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Tiki Central / Home Tiki Bars

TikiBong's Home Bar

Pages: 1 21 replies

Alnshely posted on 07/15/2002

The day after the OC crawl Shelley, FloraTina and I were lucky enough to tour Bong's palatial mansion. These photos I took are of his bar set up, wich is really cool. His living room however was a polynesian dream. Most things were in display cases and my digital cam has trouble through glass, so I didn't take any clear pics inside. I really liked his Koa wood furniture, very swank. Here's some photos of the bar.

[ Edited by: Alnshely 2007-07-29 17:18 ]

stentiki posted on 07/15/2002

Wow, coool bar, Bong! Hey is that Bill Clinton I see up there on the shelf or is it Nixon? My only regret from the OC Pub Crawl is that we did not make it to Bong's bar, but perhaps another time. As always, great pics from AlnShelly. The koa furniture sounds terrific. You are truly blessed by the island gods!


Uncle Arty

ErichTroudt posted on 07/15/2002

[ Edited by: ErichTroudt on 2005-03-28 23:59 ]

Tiki-bot posted on 07/16/2002

Great bar! But I thought all tiki bars were supposed to be photographed with a bottle of Lancers Rose on them? :wink:


bigbrotiki posted on 07/16/2002

That's a Witco insider joke.
Hey Bong, you get it on, bang a gong, man!
(That's a T-Rex insider joke)

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki on 2002-07-15 19:45 ]

thebaxdog posted on 07/16/2002

Al, you and that camera are unbelievable. You need to have a PBS series Al's TIKI tour.
Someday I hope to have you and your super duper wonderful wife grace my humble TIKI digs, and have the camera do the talkin.

Bong, way cool bar. Hope to see it in person someday. I did not see the book of TIKI laying around? Was it at the cleaners?
Bong you have a perm. invite to my bar also.
I might need some spirits help being that I don't drink and all. I can't taste them to see if they are right or not. Keep the TIKI freaki.

GECKO posted on 07/16/2002

Aloha Friends! Looks like you have been busy since the last time I've been there Bong!! It really makes me happy to see my carvings displayed in your beautiful Tiki Bar. GREAT JOB!! Aloha Al, Great job on the pictures! I've seen pictures of your tiki infested home too....Awesome Brah! It's a big payoff to see my work in saroundings such as Bongs! I hope to see more of my work in Tiki Central home bars! MAHALOZ!
"Gecko" Aloha

Tiki_Bong posted on 07/16/2002

Thank you all for the kind responses. I too am sorry we couldn't make it to my tiki bar after getting back to Ben's shop after the crawl (It's due to my advanced age).

All tikicentralites are invited to our home if they would like to compare notes on tiki bars and related hawaiiana collections and furniture. Al, of Al and Shelly, was able to provide some information on one of Madam Bong's tiki bowls that we were unaware of.

And YES, of course we have the BoT! I would like Sven to sign it some day. I felt a bit dumb bringing it to the OC Tiki Crawl for that purpose.

And Gecko! what up brah? When you coming back mainland side? If we don't see you sooner, we'll visit next time me, Debbie and the baby bongs are in the islands.

Aloha to 'A Tribe Called Tiki'.

bamboo ben posted on 07/16/2002

Killer Tiki Bar Bong!!
That hanging bamboo light looks vintage. It looks like to me that it's circa 1920's. Score on that one.
Alohas & mahalos
Bamboo Ben

floratina posted on 07/16/2002

Hey Gecko, nice carving!

GECKO posted on 07/18/2002

Aloha FloraTina!
Mahalo for the props. Wish I could have made it to the crawl to have met everyone. I'll be looking to meet ya on da islands when you guys visit. Keep spreading the ALOHA!


Talkie-Tiki posted on 01/02/2003

thats a really cool place bong! congrats!

Tiki_Bong posted on 01/02/2003

Thanks Talkie-Tiki,

If you're ever out West you have an invite to stop by.

P.S. I have relatives in South Carolina and if I visit 'em maybe we'll hook up.

twowheelin'tiki posted on 01/03/2003

yo bongster, where are you gunna put that harley half miler?, got room?.

The Sperm Whale posted on 10/14/2005

Bongs place has to really be seen in person. He has got the coolest place!! He also makes pretty good Mai Tais.

Tikiwahine posted on 10/14/2005

Thanks for resurrecting this thread Spermy, I don't think I've ever seen these pics of Bong's bar!
His dining room is really swell as well if I remember correctly. And don't forget those killer front doors.

We need a section dedicated to people's home spaces and bars.

tikitortured posted on 10/15/2005

Never heard of him.

hiltiki posted on 10/16/2005


Unga Bunga posted on 07/29/2007

This guy's bar SUCKS!
I even had to pay for parking.

TikiLaLe posted on 07/30/2007

If tikibong and tikibud hooked up !!!

Zeta posted on 07/23/2010

On 2005-10-14 09:58, Tikiwahine wrote:
We need a section dedicated to people's home spaces and bars.


woofmutt posted on 07/24/2010

Thanks Zeta, you're the best!

Pages: 1 21 replies