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Stentiki thanks you for your thoughts and prayers! - Updated 8/1 4:15 a.m.

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Hmmm, back in the hospital? Angio? That's certainly not in the plan, but it's foreseeable. Given the particulars of his surgery this is something that happens.

That said, hospitals are no good. So, let's get that blood flowing nice and steady to the ole ticker and Arty back at home. Keep the good thoughts and positive mojo around in hopes that this is simply a minor speedbump on the long and difficult road to full recovery Arty faces.

Stay strong, Arty!


We torched a few tikis and killed the wood boring bees--what more do you want, Arty!?!?!?! Hang in there, buddy, stay strong! God bless. :)

I remember meeting Arty & Tina for the first time at Night Of The Tiki. They are such cool & genuine people. I pray for health & strength, today & tommorow for both of you to get through this!!


More good thoughts!



New update on page one.

Don't feel that you need to post, but please keep the mental prayers and wishes, even how peripheral, coming.


Were thinking about you Arty and Tina- you have gone through so much already. We believe in your strength that comes from your love of life and spirit. The end of this ordeal is just around the corner.

Reluctantly crouched at the starting line,
Engines pumping and thumping in time.
The green light flashes, the flags go up.
Churning and burning, they yearn for the cup.
They deftly maneuver and muscle for rank,
Fuel burning fast on an empty tank.
Reckless and wild, they pour through the turns.
Their prowess is potent and secretly stearn.
As they speed through the finish, the flags go down.
The fans get up and they get out of town.
The arena is empty except for one man,
Still driving and striving as fast as he can.
The sun has gone down and the moon has come up,
And long ago somebody left with the cup.
But he’s driving and striving and hugging the turns.
And thinking of someone for whom he still burns.

He’s going the distance.
He’s going for speed.
She’s all alone
In her time of need.
Because he’s racing and pacing and plotting the course,
He’s fighting and biting and riding on his horse,
He’s going the distance.

No trophy, no flowers, no flashbulbs, no wine,
He’s haunted by something he cannot define.
Bowel-shaking earthquakes of doubt and remorse,
Assail him, impale him with monster-truck force.
In his mind, he’s still driving,still making the grade.
She’s hoping in time that her memories will fade.
Cause he’s racing and pacing and plotting the course,
He’s fighting and biting and riding on his horse.
The sun has gone down and the moon has come up,
And long ago somebody left with the cup.
But he’s striving and driving and hugging the turns.
And thinking of someone for whom he still burns.

Cause he’s going the distance.
He’s going for speed.
She’s all alone
In her time of need.
Because he’s racing and pacing and plotting the course,
He’s fighting and biting and riding on his horse.
He’s racing and pacing and plotting the course,
He’s fighting and biting and riding on his horse.
He’s going the distance.
He’s going for speed.
He’s going the distance.

Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina
Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina
Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina
Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina TinArty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina Arty Arty Tina Tina

Hang in there!

(put up with small annoyances to gain great results)

ancient chinese fortune cookie says.........

[ Edited by: RevBambooBen 2005-07-27 21:35 ]

ARTY!!! Get better soon!! My C'Al tiki is getting hungry!!!

I need your help!!!!!!


Nice nail clipper you have there Ben, where can I get one like it?
Arty, its Nice to still have you around, don't do that to us again! Don't do it to yourself again either !
TIIIINNNaaaaa too

Arty, I think it was way to soon to start hand squeezing limes. We'll forgive you if you buy pre-squeezed juice for a while.

Just trying to keep the good vibes comin' atya.

Somehow I've gotten the "Badger, Badger" song stuck in my head, only with Arty & Tina's names in it:

Arty, Arty, Arty, Arty, Arty, Arty, Arty, Arty!
Tina! Tina!
Arty, Arty, Arty, Arty, Arty, Arty, Arty, Arty!
Tina! Tina!
Steeeeen-Tiki! It's Steeeeen-Tiki!
Arty, Arty, Arty, Arty, Arty, Arty, Arty, Arty!
Tina! Tina!
Arty, Arty, Arty, Arty, Arty, Arty, Arty, Arty!
Tina! Tina!

