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Stentiki thanks you for your thoughts and prayers! - Updated 8/1 4:15 a.m.

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I'm bringing this back to the top, as I think Arty is going to be OK. Keep the good thoughts and vibes and prayers coming!!

Fuck Ya!!!


Keep it up Artie. The East Coast is waiting to see yah.

Can't finger out how to post the god damn entire post but go into the "new and improved TC search" and put this in.

The Return of Shecky #88 (and or- Stentiki)

It's a classic if you exchange our bro Artys/ Stentiki name and take out the Shecky name while reading it.

We've had a "pisser of a week!!!" Just want to thank ALL who are THINKING of our Arty and Tina.

you ALL Rock!!

This is wonderful, wonderful news! Coming off the ventilator is a really huge hurdle. Poor Arty's body has been through hell and the recovery won't be a cakewalk, but if he's made it this far, he's one strong mofo.

Keep getting better, keep getting stronger Arty, we're all waiting to throw our arms around you.

SES posted on Fri, Jul 15, 2005 10:33 PM

WooHoo! Great news! :)

Keep the updates coming. I keep checking for more.

Is there a place to send actual cards and stuff now that Arty can look at them himself? Is anyone going to see him when he can have visitors or who could at least drop something off at the hospital?


Right now there's no way to send cards and such to Arty, but here's hoping that over the weekend they might move him to a regular room. This is just all my hopes, and we have to wait for the next update to get the actual situation. The second there's news that he's ready to receive well wishes directly, I'll post an address. As far as visiting, I'm going to make every effort to get out to see my good friend as soon as he's ready. But I'm sure the line is going to be forming behind Bamboo Ben! :)

That's terrific news that Arty's breathing and heart-beating on his own, and now even talking! Way to go, big guy!

Rain posted on Sat, Jul 16, 2005 7:02 AM

yikes, way to come in too late, rain.
best wishes and good juju to arty in the home stretch!

tikigreg, thanks so much for the updates.

uncle arty, stay strong.

....was just thinkin' that Arty is going to have quite the scar. Maybe we could persuede him in the future to get a tattoo of an anchor over it. Turn him into a pirate! Then he will be ARRRRRRRRRRRRtee.

When he is recovered and resting at home, I will pass him the "torch of the Arrrrr."

( I might barrow it back once in a while but I'm pretty Arrrr-ed out as of late. Leaning more towards Ughhh. )

Captain ARRRRRRRRRRtee of his ship the Kon Tik-eeeeeeeee.



yeay, I'm happy to hear that Arty is off the ventilator and breathing on his own and even talking. He can get a word in edge wise with BamBen around? We're here for ya' Arty c'mon back home.

I don't think we've met but I bought a mug from you a few years ago. I'm taking it off the shelf tonight and will drink to your health and speedy recovery.

I've logged a lot of hours in various hospitals in the past three weeks. No fun. I hope he gets out soon so he will no longer have to smell the combination of lysol products and beef bouillion soup. Nothing like finally being able to breathe on your own, only to smell that horrid hospital smell!

doooh, just got TC access today... arty/stentiki, be good! we send superior mana in your directon...

Kono posted on Sat, Jul 16, 2005 4:35 PM

I'm very glad to hear you're doing better Arty. I don't really know ya, but I've been keeping you in my thoughts. Hope to see you healthy and posting here soon.


Believe me,the good thoughts keep on coming...

One more for today/tonight.............

Live if you want to live
That’s what we got to give!
Got to have a good vibe!
(yeah! irie)
(positive vibration, yeah! positive!)

If you get down and you quarrel everyday,
You’re saying prayers to the devils, I say.
Why not help one another on the way?
Make it much easier.

Say you just can’t live that negative way,
If you know what I mean;
Make way for the positive day,
’cause it’s news (new day) - news and days -
New time (new time), and if it’s a new feelin’ (new feelin’), yeah! -
Said it’s a new sign (new sign):
Oh, what a new day!

Pickin’ up?
Are you pickin’ up now?

yeah! (positive!)

*positive vibration, yeah! (positive!)

This goes out to everyone on TC, also. TC is a beautiful place. It's really awesome how people can come together in a positive way. Arrrrrrrrr!!

Once an hour on the hour I say this get well immediately mantra:

Aloha! Mahalo! Hang Loose brah!
Here's your positive mana and support right back at cha.

This is the first time I've been able to get onto the web since I arrived here in Oahu last Tuesday. I'm glad that Arty's on the mend - Frank & I will dub a mug the official "wellness" mug and send it to Arty. I'll do a "wellness Tiki mantra" chant here on Oahu and Frank will do the same back at the office before sending it. Get well Uncle Arty - our thoughts are with you.

