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Trade thread

Pages: 1 40 replies

hula hula posted on 12/31/2002

Well what do you think, should we start a trading thread?

We could help each other out by getting pieces we need and getting rid of the extra mugs we dont really need.Im sure there are alot of ppl here who are sick of ebay mark ups, and just want to pay a decent price for a simple PMP mug or whatever.

kick it around

Tikirob posted on 12/31/2002

Hula Hula,
I think this is a great idea! I know that I have a number of spare mugs & misc. tiki related items that I was planning to list on ebay, but would rather trade. This way list members could get exactly what they need for their collections without breaking the bank. Maybe a TC member with a website, such as Tikihula's tiki gallery, could help with hosting of the photos and contact info.


TikiHula posted on 12/31/2002

That's a great idea. I'll set up a gallery that people can add pics of their trades to along with email info and descriptions. People can even save pics out of the other galleries and then upload them to the trade gallery so that they don't have to take photos themselves if they don't want to.

Then people can post links on a tiki trade TC thread to let people know about it. Sound like a plan?

dogbytes posted on 01/01/2003

perfect timing! i just so happen to have a Shag Decanter Set i'd love to trade for some old mugs..

guess i should figure out how to post pics!


TikiHula posted on 01/01/2003

I've added a trading gallery to the tiki galleries. Once you are in the trade gallery just click on the 'add photos' link and follow the directions to upload your photos of what you have for trade. Alternately, if you find a photo of what you have for trade already in another gallery, just right click on that photo, save it to your computer, and then go to the trade gallery and upload it.

After uploading is done, please go back and add your email address and any further info about what's in the photo or what you are looking to trade it for.

Have fun!


SoBeTiki posted on 01/02/2003

First trade proposal here:


Zeta posted on 07/22/2010

Lots of stuff for trade at Zeta's International Marketplace:
Ships from Boston

RevBambooBen posted on 07/22/2010

Hula Hula?

blast from the past!


Bongo Bungalow posted on 08/04/2010

I think posting pictures of items you'd like to trade is a good idea. My collection is getting kinda out of hand and SELLING items is so messy if you aren't in that business.

Bongo Bungalow posted on 08/05/2010

OK, I've got two items that I'd like to trade. First is the United Airlines 1974 Hawaii Open Jim Beam decanter. It's about 15 inches high.

The second item is the pineapple/menehune ceramic piece you place in the middle of a plate full of pupu's. Toothpicks can be stuck all over it.

Whadda ya say? Anyone need these two beauties in their collection?

TIKI DAVID posted on 08/06/2010

I have enough 'Witco' to put together a complete Witco Tiki bar room.
Bar(3 to chose from),stools,bench,wall hangings(outrigger,scooner,globe,world map,wahines,masks,etc.)value between $2500.00-$3500.00

What I am looking for is an unrestored,but solid 'restorable', 'fun car'

Falcon,Comet,Nova or others, 60's 70's sort of thing. 2 dr hard top/sedan,wagon, ranchero ,el camino
You get the idea. What have you got?

DEL./pick up is an option. I would like to keep it on the eastern seaboard,
if possible.
Some where between here(cleveland,ohio)and on the way to Key West.

blacklagoon posted on 08/08/2010

Don't have much to trade Bongo, but I like that Jim Beam!

I have and extra Otagiri on the right if anyone is interested.



[ Edited by: blacklagoon 2010-08-07 18:52 ]

Bongo Bungalow posted on 08/15/2010

Trade success! Blacklagoon and I will be visiting our local post offices tomorrow as we balance out our collections.

8FT Tiki posted on 08/15/2010

Framed Tretchikoff "Miss Wong"

Looking for a framed print of August Hollands "Pearl of Wisdom"
Do you have a double to trade?

blacklagoon posted on 08/20/2010

Just wanted to say that my trade with Bongo was smooth and easy, I hope he likes his mugs.


Bongo Bungalow posted on 08/20/2010

This swap thread is great. I like the holiday "mystery" swaps I've been in too, but here both parties decide what they want to receive and what they're willing to give up.

Got mine, all in good shape. I'm a happy camper!

blacklagoon posted on 08/23/2010

Yes, I'm glad man, thanks for the Beam again!


Bongo Bungalow posted on 09/01/2010

Who wants to swap me a cool tiki mug for this collection of three Westwood minis?

Bongo Bungalow posted on 09/14/2010

I've got too many ashtrays for a guy who doesn't smoke. I'll trade this gorgeous, chip-free beauty for a mug or two I don't have.

John the Mainlander posted on 09/25/2010

Thought I'd post some mugs for trade. Let me know if you are interested in any of these and what you might have for trade. Thanks!

