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Doctor Z's 4th Annual Castaway Lounge Summer Spectacular 7/30 UPDATE pg.1

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Doctor Z posted on 06/27/2005

**“Doctor Z's Castaway Lounge Annual Summer Spectacular” Saturday, July 30!! **

7/29 UPDATE, incl. Silent Auction info:

Sabu will not be joining us this year (boooo…), but the recipe for his famous marinated coconut chicken & shrimp skewers is available here and I’ll keep the grill fired up so’s you all can make your own (Of course, you’re welcome to grill anything else you’d like as well!) As far as anything else to munch on, I’ll provide some stuff, but if you could please bring some sort of dish to share, it would help cut the alcohol intake somewhat…

There will be 2 bars runnin’: Doctor Z will be behind one bar, makin’ Mai Tai’s and Beachbum’s Own’s* for the duration, and for all you amateur and professional mixologists, Bar #2 (courtesy of TikiMatt/BarTiki) will once again feature:
“The Castaway Lounge Guest Bartender, starring YOU”!
If you have a signature drink or a new one you’ve been itching to mix for folks to sample (or just want to try your skillz on the other side of the bar) take a ‘guest spot’! I’ll have all the ice, glasses and whatnot, but I’m afraid I hafta ask all guest bartenders to provide their own ingredients & garnishes… I'm sure most TC’ers are more than happy to serve as guinea pigs for most things, so try out something new! These folks have already claimed ‘shifts’, but there's still room for YOU! PM me or post on this thread and I’ll update it accordingly.

Current line-up of barkeeps & their specialties:
Tiki Pug = mojito
Humuhumu = Mai Tai
The Sperm Whale = Miehana
Doctor Z (filling in for Kick-the-Reverb)* = Reverb Crash
UtopianDreem = Hawaiian Ginger Twist
Atomikitty (aka Suzy from the Lucky Tiki) = Ginger Flame (or Bossa Nova)
The Jab = Knockout Punch

*I am honored to have been given special permission from KTR himself to mix the Reverb Crash in his honor and in his absence!

IN ADDITION: I will have the infamous self-serve “Tower of Lapu Lapu” with ready-to-go drinks for those of you that just can’t wait!

PLUS: The Castaway Lounge is proud to feature not one but TWO of TikiBird and UtopianDreem’s home crafted brews: their OC Fair 2004 AWARD WINNING "Mango Tiki Ale", and their custom "Summer Spectacular Lager" both fresh, cold and on tap in their NEW custom made tiki jockey box!!

(Special Note to all AGWAnauts – be sure to bring a bottle! Or three… always room for more converts!)

“Doctor Z’s Tiki Arts & Crafts!”
For those few who don’t know what this is all about: Every year, I make a bunch of plaster-cast “Ku” masks (yeah, the same ones that are selling for up to $15.00 each on eBay, like these, but they’re unpainted. Oh, and they’re free.) that YOU – in your inebriated state – will be able to paint YOURSELF and take home to keep and cherish for ever and ever. And ever. I’ll provide the masks, the paints, the brushes, you provide the rum-inspired creativity! Oh, one thing, however: it’s BYOB (Bring Your Own Brown) - the watercolor paint kits I have don’t have brown paint! A few folks brought their own brown last year and I still have some left over (but not much), so if you have your own paints, you’re welcome to bring them! And of course, prizes will be given out to the ‘best’ masks…

“Humuhumu’s ‘Aloha wear Release to the Wild’”
As she has done many times before, our lovely Humuhumu has acquired a selection of aloha wear that she will be simply giving away! Now there are specific rules in place to be on the receiving end of this generosity (PM me or Humu for them), but this may well be your chance to score some fantastic Aloha wear FREE!

New for 2005 will be “Doctor Z’s Silent Auction”
I’ve got a few mugs, CoCo Joe’s, menus & stuff just taking up space. Sure I could list ‘em on eBay, but this seems more fun, plus, if you win the auction, you’ll save on shipping by being able to just take it home with you! Auctions will run all day; all ‘lots’ will be displayed with bid sheets for you to enter your bid(s). Auction closing times will be posted, winners will be notified and payment will be arranged. If you have any vintage clothes, mugs, artwork, carvings, or whateva and you’d like to participate in the silent auction as a seller, bring ‘em on over! I’ll set up a table or two, ‘cause there’s nothing like a little wheelin’ and dealin’ with the ohana, and you might leave with something nice (or some $$!)

SILENT AUCTION UPDATE: At this point, I will have for sale at least 25 mugs, 20 CoCo Joe's pieces, a few menus, a Sandwich Isles sportcoat and assorted other items. You will also have a chance to bid on a few lamps, some of TikiCutie's fantastic original artwork, and OokooLady will be putting both a baritone and a tenor ukulele up for your bidding pleasure. If you have something you'd like to sell, bring it (remember, all proceeds from your sale go to YOU!) Otherwise, bring some $$ because you might end up with a great deal!

