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Hukilau 2003

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powerofthetiki posted on 12/23/2002

Does anyone have any info on Hukilau 2003 hotels, motels ect. I have my airline tickets. Now I'm trying to find out what hotel to make my resrevation at. Just looking around on the net a lot of places are booked up for the weekend.


[ Edited by: powerofthetiki on 2002-12-23 07:29 ]

[ Edited by: powerofthetiki on 2002-12-23 10:35 ]

Talkie-Tiki posted on 12/24/2002

aI think the T.V @ dallas is closed but it can be rented out

Kailuageoff posted on 12/26/2002

As of today, rooms at the "Official" Hukilau hotel in Ft. Lauderdale are still available on June 27 & 28. A block of rooms were reserved for our group at the Oceanfront Holiday Inn--Ft Lauderdale Beach (954 563 5961 or 1 800 HOLIDAY). Just tell them you are with the Hukilau group and they'll give you a special rate of $79 per night. When I checked the week before Christams about a dozen rooms had already been booked by TC members. It might be a good idea to call now, if you have been putting it off.

[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2002-12-26 13:39 ]

thejab posted on 12/26/2002

Are their any incentives to staying at the Holiday Inn, besides the rate and location? Are there going to be any activities there?

The reason I ask is if I am able to go I might stay at one of the 50s motels close to the beach. They can be had for as low as $350 per week for a efficiency room (with kitchen). Or I might stay in the keys for a few days before or after the Hukilau. It's going to be so hot in June I probably will want to hang out at the beach or pool all day! I want to explore all options before I book it.

Swanky posted on 12/27/2002

Yes. On Friday night we are having a gathering in the 12th floor banquet room. It will feature, King Kukulele, Uber Easy, The Delusionaires (from FL) and "I Belli Di Waikiki" from Italy. Mai Tiki will be helping with the decor and there will be even more tiki around. There will be vendors, music, drinks, and all you have to do is stumble to your room. We also plan a shared taxi to and from the Mai Kai on Saturday. And of course, many people will be there early and stay late. So there will be many gatherings.

Also, if you are reserving a room, please call the Mai Kai and reserve your dinner show ticket for Saturday June 28th. Tell them you are with the Hukilau.

Mai Kai phone 954-563-3272 ext. 1
Hotel phone 954-563-5961 or 1-800-HOLIDAY

The $79 rate at the hotel is good for days before and after the event too. We have a limit at the hotel of less than 240 rooms. We are competing with a couple of reunions, so who ever gets the rooms booked first wins. We also have a limit of 280 in seating for the dinner show, but there will be plenty to see and do if you don't get in. And there are 2 shows.

I promise the web site will be up in January. We are supposed to get the artwork this weekish and then have the final wording from our sponsors and be ready.

But go ahead and make your plans and reservations. I will change the current Hukialu main page to give the info I have just put here.

Thanks for planning with us. It's going to be mai tai!

powerofthetiki posted on 12/27/2002

Thanks Kailuageoff and Swanky I will make my calls latter on today



Kailuageoff posted on 12/27/2002

Are you still coming to Florida on President's Day weekend? We'll be down in Ft. Lauderdale that weekend, if you want to connect. Perhaps some other Florida tiki folks can be persuaded to join us too.

thejab posted on 12/27/2002

Not sure yet if I will be in Florida for Presidents Day weekend. I have a free Southwest ticket that needs to be used but I may save it for my annual trip to Las Vegas for Viva Las Vegas. I'll definately give you warning if I plan to invade.

SullTiki posted on 12/27/2002

I have reservations! The woman who answered the phone at the Mai Kai insisted that they did not take reservations that far in advance. I again told her it was for The Hukilau and she just thought I was crazy.

I insisted that she check with someone else, and reluctantly she put me on hold, after a looooong wait she took me off hold and was very apologetic. She had not been informed about The Hukilau. But once she found out she hooked me up.

Swanky posted on 12/27/2002

We have had a few glitches like this, but they are getting ironed out. We're 6 months out, so it's to be expected. But they do know we're coming and they are excited. They are opening the Mai Kai an hour early for us so we can look around without any regular customers there. And letting us take over their stage and bar for our performers like King K to do their stuff.

If anyone runs across any other problems like these, please email us at home@thehukilau.com

TheMuggler posted on 12/28/2002

Whoo hooo! I just booked my official Hukilau room at the hotel, and I'll call tomorrow to book the Mai Kai (the lady answerring the phone tonight didn't know anything about the Hukilau but said to call back tomorrow when the reservation office is open).

I am particularly excited that Orlando's Delusionaires are playing, as these guys are amazing. Check out their website:


The flyerama collection is pretty great, and there are some very low quality mp3s.