8FT Tiki posted on 09/27/2010

On 2010-08-15 14:30, 8FT Tiki wrote:

Framed Tretchikoff "Miss Wong"

Looking for a framed print of August Hollands "Pearl of Wisdom"
Do you have a double to trade?

I just found a Pearl of Wisdom at a neighbors sale so update this ad to
"Miss Wong still available, Make offer"

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McTiki posted on 09/29/2010

I'll trade a minty red (clear glass) Port light mug, for a Green (clear glass) starboard light mug.


Bongo Bungalow posted on 10/01/2010

Here's some more stuff I'm willing to trade. The one item that I consider rare is the Fergusons Calypso Room torso mug. (so sexy!)

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Dustycajun posted on 10/08/2010

Any paper traders out there?

I have a lot of postcards and matchbooks that I would like to trade for other postcards or matchbooks or menus or paper items. Some examples

Imperial Luau
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Sams Seafood Gift Shop with the Crypto Mugs
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Bali Hai (hard to find one)
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Kapu Kai
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Trader Vic's New York (Plaza and Savoy)
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Oversized Steve Crane Luau
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PM me if interested in these and others available for paper trades.


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MauiRose posted on 10/19/2010

I'm sure this is a longshot but I'm looking for a Frankie's Tiki Room Halloween Howl mug.

If you have one, I can make an offer, or I have for trade an Enchanted Tiki Room 40th Anniversary orange pendant by Shag (I can post a pic later).

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Bail Tekey posted on 10/25/2010

Up for your trade consideration. Three postaly unused cards. Will trade for other cards. (sorry for the bad scan).

From left to right:

  1. Trader Vic's - Denver
    • Rare * Chin's Islander Lounge
  2. Papeete / Tahiti - Hotel Taharaa

Trade pending, thanks for the interest!

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[ Edited by: Bail Tekey 2010-10-25 17:09 ]

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Bail Tekey posted on 10/25/2010

In addition a matchbook from Judge's Beyond the reef" - Brookfield Wisconsin. Matches are intact, looks like the sticker has been used.

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Trade pending, thanks for the interest!

[ Edited by: Bail Tekey 2010-10-25 17:11 ]

Bongo Bungalow posted on 10/25/2010

Leleliz and I arranged a little tradin'... looky what I got in the mail today:

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It's what's great about trading and the people on TC: I've never seen, and may never see a Mark Thomas Outrigger mug in this part of the country, but I understand that aren't all that rare on the west coast. And what a handsome mug these are- Thanks Liz!

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[ Edited by: Bongo Bungalow 2010-10-25 12:24 ]

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leleliz posted on 10/25/2010

Thanks for my mug too Bongo. I would take a pic but my computer has some virus that has affected my ability to upload photos. Thrill.

Glad you now own one :)

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Nifo Oti posted on 10/26/2010

I have a Kelbo's Hawaiian Bar B-Q Popo mug with a long handle at the back, that I'm looking to trade toward wooden artifacts from Polynesia, Micronesia, Australia, or Melanesia. I am mainly looking for clubs, spears, arrows, shields, paddles, etc. but I am also looking for any Marshall Islands figures or masks.

Best regards,
Nifo Oti

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bigbrotiki posted on 10/26/2010

On 2010-10-25 17:38, Nifo Oti wrote:
I have a Kelbo's Hawaiian Bar B-Q Popo mug with a long handle at the back, that I'm looking to trade toward wooden artifacts from Polynesia, Micronesia, Australia, or Melanesia. I am mainly looking for clubs, spears, arrows, shields, paddles, etc. but I am also looking for any Marshall Islands figures or masks.

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N.O., that is quite a desirable mug for any Los Angelino Tikiphile, especially one that used to frequent Kelbo's. Unfortunately, I cannot offer any real Oceanic artifacts. In fact, you are the only collector here that I know of that actually collects the REAL thing. Most of us probably have deemed these things unattainable, I appreciate the fact that you demonstrate that in this day and age, authentic Oceanic artifacts can still be found and afforded.

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Psycho Tiki D posted on 10/27/2010

On 2010-10-25 17:38, Nifo Oti wrote:
I have a Kelbo's Hawaiian Bar B-Q Popo mug with a long handle at the back, that I'm looking to trade toward wooden artifacts from Polynesia, Micronesia, Australia, or Melanesia. I am mainly looking for clubs, spears, arrows, shields, paddles, etc. but I am also looking for any Marshall Islands figures or masks.

Best regards,
Nifo Oti

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Is this something you would be interested in??