Fantastic! Great to hear from you Arty, and I must say you've really been blessed, with a great wife, family, and all your friends here on the board. Keep gettin' stronger, heck, we'll have to meet some day and compare scars!!

Update 7/27 4:38 p.m. PDT

Just off the phone with Tina a few minutes ago. Arty is "OK", in the modern "move'em-in-move'em out" medical sense of the word. He's in his bed, not in intensive care, but he's uncomfortable, upset, and is looking for answers. The doctors have nothing definitive to say about his condition, other than that he's not critical and maybe he can go home tomorrow. Sort of a damned if you are, damned if you aren't situation. So, I'm hoping to get a chance to talk to Arty soon, and that any well wishes won't go unheeded, unnoticed, unrewarded... unwelcome. Keep'em coming if you can.

Mahalo Nui Loa


Aw Hell Arty, I thought you were home in your own bed, sorry I was wrong.The doctors and the hospital probably found a loophole where they can keep you a few extra days and bill the insurance company, you know how tje Ins co wants you out asap?
Well Cheer up and don't let it grab ya' by the short hairs. I'm sure it is for the best and if you are itchin' to get out so bad I guess it means you are better enough to kick some ass!. go ahead and Kick it and make them let you go home,,After they fix you up.
Better yet, give us some names and numbers and we will straighten the flockers out.
Holler if you want or need Anything. 772-785-9070
Feel better both you and Tina.
We Love you both.


Get well soon. We need another Hawaiian room visit.


Yes, and we need another ClubTiki visit from you soon also!

I'm going to be calling you in the next few minutes, so you better be ready to give up a little outfield chatter!


Arty! Get better soon. We need to laugh!

How's Arty doing? Anyone have an update?



Arty is back home, having been released sometime on Saturday. He called late Sunday, and is doing well. I posted a brief update on page 1.

Mahalo All!


Thanks for the update TikiGreg, it was the one I have been waiting for,,HooRaaaaaaaay
Way to go Arty and Tina.

Glad to get the good news, let's stay out of the hospital there Arty- there's been enough excitement already.


He is up and about, and taking short walks

Yikes! Arty is dong better than I am. I had better put down the pork rinds and cheese dip, do some exercises. Just thinking about that has me short of breath. Must be the elevation here in Frisco, I am on the third floor.

Way to go Arty, keep up the good work.

must lie down,

Great news, on with the recovery! Welcome back!!

When this is said and done, Uncle Arty is going to be re-plumbed!! Go for the copper veins!! The pvc ones
are bogus. Good and glad to hear you're back from
Roto Rooter 101.
You had us worried there for a moment. Next time, let
me know and I'll bring over the snake and save you a
couple of bucks...


Arty still needs to recover and he can do it with our help.
GO Arrrrrrrrrrrtttttyyy

Yeah, this situation must be really frustrating for soemone as active as Arty, we need to keep the positive vibes coming to keep the spirits up!


Hey gang,

Just wanted to let you know that I'm back home again and recuperating. Each day I continue to improve and grow stronger with your positive thoughts and the support of my friends and family. I composed this message yesterday and it took a lot out of me, so please forgive the brief preamble. This is the complete story in my own words if you are interested. In addition, I have some happier/funnier anecdotes I experienced under hallucinagenic drugs in the hospital involving Tikis. I'll share that later and be in touch. Many mahalos once again to all of you for keeping the Aloha Spirit going.

Your friend,


August 2, 2005

Dear Friends,

First, let me say thank you for your thoughts and prayers and please forgive the generic nature of this message. At this time it is still difficult to tell this story over and over again, so I hope you will feel free to pass this message onto all others concerned so they might understand what happened to me. I am still having a tough time processing it all as is Tina and those who are close to me. I know there has been a lot of talk about my situation and some of you may be hearing this for the first time, so I wanted to set the record straight. Here are the details of my ordeal but I must warn you, this a long and detailed message.