If it's half as good as the Atlanta Hukilau it will be well worth the trip.


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Rain posted on 12/28/2002

rain et wahine are booked and IN, most probably plus two non tiki-centralites. i'm willing to bet aaron from the delusionaires and his lovely lady will be more than willing to hang out for the whole weekend as well.
malama pono!

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Rain posted on 12/28/2002

PS - i was told there were no more hukilau block rooms available when i called, and my rate was bumped to $85.99 - so i'd get on this if you guys are lagging...

Swanky posted on 12/29/2002

Hmmm Rain. That's not supposed to be. I'll look into it. You should be able to get every room in the joint at that $79 rate.

TheMuggler posted on 12/29/2002

On 2002-12-28 16:22, Swanky wrote:
Hmmm Rain. That's not supposed to be. I'll look into it. You should be able to get every room in the joint at that $79 rate.

FYI, Swanky:

They originally quoted me $109 for two adults in a room with 1 king size bed and when I asked for the Hukilau group rate they told me the only rooms available at that rate had two double beds.


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Rain posted on 12/29/2002

i'm not worried about it - it's just a few bucks more -- i just wanted to let people know that the rooms are [allegedly] going fast.
so now we just have to wait for 6 months. this is almost as bad as waiting for a lord of the rings movie. :)
OH - is there an actual hukilau ticket we need to get, too?

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tiki_kiliki posted on 12/29/2002

That is correct. The Hukilau rate is only good on the single bed or 2 double bed rooms.

Tristan posted in the Main Discussion area that we have actually reached the maximum on the first block of rooms which was 40. He is calling on Monday to get our guests another block of rooms. He also posted his personal email address if anyone should have any further questions or problems dealing with reservations.

There's no ticket needed. We will however anounce some surprises when the official Hukilau 2003 site goes up in January!

Yee-Haw & Aloha,
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The World of Tiki Kiliki

[ Edited by: tiki_kiliki on 2002-12-31 11:16 ]

Hoahele Howard posted on 02/02/2003

Have there been any updates since the last post on this thread? I came in late (as usual) and would like to go. Are there more rooms now?

Also, am I missing something on the Hukilau site? It's mostly a static page with a form to be put on a mailing list, which I've done but gotten no response to so far.

Any updates would be swell.

SullTiki posted on 02/03/2003

The menu is loacted on the left. When you 'mouseover' it expands with links to more info.

Swanky posted on 02/03/2003

Yes, we have added more rooms to our reserve block. We are still competing with two other groups at the hotel, so please, everyone go ahead and reserve your room. You won't have to pay for it until you check out or get the bill, but if we wait, the rooms may get taken by the other groups.

Yes, the menu is on the left. I hoped that it would not confuse anyone. Anybody else have trouble noticing the menu? Also, we tested it on various browsers and operating systems, and it seemed to work fine, but if you have had the menu not work, or any other problem, let me know.

There should be a news email going out soon. Let me know if I should make the way the menu works clear.

Hoahele Howard posted on 02/03/2003

Thanks for all the info, especially about the rooms. I'll make my reservations tomorrow.

The menu is not showing up in Safari on Mac OS X. It's still in beta, so I wouldn't worry about the code for now. Knowing now that there is supposed to be a menu, I hit the page using IE and sure enough, there it was!

Just a little suggestion about the form, no big deal if you can't do it -- it would be great to have an autoresponse email with the latest details so someone subscribing for the first time gets up to speed.

Looks like a great event!

Swanky posted on 02/03/2003

On 2003-02-02 21:00, Hoahele Howard wrote:
Just a little suggestion about the form, no big deal if you can't do it -- it would be great to have an autoresponse email with the latest details so someone subscribing for the first time gets up to speed.

I read your mind! I set up an autoresponse last night after I saw this message. I figure it's good to welcome people, let them know we got their form and to make sure they knew about the menu.

My web developer helper suggests Safari, but I don't think he tested it on that combo. Just Netscape and IE on Windows and Mac's.

Hoahele Howard posted on 02/05/2003

I just took a peek at the code for the slider menu and it looks specifically for IE, Netscape 4, or Netscape 6. It probably won't work reliably with any other browsers - Safari, Opera, OmniWeb, AOL, etc.

It wouldn't take much effort to throw some small-sized text links at the bottom of each page just in case someone isn't using IE or Netscape or if they surf with JavaScript turned off. I'm sure you wouldn't want to exclude anyone from attending because of their choice of browers. :)

Swanky posted on 02/05/2003

It does work with Opera. AOL is just a trimmed down version of IE, or at least it used to be, so I imagine it works. Jaguar seems to be the one that fails.

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Sabina posted on 02/15/2003

Well, better late than never-

Mike and I are in!

