTE GOOD. Sorry for the soap box moment.

now there's an idea ~ Grog Log Flash Cards!

i did find Cocktail Flash Cards 142 popular drinks. but who knows if they're tried and true...

there's several sites where you can download drink recipies to your PDA, but once again, not sure i trust 'em the way i do Beachbum Berry!

Sven gave us a little BoT, now we need portable drink instructions!


the hard part is to find bar substitues for the common ingredients........which of the cheaper rums will substitue ok etc.........if nothing else it could be alot of fun trying


Ever wonder how many tries it took to get your fav drink to taste just perfect? Kind like lics on a tootsie pop. :wink:

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