And last but not least: All patrons will be given a Breathilyzer test and a packet of ‘Doctor Z’s Not-Quite Patented Hangover Remedy’ upon leaving (because the Good Doctor cares about the health and safety of his friends and their livers...)

Oh, and I almost forgot: Got a uke? Bring it! Spontaneous jams have been known to occur...

Things will kick-off around 1:00-ish (or whenever the 1st person gets here) and will go until the last person leaves. The grill will be fired up and the bar (excuse me: bars) will be open all afternoon and all night!

Donations requested but never required!!

Any questions (like “Where can we spend the night?” or "How do we get to Nancy's?"), drop me a line!!

If you were here last year (or the year before, or even the year before that!), we'd love to see you again, and if you've never been to The Castaway Lounge - where ya been?

Directions: 1303 S. Helberta Avenue, Redondo Beach. From the 405, exit at Hawthorne Blvd. Take Hawthorne south and make a RIGHT on Torrance Blvd. From Torrance Blvd., make a LEFT on Palos Verdes Blvd. After a mile or so, make a LEFT at the first stop sign after Prospect; which is Helberta. The Castaway Lounge is in the second house on the right, with the torches burning in the front yard...

:drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink:

[ Edited by: Doctor Z 2005-07-29 15:55 ]

TikiPug posted on 06/27/2005

Woo Hoo! This is the post I've been waiting for all summer. Sign me for guest bartender. However, I prefer to bartend outside because the light above the inside bar always gets stuck on my head.

UtopianDreem posted on 06/27/2005

hmmmm...Castaway Lounge, two bars, AND guest bartenders? Can't miss this one!!

Tiki Bird & I will see you there!!

Dr. Shocker posted on 06/27/2005

Can't wait for this one Doctor........did you find some cheap dead hooker hotels within stumbling distance fer me....wink

Here comes the Dawn

Riptide posted on 06/27/2005

Dr. Z - I'm already getting in shape for the whirlwind day that this event will require. The Castaway Lounge is so nice, I'll be there twice.

Noon: Arrive at Dr. Z's and drink (hopefully: Moderately)
4pm: (To appease the wife) Drive back to OC, pick-up said appeased wife, and go to Pacific Amphitheatre for Chris Isaak.
10pm: Drop of the wife at home, kiss the dog / pet the wife (or something like that) and drive back to the faraway, tropical oasis of the Castaway Lounge: Party like a rock star.

Damn, Z. If you could just get Chris Isaak to play at your party, I could save about $5000 in gas. Oh well, I guess I can always hope that he will eat some bad fish that weekend and cancel the show.

DawnTiki posted on 06/27/2005

Dr. Shocker wrote:

Here comes the Dawn(tiki)

Yes, I'll be there bright and early!

ookoo lady posted on 06/27/2005

I think we've got about 5 bottles of Agwa. Will that be enough?

Tiki Bird posted on 06/27/2005

Whew!....glad i saw the thread finally go up. Cant wait, let me know if you need any help.


kick_the_reverb posted on 06/27/2005

Sadly, my annual trip to the homeland falls on this date, so we'll be missing it this year. It was loads of fun last year, though.
Enjoy the party everyone,

WooHooWahine posted on 06/28/2005

WooHoo! Count Soccer Tiki and I in. Let us know if there's anything we can do to help out :)

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MTKahuna posted on 06/28/2005

I'm in... I was starting to worry.
Dr. Z... with the special Hang-over remedy.

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mrs. pineapple posted on 06/28/2005

Dr. Z - It is with great sadness I must let you know that Tiki-Bot and I will miss this party. You will all be relieved to know that we will instead be spending that day in baby care class where Mr. Bot will learn to diaper and swaddle and otherwise care for one tiny infant pineapple. Raise your mugs for us and have fun!
The Pineapples

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floratina posted on 06/28/2005

I'm in.

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johnnievelour posted on 06/28/2005

Sorry Dr Z, the Lady and I can't make it. We will be in New York. I will drink the entire contents of the Minibar in your honor.

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kirby posted on 06/28/2005

I will be there fo sho... cant wait...

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CaptainKneePads Tiki posted on 06/29/2005

I'll be there with Custom Authentic Hawiian Tiki Kneepads ON. I look forward in meeting all of my new TC OHANA.
Doctor Z would it be alright to vend some of my New Chrome Knee Pads at the Party? I will sell them to all Tiki Centralites at low low discount prices. Just say you are from TC and give me your screen name and I will give you 50% off.