While vacationing in Baja, Mexico with my wife Tina and 3 other family members, I suffered a heart attack. It was Sunday, July 10 around 3 am when I collapsed. If it were not for the good sense, quick action, and love of my wife Tina, Chrissy and Jon, I would never made it out of Mexico. I was taken by ambulance to a run down Red Cross facility in Rosarito where I was evaluated by an inexperienced staff paraprofessionals. At first they did not believe I was having a heart attack (they thought it was too much spicy food!) until we explained to them that I had a history of heart trouble and showed them the nitro glycerin I had been taking since the attack (as advised by my doctor over the phone). After what seemed like an eternity, it was determined that my EKG was abnormal and they released me to take another ambulance to the border. In one of the roughest rides of my life (literally and figuratively), we finally reached the border around 5:30 am. I was never so happy to be back on American soil!

I transferred yet again to another ambulance in San Ysidro and was taken to SHARPS Chula Vista hospital. Fortunately for me, they have one of the best cardiac care units in the country. That evening, the doctors explained that I would undergo an Angioplasty procedure on Monday afternoon. Unfortunately, the procedure failed and I suffered a second major heart attack while on the operating table. My heart stopped for about one minute but due to the incredible competence of my cardiologist and surgeon, they were able to revive me and successfully perform a triple bypass surgery. The surgery involved opening up my chest cavity and harvesting the veins from my left leg to perform the bypass. I was unconscious for 3 days and my prognosis shifted from grim, to slim, to fighting my way back from the darkness.

Throughout it all, Tina never left my side. She spent every night at the hospital and talked to me as I laid unconscious and when things looked grim. I could hear her telling me that everything was going to be all right and that a lot of people were praying for me. I believe that this had a major influence on reviving me. We know that I heard her because when I finally awoke, she was repeating things she told while I was unconscious and I replied to her in a whisper, "I know, you already said that!" I think it just goes to show that the prayer, positive energy, faith and love is a powerful thing. More powerful than most of us realize.

After a tough few of weeks in the hospital, I was released from Chula Vista, still weak but in good spirits and returned home on Thursday, July 21. While at home I was surprised at how quickly my body seemed to improve. I started with light physical therapy and short walks around the neighborhood. I was feeling stronger everyday and then I had another set-back.

On Monday, July 25, I awoke short of breath but not in great pain but given my recent events Tina took no chances and called my doctor immediately. I was taken yet again by ambulance to HOAG Hospital in Newport Beach and after a blood test and EKG, it was determined that I had suffered another mild (if you want to call it that) heart attack. At HOAG they conducted every possible test you could imagine.

On Monday, I was injected with a die for Cardio Light (Nuclear Medicine) procedure. This procedure involved taking approximately 1400 images of my heart and conducting a stress test to record the functioning of my heart.

On Tuesday, I had an Echocardiogram, another Angiogram and an MRI.

On Wednesday and CT scan of my chest and stomach area.

On Thursday, I thought I might be coming home but unfortunately I awoke to an irregular heartbeat and racing pulse. It turns out I was suffering from Atriolfibrillation and so they kept me for a few more days until they could control this condition through an IV drip and more drugs.

Friday around midnight, I was sent back to nuclear medicine for lung scan to check for blood clots.

Saturday morning I had a Sonogram of my legs to check for more blood clots.

They finally released me on Saturday afternoon.

The reason I tell you this is that I know some of you who live locally tried to or wanted to visit me. And although I was fairly comfortable in my ocean view room (the only positive thing about being at this particular hospital) I was physically and emotionally drained from all the testing and setbacks I experienced during the week. I am sure you know this but I appreciate your understanding.

It has been determined that likely cause of this most recent heart attack is due to the damage and stress of the previous heart attacks I suffered. The doctors tell me that the Circumflex bypass graph has already closed but the two remaining graphs are pumping enough blood to my heart. It has also been determined that I have congenital coronary disease, a condition known as Ectasia where the lining of my artery walls is abnormal, making it more likely for someone with this condition be at risk for a heart attack. This is a fairly uncommon condition occurring in about one out of ten heart patients. So although I am now in stable condition and I continue to grow stronger each day, there are no guarantees. The key will be to control my diet and keep my cholesterol as low as possible. And while this condition does concern me, I am determined not to let it bring me down. Each day I thank God for the new day and for giving me another chance at life.