Today's thoughts for Uncle Arrrrrrrrrrrtee.


p.s. wouldn't it be cool if APE did this song???

I don't believe we know each other, Arty, but you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. You will be better in no time!!

Great news about Arty- keep up the good mending.

It's great to see all of the outflow of love and support from the TC gang.

Hopefully, we'll be able to send cards and stuff soon.

On 2005-07-17 21:46, RevBambooBen wrote:
Today's thoughts for Uncle Arrrrrrrrrrrtee.


p.s. wouldn't it be cool if APE did this song???

Fred Schneider of the B52s covered it on his last solo album, Just Fred. Imagine Fred Schneider, backed by Deadly Cupcake (which features Russell Simins from the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion on drums, Rick Sims of the Didjits and the Supersuckers on guitar, and Tom Zaluckyj of Tar on Bass), with Steve Albini of Big Black, Rapeman & Shellac running the board, covering a Pop chestnut by Harry Nilsson, who's more famous for writing & singing the theme from Midnight Cowboy...

Here's another quick lyric that Ben forgot, the Bad Brains' "PMA (Positive Mental Attitude":

Don't care what they may say we got that attitude. Don't care what they may do we got that attitude. Hey we got that PMA (positive mental attitude). Hey we got the PMA. Hey we got the PMA.

Rev. Dr. Frederick J. Freelance, Ph.D., D.F.S

[ Edited by: freddiefreelance 2005-07-18 07:11 ]


Heres my daily word for today... Get Better Arty, and be a bit quicker about it, we're running out of limes, coconut and rum over here.
Seriously Arty,keep up the good progress and take as much time as you want Make us all HappyHappyHappyHappyHappyHappy


Arty and Tina,
Prayers to you both. Get well soon


Off the ventilator: check!

Big baby step, like a Bab Hewey stride. Way to go, Ar-tay.

Awaiting the next good news report. Putting down my Pom-poms, but sticking with my litle cheerleader skirt(I got nice legs).




Yes, awaiting the next progress report also. Left a few messages on Tina's voice mail, but haven't heard back. But as they say, no news is good news. I did mention on the last voice message about how many people here on TC have been pulling for Arty. Over a hundred posts, and I'm sure there are many more that haven't posted who have Arty in their thoughts. This outpouring of support is Tiki Central at it's best! Mahalo to everyone!!


On 2005-07-18 17:52, tikigreg wrote:
I did mention on the last voice message about how many people here on TC have been pulling for Arty. Over a hundred posts, and I'm sure there are many more that haven't posted

and nearly 3300 views on this topic...i check it often for updates, and can feel the spirit of everyone who is thinking about Arty..

get strong Arty.. there's a new Trader Vics in Seattle you need to visit!

On 2005-07-18 17:52, tikigreg wrote:
Over a hundred posts, and I'm sure there are many more that haven't posted who have Arty in their thoughts.

Yeah, I'm definately in that category.

Prayers and well wishes go out to your family from mine, Arty.

Bringing this back to the top! Just updated the first page, and it looks like Arty is coming home soon. Maybe this weekend if all goes well. I listed their home address in the update for those that want to send cards.


RE: 7-19 Update:
Arty might have trouble speaking for a while because of the ventilator, but it shouldn't be any cause for alarm.
The ventilator tube can cause some nerve damage but if it continues past the next few weeks, speech therapy can help work through it. Not to mention that having people messing around in your chest cavity will make that area subject to a tiny bit of fatigue. All in all, everything sounds like it's going very well, from the reports given here.

Now, if he's anything like my husband, he can look forward to a few months of entertaining the cute young therapists in cardiac rehab!

GO ARTY!!!!!




All Right, thr Arrrrty man is Talking up a storm. pretty soon
Tina won't be able to get a word in edge-ways. Arty Bro you make us all Proud. We knew you could do it! Just a few more days and you will be Home.


Stentiki - the family and I wish you well on your recovery.


I'm so glad to hear that Arty is solidly on the mend. Tina must be exhausted. Here's to hoping that it'll be a long, long time before either of them have to see the inside of an emergency room again. Better yet, here's to hoping that it's not long before both of them get to see the inside of a tiki bar filled with their tikiphile friends, although I'm sure at the moment their thoughts are more on seeing the inside of their home.

Go Arty! Go Tina! Go home!


Seeing how I'm in the same city as you and Arty, and I have, well... some time, if you need anyone to water your yard/plants or anything, PM me.


On 2005-07-18 17:52, tikigreg wrote:
Over a hundred posts, and I'm sure there are many more that haven't posted who have Arty in their thoughts.