[ Edited by: CaptainKneePads Tiki on 2005-06-28 17:30 ]

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Humuhumu posted on 06/29/2005

It's on our calendar! I'd love to guest bartend. I am extraordinarily pleased to report that after much practice, I have received enthusiastic seals of approval from both Sven Kirsten & Jeff Berry on my Mai Tai.

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PapeToaTane posted on 07/04/2005

Yep. As I feared (as I told Humuhumu tonight at Lucky Tiki) - I am in Portland that weekend. My heart is breaking! I'll hoist something rummy at The Alibi Room in honor of your bash. :(

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Doctor Z posted on 07/08/2005

See details on page 1...

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PiPhiRho posted on 07/08/2005

I don't want to miss this one, but I do have a conflict earlier in the day (last drum corps event of the season) and I am not sure when I am done with it but I expect I will be able to make it later in the evening. I'm willing to take a bartender shift, but that will have to be tentative until I know better what my schedule will actually be.

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Humuhumu posted on 07/08/2005

Here are my rules for the Aloha Wear Release to the Wild:

  1. You must be someone I have met before.

  2. The item must fit you AS IS -- no alterations. These poor things have already been sitting neglected for too long, and the item may fit someone else perfectly.

  3. You must try the item on to confirm it fits you.

  4. You cannot take an item with the intent of giving it to someone else, it must be for your own use.

  5. These are gifts for my friends. I will not accept anything in exchange for these items, except for a warm hug and a smile. Seeing these lovely items get worn is all the payment I'm looking for.

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hiltiki posted on 07/08/2005

Humu, I would give you a warm hug and a smile even without any gifts. :~)

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WooHooWahine posted on 07/08/2005

WooHooo! Soccer Tiki and I can't wait!!! :)

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Tikifrog posted on 07/10/2005

if it's not a problem to bring our little Tikifrogette (5 month old now) we'll be very happy to come.
Can't make it before 7:00, but we can catch up.
We remember last year, it was the day we landed in LA for vacation. We were exhausted but had a fabulous time.

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PapeToaTane posted on 07/13/2005

MAJOR CHANGE IN PLANS! The Canon Missioner for the Diocese just pulled the plug on my Portland Trip!! Doc - see ya there!!!!!


A Grateful Pops+

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SON OF MOTHRA posted on 07/13/2005

I'm gonna make it this year! I swear......I'm gonna make it this year! The problem is am I gonna make it home?!

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TikiCutie posted on 07/16/2005

I, former roommate of Dr. Z and frequent Castaway of said Castaway lounge, also Charter member of the Puffin' Flame HOle Alliance, pledge my allegiance and promise my second attendance at this Hula Soiree. I wish I could be a bartender, then everyone would be in love with me!

Alas, I am not, I am merely a tiki artist with something to show at the much awaited Silent Auction. Jeff has told me I should paint something for the auction, and I have begun something, but he also told me I should just SHOW it at the auction as a teaser, then put it on EBAY so I can have more people fight over it. I might do that unless someone offers me exhorbitant amounts of money for it, then I'll reconsider the whole EBAY thing. I like exhorbitant amounts of money. Those are my favorite kinds.

So anyway, in case you are all wondering if I really am the artist that I have been saying that I am (and none of you have visited the Enchanted Tiki Room recently to view my rehab work, plus the new stuff I made for it), then the Castaway Lounge party will be your chance to view a bit of my work...and you too shall become a believer.

Gee, I wonder if she will do an Enchanted TikiRoom themed painting?

Hey, I got a cool vintage bathing suit from Humuuhumuu last year, yes she really does give away clothes for hugs!

By the way, I will be bringing 3 Tiki inductees who want to see what "this tiki thing" is all about. (she rubs hands together wickedly...Oh, we'll show them!)

Let's get this party goin'!


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weirduncletiki posted on 07/16/2005

Weird Unc checking in! Ready to check it out! See y'all there! Mahalo, Dr. Z!
-Weird Unc

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Shell in the Pacific posted on 07/17/2005

I'll be there, does anyone from the S.D. area want to carpool?

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cyntiki posted on 07/18/2005

I just secured babysitting for the day! So we will be there with potluck and tips in tow! Can't wait!

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The Whale Rider posted on 07/19/2005

Hi Z,

I just wanted your thread to be the location of my very first post ever!!!! Aren't you excited :) Also, I'll bring lots of yummy food to the party. And, Spermy will definately be bartending --- Mmmmmmmm Spermy. Anyway, I'll make a big bowl of potato salad and some other misc. salad type things. OH, I almost forgot, I'm totally looking forward to meeting Captain Kneepads Tiki. We missed him when we were in Oahu. Aloha -

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Riptide posted on 07/19/2005

I don't think I want to know the ingredients in Spermy's Potato Salad.