So, is anyone contemplating extending into pre or post Hukilau events, places like Disney or Daytona Beach?

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tweedtone posted on 02/15/2003

"I Belli Di Waikiki" will be playing a multi-performer event on Sunday, June 29th in Tampa at Skipper's Smokehouse (http://www.skipperssmokehouse.com) and possibly another Tampa Bay engagement prior to Hukilau - more details to come!

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Tiki Diablo posted on 02/15/2003

Registered last week at the Holiday Inn. Gotta ship my stuff over there now.

Swanky posted on 02/15/2003

If you (or anyone else) is bringing stuff to sell, let us know so we can post it on the site, and so Kahuna can get you organized with the vendors.
There is nothing official to report, but with the new sponsors of City Link magazine, we are thinking we might can have a pretty large, public event on Thursday in Fort Lauderdale. Since the Friday night venue is more small and for us enthusiasts, as is Saturday night at the Mai Kai, we may use their organization to have a rather huge kick-off. We will work to get our hotel guests in free of course.
Sign up for the news and everyone keep us aware of your plans. http://www.thehukilau.com
And, no, it's not late to be signing up! We are on the cusp of a new promotional surge that may fill the hotel. After that would be rather late. But we have alternative hotels if this one fills up...

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purple jade posted on 02/22/2003

[ Edited by: purple jade 2006-03-20 21:06 ]

Swanky posted on 02/23/2003

No problem at all to change your reservation. The thursday night thing is far from happening, and it's main purpose is for us to draw in a large local crowd. The events of Friday and Saturday are for a small crowd. With the local entertainment paper on board, we thought we might use their publicty power to have a pretty large event ahead of the actual Hukilau events. Sign up for the news and we'll make sure you know of any new plans.

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suicide_sam posted on 02/25/2003

For those travelling from So-Cal, Jet Blue has flights from Long Beach to FT Lauderdale, FL and back at $99 each way

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tiki_kiliki posted on 03/07/2003

I talked to the Mai Kai just a moment ago and they informed me that we've hit over 1/2 capacity for the 5:30 show at the Mai Kai on the 28th. If you haven't already made your reservations Hurry!

The employees seemed very excited and were screaming "Hello Hukilau" in the background. We did send them some posters so I guess we've stirred up the buzz!

Plus, the normal 5:00pm Happy Hour will begin at 4:00pm for our group as we tour the Mai Kai!! That's a Happy Hour from 4 to 6!! Yikes!

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ken_miller4 posted on 03/07/2003

Did they say what the total capacity of the show is? In other words, how many more people can they fit into the 5:30 show?

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tiki_kiliki posted on 03/08/2003

300 people is the capacity for the dinner show.

Make your reservations fast!

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ken_miller4 posted on 03/10/2003

Yikes! 300 is a lot of folks! I had no idea so many people were turning out for The Hukilau.

Swanky posted on 03/10/2003

With the local entertainment magazine promoting the event, we will fill the space. But we have not begun promoting the event locally, other than posters at the Mai Kai, because we want to make sure all the out of state, out of town guests get booked first. Once the local media get going in South Florida, the place will be packed.

So, make your reservations and secure your place!

Swanky posted on 03/18/2003

These cities are represented so far, according to our reservation form. If your city isn't here (other than Fort Lauderdale), please fill out the form on the reservations page.

Sanford, FL
Apopka, FL
Miami, FL
Baltimore, MD
Orlando, FL
Southwest Ranches, FL
Columbus, OH
West Palm Beach, FL
Atlanta, GA
Boca Raton, FL
Silver Spring, MD
Avondale Estates, GA
Semi Valley, CA
Winter Park, FL
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
San Clemente, CA
Seattle, WA
Alexandria, VA
San Antonio, TX
Jacksonville, FL
Tampa, FL
Charlotte, NC
Eugene, OR
Burtonsville, MD
Racine, WI
Lakewood, OH
Saint Petersburg, FL
Saint Augustine, FL
Vallejo, CA
Oakland, CA
Gulfport, FL
Oceanside, CA
Brandon, FL

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tweedtone posted on 03/18/2003

Any of the folks driving over from Tampa Bay wanna organize a caravan ...?

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mrsmiley posted on 03/27/2003

Swanky, etc---Are you going to post a list of restaurants, etc. I just came back from Florida and I can give some suggestions of fun, usually vintage places in the general area

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tikijaksin posted on 03/27/2003

swanky, I have made & put up Flyers at the tattoo shop I work at for the hukilau 3 ,and will do so at the neighboring shops this next week which might also get in a few more heads that would definately show up for a tikified Hukilau. I already have about 10 new kids(i didnt even know) who will show for the event who had no Idea about tiki central ,or the hukilau.I am also gonna get them in to the local Hilo hatties this week too. swanky can you please let me know which is the hotel that we are gonna be able to sell our art from? thanks Kreepy tiki Jaksin.