I'm home now under the care of Tina for the week. Her boss generously gave her the week off and I am very thankful for that. I continue to feel better and improve every day and each day I grow stronger. I am still confined to limited physical exertion, no driving for another month, and then 3 months of Cardiac Rehab through HOAG. In addition, I am on an ultra healthy diet that Tina prepares for me daily. I swear my wife is an angel sent from Heaven. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful, devoted, and loving partner in life, and this will keep me fighting on.

Finally, let me again thank you all for your positive thoughts, prayers, and energy. I hope to be in personal contact with all of you as soon as I am able. Thank you for reading this lengthy message. It was very therapeutic for me to write and I hope it give you some insight as to where I'm at and where I've been.

Until then, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Aloha & Mahalo,


pablus posted on Wed, Aug 3, 2005 7:18 PM

Thanks for posting that, man.
It builds up faith.

Tina. Good work.
Make sure you take a little 'relax' time for yourself when Stentiki has regained some normalcy in his routine.

Sometimes the spouses are rock solid during the crises and suffer delayed anxiety afterward. I hope you don't take that as a warning or anything. Just that it happened to me and I thought that mentioning it would help you recognize it should it happen.


Greetings Stentiki, I'm SO Glad to have you back home again, this time for good I hope.
Thanks for taking the time and energy and pain to send that reply and update. It was really great.

It sounds like you and Tina had a real few weeks from hell there. You take all the time you need and then some if you want to. The main thing is that you keep getting better. Don't forget, when you're ready, you get free carving lessons down here in sunny south Florida, I'll even do all the heavy work. Yuo hold the chisel and I'll hit it for you.
Keep getting better and it will begin being fun again.'
Glad to have you back. Can't wait to meet you

hewey posted on Wed, Aug 3, 2005 8:13 PM

Hey dude.

Great to know that you are pulling through. Jeez, sounds like you had a real tuff time. I knew it was bad, but not that bad.

Man, a missus like that is priceless too. Awesome work Tina, you're blood is worth bottling!

Looking forward to hearing more good progress stories. I'm thinkin of ya

Positive Vibrations ya o POSITIVE!!!



I composed this message yesterday and it took a lot out of me

If you can post on Tiki Central, you can dodge a ball.

Pretty good story, Arty... needs a little tweaking and I think you got something. I got a friend over at CAA that owes me, no gurantees but he's got juice at Miramax and Dreamworks. This is just some back of the napkin stuff, let me know what ya think. I don't know about points, maybe we can work something out on the foreign box, or DVD sales.

All we need is to tighten things up a bit, include a few bright and shiny's to what is already a great story. I love it, really, it's got that raw authenticity to it, but maybe... Ok, I am seeing a car chase from Rosarita, some Federales on the take from a South of the Border drug ring (steroids, keeping it topical). The wife character is pretty good, heart of gold and all, loyal, devoted...yadda yadda. I like her, but can she bring in the tween ticket? Go with me here... Tina, as played by Angelina Jolie, is an international travel journalist under the employ of the Defense Intelligence Agency. She could not be in Mexico on vacation, 'cause she's being held for ransom in Dubai by Islamist terrorists! I hear Tony Shaloub is available.

Ok, with me? Come on, keep up! Now, we have peril, we need to tie it together. Take 'em to the edge, our hero is in bad shape, the good wife is in danger, eeek! Need to wrap it up and give the folks the conclusion they want. This is the feel-good hit of the Summer. We're taking there nine dollars, we gotta give the people that sweet and sugary afterglow of a happy ending.

So, there's a code, maybe a combination to a safe, involved. A password to billions in Swiss accounts, something invloving Washington, the Prez? You're the only one that has it, and the Islamists demand it as ransom for Tina. So, without you, she's doomed. If we can get Morgan Freeman to play your mortally wounded partner or old football coach(Federales shoot-out at the border) that'd be great. I'd like the Olsen twins (see tween ticket above)to play the Cardiologist/Pulmonary specialists who bring our protagonist (that be you) back from the brink. Now healthy and safe, you can travel to Dubai and rescue Tina. I see a big chase scene (ever ride a camel?), a hidden nuclear weapon, a countdown, you know, "conflict". Another wild shoot-out, you swing down from a helicopter and pull Tina out of the burning limo (did I see this movie before?), lob a grenade into the Islamist headquarters(really just a tent, hey, they're Bedouin!).

