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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Gman vs Wild - Page 1; Kotiate Warrior 183; BoatMan 184; Gman Lizard Dance 190; Screamer 193

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GMAN posted on 07/16/2005


I'm Gman. I've been carving various forms and materials for 31 years.

Here is a sampling of some of the Oceanic Art I have posted in this TC thread in the last few years. If you browse the thread you will see pics of each of these pieces in progress plus many more.

Here are a few pieces I am currently working on......


[ Edited by: GMAN 2011-02-28 16:56 ]

GMAN posted on 07/16/2005

[ Edited by: GMAN 2005-09-11 18:49 ]

GMAN posted on 07/16/2005



"The saw is family"

[ Edited by: GMAN 2008-06-12 20:09 ]

Capt'n Skully posted on 07/16/2005

I, too, like the only one that was allowed inside the house. :D

That shark's coming out real nice- I'd like to see his progress! Keep us posted!

Humuhumu posted on 07/16/2005

Yes, that shark is looking lovely! I also look forward to being able to see it completed.

CheekyGirl posted on 07/16/2005

Yeah, I agree, nice sharky.

I like the light blond tiki that's kind of bent over. And the trio of tikis for some reason, seem like they should be sold in a trio or placed together -- a three-stooges set!

How difficult is it using a chain saw verses carving. For a novice here, that is still trying to get up the courage to purchase some carving tools....just wondering.

surfinstro posted on 07/16/2005

Really nice work, you should be proud. Every Tiki is great and the shark is amazing.

Chongolio posted on 07/16/2005

Wow cool shark I would like to see something like that covered in tribal markings. Not that what you have there ain't cool enough. Dig the tikis too>
Thanks for posting


GMAN posted on 07/17/2005



"The saw is family"

[ Edited by: gman 2008-07-04 16:38 ]

Jungle Trader posted on 07/17/2005

Nice work GMAN.
I also use a chainsaw almost exclusively. I also like to carve it in one session. Spare chains, plenty fuel, oil. Once I get going I hate stopping for anything.

The shark looks great. All chainsaw? Damn dats good!!

GMAN posted on 07/17/2005


Unfortunately, the shark isn't a chainsaw-only carving. I used a saber saw to cut out the fins, and I'm using a disc to shape them. I did the main body with the chainsaw but had to hit it with a file to smooth it out.


Tiki_Bong posted on 07/17/2005

Well, I don't breath any air, other than oxygen.

Let me guess, you're from Florida...

GMAN posted on 07/17/2005





[ Edited by: GMAN 2008-06-12 20:11 ]

surfinstro posted on 07/17/2005


hewey posted on 07/17/2005

Cool tikis dude. A lot of detail for chainsaw only. I am kinda interested in chainsaw carving, but I like my fingers.

Welcome to TC

atsinroc posted on 07/17/2005

You got some MAD TALENT with the chain-saw. Im knew to carving and I'll tell ya, this stuff aint easy! So many hours go into carving, not to mention an aching back that has me wanting to go with a chain-saw. Perhaps I should take it one tiki at a time,but I've always wondered how its done with a saw. Do you guys start with an outline? Or just fire it up and have it? I really want to try the chain-saw. The curiousity is gettin to me. Anyway, keep up the great work.

GMAN posted on 07/17/2005


[ Edited by: GMAN 2008-06-12 19:43 ]

Benzart posted on 07/18/2005

Nice work Gman. What kind of wood is the shark? He looks like he will be pretty cool when he's done.
Welcome to TC and now that you hav figured out how to post pictures, don't hesitate to show us All your work. Thanks for sharing.

GMAN posted on 07/18/2005


I think the shark body is oak. I made it from a limb that came down in a storm. The 2nd dorsal and anal fins are oak and the pectoral, 1st dorsal, and caudal fin are pine. The fins are all removable and use wooden pins to hold them in place. I'm an opportunistic carver; I'll work with whatever I can get my hands on. I'll continue to post pieces as I make them. Thanks for the support.


GMAN posted on 07/18/2005

Hey guys,

This is a pic of my very first tiki carving. I made this one in 1990 with a pocket knife while I was in Jamaica. I found this piece of wood washed up on the beach near the marine lab where I was staying. I showed it to a local carver in town and he gave me a SMALL piece of sandpaper so I could clean it up.

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surfinstro posted on 07/18/2005

Very nice, you are talented. Where would I find Palm or have it shipped to PA? Anyone know?

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8FT Tiki posted on 07/18/2005

Hey Gman, That's a great bunch of tikis there. Don't hide 'em in your garage. Put them all over the yard.
I too love the shark. SO precisely proportioned. Perhaps that the biologist in you insisting on the details to be right. It is super so far. You sure have a steady hand with the chain saw. I don't trust myself with it enough to carve so I limit its use to removing the stubs of branches from a log so it is more rounded. Strictly a prep tool for me.
I like your style and I hope we get to see you create a greater variety of tiki types in the future. Keep 'em coming!

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curb creature posted on 07/18/2005

great stuff bro..i've been only carving for a couple weeks, i was taught with a chainsaw/disc grinder/die grinder/ and a torch....keep posting..

