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Non-Tiki Subject: Margarita Inventors

Pages: 1 4 replies

Porgy McNasty posted on 12/27/2002

does anyone have information on any of the following Margarita inventors? or the particular recipe that each used?

  1. Danny Negrete (apparently has an official Mexican government document
    recognising him as the creator of the Margarita).

  2. Carlos Herrera

  3. Francisco "Pancho" Morales (credited as the creator of the Margarita, by
    the Official Mexican News Agency "Notimex".)

  4. Enrique Bastante Gutierez.

  5. Margaret Sames (credited as the creator of the Margarita, by Robert Plotkin)




Talkie-Tiki posted on 12/27/2002

Im sorry I have to be a killjoy but non-tiki subjects should be posted in beyond tiki

though it is a drink ( and a pretty good one)
If it isn't related to tikis it should be relegated to beyond tiki

sorry to be a pain about this I hope you don' take offense at me for this


Talkie-Tiki posted on 12/27/2002

the site was pretty cool though

Porgy McNasty posted on 12/27/2002

okay, it's in the "Beyond Tiki" section now!



Basement Kahuna posted on 12/27/2002

Probably the same person that invented white infidel...

Pages: 1 4 replies