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Sorry, seems important if you have kids!

Pages: 1 12 replies

thebaxdog posted on 08/06/2005

This was sent to me by a friend and I thought it was worth sharing.
new way to die

docwoods posted on 08/07/2005

Absolutely tragic.

Tiki Rider posted on 08/07/2005

Thanks Bax, just bought a can of this at Staples for my keyboard. Didnt think much about it. Till I read this and the warning on the can. I'll be passing this info on.

johnman posted on 08/07/2005

Where are the PSA's for this type of thing? You'd think pot was the leading killer of youth from the amount of attention it receives.

What a sad story :(

TikiGardener posted on 08/07/2005

Huffing has been around for quite a while. Remember model airplane glue before they made the "non-toxic" kind? I think Testors had lawsuits brought against it.They also had to do something because the hobby market would dry up because so many municipalities were enforcing the no glue to kids under 18 laws that were popping up.

Inhalents are one of the leading problems today. If it can be put in a can, some kid has probably huffed it.

Propane is one of the most abused ones.

I remember gold spray paint being a big hit among the kids in the Barrio area of San Diego. I watched one of the most quick witted, on top of it kids waste his life huffing spray paint. He would show up where I worked with traces of gold all around his mouth. They spray it into a bag, and huff the fumes.

People will find a way to alter their consciousness no matter what. They've been doing it for thousands of years. And unfortunately some will go to great and disastrous lengths to do so.

Its a terrible problem, but I'm not sure what can be done about it, aside from parents locking up every solvent/cleaning material under the kitchen sink. Come to think of it, thats about all that will prevent these sort of things.

Weren't there two kids who huffed something last summer in Los Angeles who then went swimming? And then drowned because whatever they huffed paralysed their central nervous system.

[ Edited by: TikiGardener 2005-08-07 14:38 ]

TikiGardener posted on 08/07/2005

Oh, anybody old enough here to remember ditto paper?

Shipwreckjoey posted on 08/08/2005

or the original White Out...causes lots of irreparable brain damage (I think & I think & I think but I don't know the answer. Then I got the answer, but I don't remember the question).

mrs. pineapple posted on 08/08/2005

One of the creepiest street encounters I've ever had was in Berlin, I was taking pictures at a pretty well known squat, and these 3 kids came walking across the lot towards me. I consider myself pretty street smart, and I've seen people whacked on all kinds of stuff over the years, but these kids were fried in a way I've never encountered. I was kind of backing away towards the street, keeping an eye on them, and they were talking to me, and slurring and really creeping me out, and a bunch of cans fell out of their coat. I thought they were tagging, but I realized they were huffing it. It was really creepy. I hope I can figure out a way to talk to the little pineapple about this stuff before he gets into trouble :)

tikifish posted on 08/08/2005


It's not just kids! Check out this winner...

tikilee posted on 08/09/2005

"It was the warriors, the warriors did it."

Seriously.I work for Home Depot and always hear these stories from the Rust-oleum Vendor. He tells me tales about driving behind Home Depots in Detroit and just seeing tons of empty Gold spray paint cans littered across the parking lot. Theres some movie with Laura Linney that comes to mind where her character is a huffer. Anybody know which one I'm talking about.
Anyway, if buy spray paint from Home Depot nowadays the ask for ID. Atleast thats what they do at the one I work at.

[ Edited by: tikilee 2005-08-08 17:51 ]

stuff-o-rama posted on 08/09/2005

*On 2005-08-08 17:49, tikilee wrote:*Theres some movie with Laura Linney that comes to mind where her character is a huffer. Anybody know which one I'm talking about.

It was Laura Dern in "Citizen Ruth" Great movie.

My stepdad worked as a coroner for the Sherrif's Dept. Most of the deaths he photographed were of gang members. Not from homocide, but from huffing overdoses. Passed out in their cars with metallic paint mustaches. Party on Wayne!

alohabros posted on 08/10/2005

... was the mother's alibi fully checked out? seems as though she could have shoved the tube in the kid's mouth as he slept - while the father was at work...

Tiki2Beach posted on 08/10/2005

Thanks for sharing.

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