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the pagan paints

Pages: 1 31 replies

suburbanpagan posted on 06/22/2005

I've put down my wacom stylus and picked up my brushes and got down to some artwork "Pre-'95" style! (before I got my first macintosh with photoshop!) These are all in progress but I'm really excited to show them so I'm letting the cat out of the bag! Warning: these pictures are really low rez and over saturated but I can't help myself!

A direct encounter with this moai....

"Kandinsky discovers rum"
We've all been in this place! At least, in our minds...

This one's a little standoffish

He's seems happy with the results......

Another confrontational one! how nice!

I'm still reworking all of these but I think enough of the idea is there! More to come!

[ Edited by: suburbanpagan on 2005-06-22 14:31 ]

john posted on 06/22/2005

those are awesome! too bad the camera dosent catch the textures of the paint. this place is definetly getting me motivated to put a brush to the canvas again.

Sam Gambino posted on 06/22/2005

Very fine work sp (who knew?)- I really like the first one best. Thanks for posting.

hewey posted on 06/22/2005

cool art dude - I like it heaps. Looking forward to seeing some more

AlohaStation posted on 06/22/2005

These are great. I work on the box as well, and its fun to get away from from it. Keep up the good work.

Slacks Ferret posted on 06/22/2005

Very nice! Love the Moais
Keep 'em coming!

suburbanpagan posted on 06/22/2005

Thanks a lot everybody! The positive vibe is a great feeling! I'm glad I got back to my roots...... it IS so nice to step away from the box! Here's an update of the moai in profile. The problem with being so psyched to get to painting is that I just went and started painting on an old canvas that had all this texture that doesn't work for this subject...it was really distracting me so I took some 50 grit sandpaper and sanded this mother down and destroyed it a little knowing I'd be much happier in the long run! So here is an update with some more accurate landscape features too..still not done, but getting close!....got some others in the wings too. Hope you like!

FLOUNDERart posted on 06/22/2005

Awesome stuff Pagan!

suburbanpagan posted on 06/22/2005

thanks FLOUNDER! Holy Schnikeys! Your Bambi 2000 is too awesome! Unbelievable stuff!

Raffertiki posted on 06/22/2005

They're all real nice. but I think I like the style of the 22x28 confrontational one the best. You gotta name these bad bays.

FLOUNDERart posted on 06/23/2005

On 2005-06-22 14:36, suburbanpagan wrote:
thanks FLOUNDER! Holy Schnikeys! Your Bambi 2000 is too awesome! Unbelievable stuff!

Thanks brutha. You should buy it. :D

Multi-scrotumed Ass-Nippled Adventurer!!! LOL What the hell was that all about?

suburbanpagan posted on 06/23/2005

Ha! FLOUNDER, you did some serious rootin' around to find that one! Haha! That was for "Mr. Show with Bob and David" for a transition between scenes! Glad you like? it? haha!

suburbanpagan posted on 06/23/2005

Here's another one in progress.......this is like a snippet from a night at the club.......a drunken picture postcard! I call it "An interesting aside"...that's for you, Raffertiki! :D


Top Shelf work mate - I like the rough style - works well with tikis and is something you can call your own style. I am new to Tiki Central and have found these guys to be very helpful and supportive.

suburbanpagan posted on 06/26/2005

Thanks tiki beat! Lot of supportive people in the ol' TC! Here's an update of an earlier sketch....still workin' it...I've bouncing around on these 5 or 6 paintings for the past month, so the updates are sporadic at best!
"Thank you for your support." -Bartle's and James circa 1987

motiki posted on 07/04/2005

Is there anything you can't do? Great work as usual, love the Moai.

suburbanpagan posted on 07/04/2005

thanks a lot mo! I appreciate your kind words!
I was just about to upload a new idea I'm working on........it's my fantasy of being a menu cover painter from the 1940's and 50's! I think I'll do more of these... This one is a digital pic of a rough oil that I did a little additional sketching in photoshop to work it out a bit more then I'll go back to the canvas

hewey posted on 07/04/2005

Love the outline of that one. Will look cool when you have a good go at it

suburbanpagan posted on 07/05/2005

here's an update of my menu cover piece:

Sam Gambino posted on 07/05/2005

That last piece is cool, sp. I like the brush strokes and colors.

suburbanpagan posted on 07/05/2005

Thanks Sam! Yeah, I can feel my chops finally coming back! I think this one is my fave now!

suburbanpagan posted on 07/12/2005

Update! Feeling closer to being done!

hewey posted on 07/12/2005

Love the use of light in that last one

suburbanpagan posted on 07/16/2005

I've redesigned the tiki on this one......never quite got into the older one...going to rework his forehead a bit too...always sumpin'!

[ Edited by: suburbanpagan 2005-07-16 17:00 ]

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rodeotiki posted on 07/17/2005

The last 2 look like they are part of a series. Very cool work.

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ravenne posted on 07/20/2005

I really like the last one you posted!!! :wink: Something about it...can't quite put my finger on it.

And this is my first post...hee, thanks for turning me to this place. :)

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CondorTiki posted on 07/20/2005

Way to go SP! Nice stuff, Very nice!

hewey posted on 07/20/2005

Got a good sense of light in those last 2 pagan

suburbanpagan posted on 07/20/2005

Thanks for all the support everybody! Yeah, these last two are part of a series I call "Snippets from a Club"...........just little scenes that might get etched in your head when in a rum haze in an exotic locale! These paintings really make me glad I picked the brush back up.........I have really burned out on digital art creation after working in photoshop all these years! More to come soon, including my attempt at the monthly theme! Thanks again! Good to see you in TC Ravenne!

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Swamp Fire posted on 07/20/2005

Hey Pagan, I really like those last two. You've really captured the exotic feel of a dark tiki bar, very cool.

suburbanpagan posted on 07/20/2005

Swampfire! Thanks! Quite an honor coming from the likes of yerself! I appreciate it! I'll email you when I get home to talk about that tiki trade off!

Sam Gambino posted on 07/21/2005

Looking good with lots of spooky character, sp.

Pages: 1 31 replies