GMAN posted on 07/18/2005


I have inlaws in PA, but I rarely drive there. I'll bring you some palm if I ever take my truck, but I usually fly. I'll look around and see if anyone here can set you up. I might be able to ship you some, but it would cost a ton. Palm wood is overrated anyway.....carve it in OAK! :)


surfinstro posted on 07/18/2005

Thanks for the reply and the tip. We have a ton of oak up here. Hows poplar to work with?
I just hooked up with a saw mill close by and hopefully will get there tomorrow on break.
What is an average price for oak, poplar in a 4' x 8-10" size?
I'll really appreciate your sharing of knowledge.

GMAN posted on 07/19/2005


I've never used big pieces of poplar, but I imagine it would be a dream to carve in. It should be nice and soft, but not too soft. As for prices, I dunno. I've never paid for any carving wood. Maybe offer them a few bucks ($20 or so) for something good sized that they aren't going to be able to cut for lumber. You can also trade one of your older tikis to the guys and they will likely give you free wood for life. I've played that card, and it works like a charm!

Personally, I do wood recon during the work week and hit construction/new land clearing sites on the weekends. They always have PILES of brush and trees waiting to get chipped. I just ask the foreman on site if I can cut a few choice pieces, and I'm on my way. If the construction sites or storms fail me, I know a tree guy up the road who will let me have whatever I want from his storage yard. He brings in trailer truck loads of wood each day from his crews. It's just too sweet!

I took some pics of a walking stick I made in 1994. It was made from a Cuban refugee raft oar that washed up in Marineland, FL (where I was working at the time). The wood is all eaten-up by ship worms, but it's too cool. I used a pocket knife and made a tiki head on a hawk's body. Then I cut a channel in its back and mounted great white shark teeth down its back (from a bycaught fish used in my research). It's kind of primitive and wild looking so I thought you guys could appreciate seeing it. I made one day during work and never touched it again. :)



[ Edited by: GMAN 2008-06-12 19:44 ]

Benzart posted on 07/20/2005

Pretty cool lookin weapon there GMan. Looks like you have a whole herd of tiki in that room ther. Lookin good.

GMAN posted on 07/20/2005



[ Edited by: GMAN 2008-06-12 19:44 ]

hewey posted on 07/20/2005

Hey Gman, I love that club style weapon. Very cool, and a cool story behind it too. Awesome.

My folks have a Fijian cannibal fork, which I reckon would make a sweet shifter :)

surfinstro posted on 07/20/2005

What are my chances of you selling any of your fine work?
The tiki with the sharks teeth is amazing.
Thank you for sharing all of your fine work.

GMAN posted on 07/20/2005


Pretty much everything I make is for sale. I keep a piece now and then if I think it is especially cool, but I would get buried in carvings if I kept them all (the wife would get pissed too). Anyway, yes, my stuff is for sale. Go to http://www.sahmaysan.com and look around. Send me an email and we can discuss what you might want. I do custom work too (like sharks).


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welcome gman. i love the carvings keep up the good work

GMAN posted on 07/20/2005

Hey guys,

I had a rough day at work today and felt "inspired" to use the saw to create something different tonight. I was just too tired to finish it out tonight. Maybe tomorrow I'll get home in time to get some saw time in. I still need to finish his privates, debark it, and clean it up. Do you like?????


[ Edited by: GMAN 2008-06-12 19:46 ]

surfinstro posted on 07/21/2005

He is more like a tripod! :)
That sure is one well endowed Tiki, for sure.
I sent you an email.

hewey posted on 07/21/2005

heya, thats an impressive tiki. If he was in a good mood, you could have used him as a hat rack :)

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Sam Gambino posted on 07/21/2005

Hey GMAN - I cringe to think of using the weedeater around him with that 3rd leg he's sporting....

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Sam Gambino posted on 07/21/2005

On 2005-07-21 00:23, Sam Gambino wrote:
Hey GMAN - I cringe to think of using the weedeater around him with that 3rd leg he's sporting....

That is - I would dread seeing a weedeater if I were him...

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teaKEY posted on 07/21/2005

is that one going in the front of the house. Oh, and keep your girlfriend away from him.

Chongolio posted on 07/21/2005

Got wood?
Welcome Gman, Have you seen Jungle Traders Ceremonial Dong of Mystery carving. You got to see it to believe it.


GMAN posted on 07/22/2005



[ Edited by: GMAN 2008-06-12 19:46 ]

GMAN posted on 07/22/2005


I looked up the Ceremonial Dong of Mistery, he's got me beat! Man, what a GIANT carving! I'm not sure if my homeowners association would approve of me carving a six foot dong in my front yard! Although I am willing to try....:) I got plenty of weird looks while carving the Donk.


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rodeotiki posted on 07/22/2005

I can just see the neighbors faces as you sanded and oiled the donk. Great work!!

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surfintiki posted on 07/22/2005

That thing is nut, NUTS I say!

surfinstro posted on 07/22/2005

I guess your neighbors would be OK as long as you didn't sand & oil the dong too fast. :)
You are one hellofa artist Greg!

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The Sperm Whale posted on 07/22/2005

Your latest TIKI is not only great, but it is Hilarious!!! You probably can figure out that I think its funny being "The Sperm Whale". BTW I really like all of the carvings you have shared with us so far. Keep Posting Pic's

hewey posted on 07/22/2005

Those oiled pics look so cool. No wonder he has such a big grin, I would too.

Yeh, the feedback is addictive isn't it?

surfinstro posted on 07/22/2005

I hope that I can become half the artist you are.

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sungod posted on 07/22/2005

Better check your HOA. There may be an ordinance against flagpoles in your neighborhood.

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