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inkylouise posted on 03/28/2003

New York City is in, too!

Manic Cat and I are there, thanks to our good friend Humuhumu's hospitality!

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mrsmiley posted on 04/03/2003

Swanky, etc---Are you going to post a list of restaurants, etc. I
just came back from Florida and I can give some suggestions of fun,
usually vintage places in the general area---I am reposting this in case you never saw it the first time--bruce

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tiki_kiliki posted on 04/04/2003

Sorry we haven't been responding!!

Swanky and I just got a new house and we've been moving in for the past month. We also took separate vacations so we're just feeling back to normal again.

We are coming up with a "What To Do" list while attendees are in Ft. Lauderdale and surrounding areas so definitely send your finds to home@thehukilau.com !!

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tiki_kiliki posted on 04/04/2003

Shag just confirmed that he will attend Hukilau 2003!

The Mai Kai is extrememly close to capacity for the dinner show so make your reservations immediately. You can always cancel.

Also the hotel is nearing capacity.

You can always email Swanky and I at home@thehukilau.com for any specific needs or questions regarding Hukilau 2003.

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Jeff Central posted on 04/17/2003

I have posters at cool sites around Columbus, Ohio promoting "The Hukilau" so hopefully we will get a couple more tiki heads attending from Ohio. I figure those people that really miss the Kahiki the most will venture down to the Mai Kai. Also, "The Hukilau" CD which I will be distributing "free" is going to be awesome!! Trust me! The booklet will even include instructions on how to dance the hukilau correctly. "Oh, Were Goin... To the Hukilau, The Huki, Huki , Huki, Huki Hukilau"

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ken_miller4 posted on 04/21/2003

Posters have gone up at various vintage shops and record stores throughout Cleveland, too, so that covers about two-thirds of Ohio. I don't have any cool CD's to hand out, though.

Jeff, any way you can toss me a copy?

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Jeff Central posted on 04/22/2003

[i]On 2003-04-21 13:43, ken_miller4 wrote:

Jeff, any way you can toss me a copy?

No Problem. If you can't make it to "The Hukilau" in June send me an email "offlist" with your shipping address and I will put you on the list for a copy when it is completed. "Oh were going..to the hukilau...the huki, huki, huki, huki hukilau"

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mrsmiley posted on 04/24/2003

"We are coming up with a "What To Do" list while attendees are in Ft.
Lauderdale and surrounding areas so definitely send your finds to
home@thehukilau.com !!"---
Here are some of my Fort Lauderdale/Miami restaurant recommendations;
Tark's of Dania, 1317 S Federal Hwy, Dania Beach, FL 954-965-8275 hours 11a-10pm Sun-Thurs, 11a-11p Fri, Sat. This is an inexpensive fried seafood "shack" that is famous for their Buffalo Shrimp. Some cheap "happy hour" specials--call for info. They are 5 minutes South of the Ft. Lauderdale Airport.
Also in Dania is : Jaxson's Ice Cream Parlor and Restaurant. The decor is like a nice Farrell's -old signs on the wall-fun and funky! This place is (according to the Food Network) one of the 5 best ice cream parlors in the US! Their Sundaes are huge!-you might want to share. They are at 128 S Federal Highway in Dania Beach, FL. Hours: Mon-Thurs 11:30a-11p. Fri, Sat 11:30 a-Midnight. Sun , noon-11P. 954-922-8293.
Also near the Ft. Lauderdale airport(but in another direction ) is Lester's Diner. In business since 1967-although I don't know if this is the original one or not. They are at 250 State rd. #84 Ft. Lauderdale. 954-525-5641. They might be 24 hours-call them.
They serve diner food and looks like a classic 50's diner without going overboard on the annoying "see how many fake(retro) signs we can jam in this place-oh hey, how about a thousand pictures of James Dean" look. Burgers, salads, pie and more!! they also have locations in Margate 954-979-4722 and Sunrise 954-838-7473.

For cigar lovers: down in Little Havana is : La Tradicion Cubana at 1894 SW 8th Street in Miami. 305-643-4005 http://www.tradicion.com. They roll their own cigars onsite so you'll be sure of freshness. My friends and I liked the "Torpedo" a slightly shorter cigar with a great taste for about $4 each. They are open 8a-5:30p mon-fri and 9a-2p on Sat. Closed Sundays. This place even has a small Tiki by the front door!

I will try to post more info on other places when I have the time.-- "mr Smiley"

Pages: 1 2 3 115 replies