That's me as well... best wishes on a speedy recovery Arty!

I know it's a little late, but I just found this today...

I've only met Arty and Tina a few times--my thoughts and prayers are with you both through Arty's recovery.

"Come home soon"

On 2005-07-19 10:47, tikigreg wrote:
Bringing this back to the top! Just updated the first page, and it looks like Arty is coming home soon. Maybe this weekend if all goes well. I listed their home address in the update for those that want to send cards.


Ya Mon! That "Positive Vibration" works!!!

Very glad to hear our man is on the mend.

Very glad.

Hey, if I want to send an etha-foam Lono tiki to have someone shake at him and yell "The power of Tiki compells you to recover!" Over and over again, where should I send it? Maybe folks could send a tiki gift that could be put in his room to greet him when he is getting better. It might be a reinforcing thing. Knowing we;re all out here?

Ok its a crazy idea, and I've had plenty, maybe somebody else mentioned this already, maybe I abuse commas.


I haven't read the whole thread, so If I've missed soemthing and am appearing the total jack ass in anyway, I apologise.

On 2005-07-19 20:36, TikiGardener wrote:


I haven't read the whole thread, so If I've missed soemthing and am appearing the total jack ass in anyway, I apologise.


Negative. We need Positive!!

ok, i AM an ass! POSITIVELY!

Best fishes!


Bump it up, Back to the top. Way up here where the air is clear and serene ans peaceful. Thinking about Arty, whom I have not yet met, and My feelings are that he is like a brother. I know he is doing much better but I know he still needs our support, because as long as he is in the hospital theres always a chance something ungood could happen. Until he gets the go-ahead to go home, I'm not feeling comfortable enough to leave him be. I still want status updates. I still want to know he's doing better yet.
Thanks and lets get Arrrrty HappyHappyHapppppy

GO ARTY GO!!! I am sending all the POSITIVE VIBES I can muster up. Today has been a GREAT DAY!!! And Tommorrow will be even better. Everyday is a new day and you are going to get BETTER and BETTER with each new day!!!

hey uncle arty & tina,
i'm listening to fisherman's cd & sending + vibes your way.
get well soon my friend,
tiki chris

Here's another classic that fits the mood. (read carefully)

By Marley / Bamboo

Ooh, yeah! All right!
We're jammin':
We wanna jam it wid you.
We're jammin', jammin',
And we hope you like jammin', too.

Ain't no rules, ain't no vow, we can do it anyhow:
We'n'we will see you through,
'Cos everyday Arty pays the price with a little sacrifice,
Jammin' till the jam is through!!!

We're jammin' -
To think that jammin' was a thing of the past;
We're jammin',
And I hope this jam is gonna last.

No bullet can stop him now, we neither beg nor we won't bow;
Neither can be bought nor auctioned.
We all defend the right; Tiki Central children must unite:
Arty's life is worth much more than gold.

We're jammin' (jammin', jammin', jammin')
And we're jammin' in the name of the Tiki;
We're jammin' (jammin', jammin', jammin'),
We're jammin' right straight for Arty.

Yeh! Holy Mount Mai Kai ;
Holy Mount Sam's :
Arty sitteth in Mount Zion
And rules all creation.

Yeah, we're - we're jammin' (wotcha-wa),
Wotcha-wa-wa-wa, we're jammin' (wotcha-wa),
See, We wanna jam it wid you
We're jammin' (jammin', jammin', jammin')
We're jammed: We hope you're jammin', too.

Jam's about your health and the truth We cannot hide
To keep you satisfied.
True love that now exist is the love We can't resist,
So jam by our side.

We're Jammin' (jammin', jammin', jammin'), yeah-eah-eah!
We wanna jam it wid you.
We're jammin', we're jammin', we're jammin', we're jammin',
We're jammin', we're jammin', we're jammin', we're jammin';
Hope you like jammin', too.
We're jammin', we're jammin' (jammin'),
We're jammin', we're jammin' (jammin').
We wanna (We wanna jam it wid you) - We wanna -
We wanna jam wid you now.
Jammin', jammin' (hope you like jammin' too).
Eh-eh! We hope you like jammin', We hope you like jammin',
'Cause (We wanna jam it wid you). We wanna ... wid you.
We like - We hope you - We hope you like jammin', too.
We wanna jam it;
We wanna jam it. Wit you!

Heal Brother. Heal!!!

p.s. Arty e' Tina, wait till you see the shit we are going to burn for you this weekend in your honor!!! It will be the ultimate sacrafice to the Tiki Gods!!! We will make you proud!!!

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