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The Whale Rider posted on 07/20/2005

Spermy's potato salad is delicious!!!! you said so yourself at the last BBQ :) Mmmmmmm -- Spermy! However, your colon may think differently. --Aloha

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PapeToaTane posted on 07/20/2005

So glad you're here. "The Whale Rider". I DO like that! I hate calling you "Mrs. Whale". Or, "Mrs. Spermy". That's much worse!

See you at the Doctor's bash!

Fr. Scott

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thejab posted on 07/21/2005

This always sounds like a great party so I'll be there pouring my Knockout Punch! See you all next weekend!

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Doctor Z posted on 07/22/2005

See updates on page 1, including current Guest Bartenders list and brew info.

:drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink:

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Cousin Dave posted on 07/23/2005

It has been a long, arduous journey....
But I'm determined to muster the strength...
Must keep moving, though my feet have been scorched a raw...
This vast desert has never been so cruel....
But wait--do my weary eyes again dare to deceive me....
Or have I finally come upon that last glimmer of hope....
That true beacon of light that can forever set me free....
Only my friends, my OHANA....
At the Castaway Lounge can know for sure....

This will serve as the perfect respite from the HEAT!!!!

See everyone next week~~Cousin Dave

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saxotica posted on 07/23/2005

You lucky California bastards...

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badmojo posted on 07/24/2005

On 2005-06-27 02:16, Doctor Z wrote:

For those few who don’t know what this is all about: Every year, I make a bunch of plaster-cast “Ku” masks (yeah, the same ones that are selling for up to $15.00 each on eBay, like these, but they’re unpainted. Oh, and they’re free.)

So That's why I haven't been able to sell any of these lately, you're going to give them away for free! Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=907&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tikicentral.com%2Fimages%2Fsmiles%2Ficon_wink.gif&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=83e1da2d75470e1b3294d02b8cbd6061

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Humuhumu posted on 07/27/2005

This is shaping up to be a fantastic weekend!

We've got King Kukulele's Enchanted Tiki Room Tribute Tiki Taix on Friday night:


Saturday, we get the main attraction for the weekend -- make that the month, possibly the summer -- Dr. Z's big annual bash! It'd be appropriate to call it the tentpole event of the season, it might end up being an actual three ring circus!

And then on Sunday a perfect wrap-up to the weekend, a very rare opportunity to see an actual tiki film, at the special Tiki Night at the Egyptian Theater, where they're playing Bird of Paradise (art direction by Aloha Jhoe's Lyle Wheeler) AND Beachbum Berry's Secret of Easter Island, AND a luau afterward with Bill Tapia, hula dancers, tiki carvers... it's like the OPPOSITE of last year's weird LACMA tiki party!


It's weekends like these that remind me just how much I did the right thing when I moved down here from Seattle. God, I love Southern California. I can't wait!

Critiki - Hundreds of tiki bars, Polynesian restaurants, and other sites of interest to the tiki traveller, collector or urban archaeologist

[ Edited by: Humuhumu 2005-07-27 11:26 ]

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ookoo lady posted on 07/27/2005

Tiki events on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday? Then back to work on Monday? Yikes! I think I'm too old and frail for this tiki lifestyle....Maybe I should just quit my job.

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Humuhumu posted on 07/27/2005

On 2005-07-27 11:42, ookoo lady wrote:
Tiki events on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday? Then back to work on Monday? Yikes! I think I'm too old and frail for this tiki lifestyle....Maybe I should just quit my job.

That's what I did!

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WooHooWahine posted on 07/27/2005

WooHoo! Soccer Tiki and I can't wait for another
Tikki-rific Weekend! :)

[ Edited by: woohoowahine 2005-07-27 14:50 ]

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hiltiki posted on 07/29/2005

Cutiki and I will be there with plenty of lime and much needed lime..And of coarse with some food.Oh by the way, Riptide I will make sure I bring the "STUFF".:wink:

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hiltiki posted on 07/29/2005

Oops I almost forgot, yes yes yes I will bring mint.

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Hakalugi posted on 07/29/2005

I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to attend the Castaway Lounge event so I consulted (twice) with my Magic Eight Ball.

I received the following answers:
"Reply hazy, try again." and "Better not tell you now."

So it's settled! I'm going to the Castaway Lounge!!!

See you all there.

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Doctor Z posted on 07/29/2005

See page 1 for Silent Auction items update.

See y'all tomorrow!


:drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink:

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UtopianDreem posted on 07/30/2005

Tiki Bird and I are ready to shake up a few Hawaiian Ginger Twists! Also on the menu...Humuhummus and Frito Salad (recipe courtesy of Kukuinut aka Mrs Baxdog).

See you all soon!

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