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Vintage Breakdown Bow, quiver and arrows, told this was from Fiji. Bow slides together to make full size bow!


[ Edited by: Psycho Tiki D 2010-10-27 06:01 ]

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Nifo Oti posted on 10/27/2010

Hi Sven,
Periodically these things can turn up at Antique stores, Estate Sales, or Flea Markets. A lot of Micronesian and Melanesian material was brought back in the 1940s by servicemen during the War ,and I've even picked up arrows from people that spent part of the 60s living in New Guinea while in the Peace Corp. I decided to stick with artifacts, because to me they have more of a history to them, but I still do always keep an eye out for Tiki Mugs and paper out of habit.

Best regards,
Nifo Oti

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Bongo Bungalow posted on 12/29/2010

I'll trade this Treasure Craft S&P set for a mug or something I don't have.
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[ Edited by: Bongo Bungalow 2011-01-21 05:51 ]

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TikiTacky posted on 01/20/2011

I have a genuine aboriginal kundela, or "pointing bone," which I might be willing to trade.

This is an aboriginal killing bone, collected from a Walpiri tribe member, G. Jabanadi, in Yuendumu area, 300 km west of Alice Springs in the 1960s by a Danish geologist, Jan Splitt. He was in the country between 1965 and 1969. In 1979, his collection was presented in the Esbjerg Museum, and the items have been referenced.

Amongst the Australian native peoples, there is no such thing as a "natural death." This is a rather common belief among the Pacific islanders, including the Sepik in Papua New Guinea. It is generally believed that death is caused by a witch doctor or sorcerer. In ART OF THE FIRST AUSTRALIANS, John Carrick relates that, "Australian aboriginal sorcerers were universally feared; they could cause death or injury to a victim by projecting an evil spirit into him with a 'pointing bone.' Bone pointing was practised by many groups. Among the Aranda of central Australia, the bone was cursed and pointed secretly at the victim with chants. Unless some medicine man could remove the evil magic, the boned person would die."

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[ Edited by: TikiTacky 2011-01-20 10:51 ]

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Tiki-Atari posted on 02/01/2011

Hi all!
So, I have this problem with dunlops disease (for those of you not from Georgia, that means by belly dun-lopped over mah belt). So I have this lovely, gently worn, 2xl blue-green tiki print shirt. The pattern on the pocket lines up nicely, and it has a tiki on it. Looking to trade it for a nice aloha shirt, preferably also gently worn with a tiki on it, sized 3xl.

Anyone interested out there in TV land? Might also be interested in other swag, feel free to make an offer. I'd really love a replacement tiki/tapa print shirt though.

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HelveTiki posted on 02/17/2011

Aloha All,
i have a bunch of "hands clapsed swiss mövenpick" tiki mugs for trade.
would like to offer here first before they land on ebay.
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#3 - small chips in mouth and eye,
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#4 - hairline crack on his left foot,
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#5 the rarer version from stuttgart has a crack on his head... poor boy :(
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They all live in Switzerland, but worldwide shipping is no problem.
If interested, just send pm...

here my wish list:
or make offer...


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dewey-surf posted on 02/18/2011

I offer this. I can supply better photos. Overall the picture is in good shape, missing a paint chip to the lower right of the bowl, a smaller chip to the left bottom of the bowl, a couple of smaller chips to the upper left. The frame is in decent shape, some scuffing around the edges. Not a Near Mint example, but would make a nice addition to your room.

This is #2 in my finds. I was going to flea bay it, but would rather it go to a TC'er who is looking for one. What am I looking for? Mugs, preferably from defunct Tiki establishments. I am really trying to get some from AKU AKU, Islander Stockton, Kona Kai, Hawaiian Village Tampa, etc. I will handle shipping charges on my end, & you handle shipping charges on the mugs. PM me with offers. I will like to try and have this finalized a week from today.

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Bail Tekey posted on 07/09/2012


Up for trade, this small Langerman's Luau - paper(Luau)menu. Approx. size 10"x9". I am interested in doing a (1 for 1) trade for the following:

1.The (3-view) Langerman's Luau postcard


2.The (3-view) Albert Gee's Poly-Asian postcard.

Item will ship with delivery confirmation (as i would request the same). PM me if interested.

p.s. - Please note that i am NOT looking to sell this item, trades only.



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Big Kahuna posted on 05/30/2014

Curious that this thread didn't take off. Anyway, I've got this to trade, if anyone's interested.
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ukutiki posted on 05/30/2014

I have the Honolulu mug but always interested in trades. Check out my Ooga Mooga page:



Pages: 1 40 replies