You and Tina fly off over the Arabia Sea...Vern Troyer is your comic sidekick/helicopter pilot. Close iris to black. Cue the Aerosmith song over the final credits and out takes from your surgery.

Two hundred million domestic, easy.

That's it for now, glad to hear from you and that you're up and about. Stay strong!


ps I've talked with Leo about the lead role, he's stoked about your story. Too ethnic to play you?



Great to have you back, Arty. We'll keep the thoughts, prayers, and vibes coming and you keep doing your part. Also, our love going out to Tina for being such an angel of mercy.




What an ordeal!!! Keep getting stronger!

On 2005-08-03 18:47, stentiki wrote:
Hey gang,

In addition, I have some happier/funnier anecdotes I experienced under hallucinagenic drugs in the hospital involving Tikis. I'll share that later and be in touch.

Maybe you can post those dreams in this thread;

when you are ready---bruce


On 2005-08-03 23:47, midnite_tiki wrote:

Ok, I am seeing a car chase from Rosarita, some Federales on the take from a South of the Border drug ring (steroids, keeping it topical).

Brilliant! You crack me up, Midnite! :lol: I like it. For all I know the Federales were chasing us. The whole ride to the border felt like it was off road.

Tina, as played by Angelina Jolie, is an international travel journalist under the employ of the Defense Intelligence Agency. She could not be in Mexico on vacation, 'cause she's being held for ransom in Dubai by Islamist terrorists!

Perfect! Although, Angelina's lips have always been a little distracting to me. :wink:

If we can get Morgan Freeman to play your mortally wounded partner or old football coach(Federales shoot-out at the border) that'd be great. I'd like the Olsen twins (see tween ticket above)to play the Cardiologist/Pulmonary specialists who bring our protagonist (that be you) back from the brink.

I'm thinking, that Morgan Freeman doubles as the Cardio/surgeon who brings me back and the Olsen twins play the sexy nurses who provide daily care. :wink:

You and Tina fly off over the Arabia Sea...Vern Troyer is your comic sidekick/helicopter pilot. Close iris to black. Cue the Aerosmith song over the final credits and out takes from your surgery.

Great ending! I'm in.

That's it for now, glad to hear from you and that you're up and about. Stay strong!


Thanks for a good laugh. You' brightened my day. As do all of you out there who share the good mana. Mahalo!

ps I've talked with Leo about the lead role, he's stoked about your story. Too ethnic to play you?

Leo can play me anytime and maybe we can get Matt Dillon to play my wounded friend -- remember the Outsiders? "Let's do it for Johnny, man!"

On 2005-08-05 12:59, stentiki wrote:
Leo can play me anytime and maybe we can get Matt Dillon to play my wounded friend -- remember the Outsiders? "Let's do it for Johnny, man!"

Stay gold!


Arty Rules!!!

Arty, great to know you are getting better once again, well done to both you and Tina.
Jamie & Anjy


Thanks for a good laugh. You' brightened my day

Some bad news, Leo's out. Artistic differences, he wouldn't work nude. I know how you are true to your art, so no DiCaprio, but we got DeVito. We're gonna take this another route: less artsy, more fartsy.

Keep getting better, Arty.

It's Arty's world, we're just taking up oxygen.

ps I know, you wanted Leo, but we're going with Danny. Could be worse, I got 17 messages from Ben Affleck on my machine.

AloooooHA, Arty!

Sending you all the positive vibes for speedy and full recovery. It's great to have you back on the board and I look forward to seeing you out and about soon. Take care.

-Weird Unc


Please feel better soon!!! Sending positive Vegas Vibes and love yur way!

Ps. Angelina is NOT gorgeous enough to play Tina!!!

Get Better Fast! Then, we ride!!!



Arty,, ARTY, ARTY!!!, How are you these days. Hope you are all better and bossing Tin around. Not too much though or she will kick your butt!!. So glad you re getting better man. I have some carving lessons Dying to get out...find some free time and get away from it all, come on down and crash here and learn not burn.

Well take it eazy and don't overdo everything and keep the mending going.
Lookin forward to meeting you soon.
Take care,

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