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rattan bar stools wanted.

Pages: 1 5 replies

twowheelin'tiki posted on 12/27/2002

still looking for some used or inexpensive used bar stools.HELP!!

Tiki_Bong posted on 12/27/2002


Hold out! Don't rush into buying the rattan stools.

If you haven't found 'em by June, maybe we'll hook up and go to Cruz's 'Da Show'. I know several vendors that sell there and they cruise the place scoping out the best deals before the public gets in. I tell 'em what I'm willing to spend on certain items and they get 'em.

bamboo ben posted on 12/28/2002

Happy garage sale sailing.

Mrs. Bamboo Ben posted on 12/28/2002

Just to clarify...the garage sale comment was from me....the software can't seem to handle all the Bamboo here. :)

Tiki Diablo posted on 12/28/2002

Yo Erich, I have an old rattan swivel stool that you can just have. It needs some tlc, but it's free.E-mail me, or call.

dogbytes posted on 01/06/2003

On 2002-12-27 00:25, twowheelin'tiki wrote:
still looking for some used or inexpensive used bar stools.HELP!!

hey there! my second favorite online place to shop is http://www.craigslist.com ~ its set up by city, and its like a giant garagesale online. i've found people are just wanting to sell thier stuff at a reasonable (not ebay) price.

the search function is really good. the whole thing is free. so far havent found any tiki here in seattle (but when i check OTHER cities..i see stuff for sale.. sigh)

good luck finding your chairs.. half the fun is the search!


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