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What do you like that most people hate?

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Gigantalope posted on 08/12/2005

The Smell of Skunks? Mimes? Lima Beans?

Tikiwahine posted on 08/12/2005

cheese & pickle sandwiches, and celery with peanut butter in it(with raisins on top - ants on a log!)

I've just been informed that other people like ants on a log, is this true? I think I need a show of hands.

[ Edited by: Tikiwahine 2005-08-11 20:53 ]

donhonyc posted on 08/12/2005

The Monkees!

Tiki Matt posted on 08/12/2005

No shit...Tuna salad & peanut butter sandwich...The BEST! Bologna, peanut butter & banana sandwich is a close second...try them, I swear!

purple jade posted on 08/12/2005


johntiki posted on 08/12/2005

Steven Spielberg's 1971 made for TV movie "Duel."

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 08/12/2005

I saw Duel at a film festival and loved it. I also loved Spielberg's 1st theatrical feature Sugarland Express with Goldie Hawn. I seem to be the only person in the world who liked Tim Burton's Mars Attacks. I thought it was hilarious that Slim Whitman made the martian's heads explode. (I also love Slim Whitman which no one else seems to).

dogbytes posted on 08/12/2005

The Carpenters.

thejab posted on 08/12/2005

Jerry Lewis!

On 2005-08-11 20:56, donhonyc wrote:
The Monkees!

Huh? Who doesn't like the Monkees?!

Purple Jade, your response cracked me up, but I bet it's not true.

hiltiki posted on 08/12/2005


Velvet Ruby posted on 08/12/2005


docwoods posted on 08/12/2005

Black licorice.Chopped liver.Liver and onions.Rye krisp.

cheekytiki posted on 08/12/2005

Bacon & Banana Omlette, Cook Islanders like it, it's where I first had it.

Urban Tiki posted on 08/12/2005

The taste of listerine (the original).

Tangaroa posted on 08/12/2005

johntiki posted on 08/12/2005

Ronnie! I work with a young black guy whose guilty pleasure is Ronnie Milsap - he's got all his albums on vinyl! He always fills me in on his latest find in the bins at the local Goodwill! :)

tikinoobie posted on 08/12/2005

I like lots of reflectors on my bicycle, but I don't think that people really hate that, it's just that when I got my new bicycle, I put more reflectors on it to make it a little different. Some people at school always ask about why I have so many. It doesn't seem like they hate it, that's a pretty strong feeling.

freddiefreelance posted on 08/12/2005

On 2005-08-11 20:58, Tiki Matt wrote:
No shit...Tuna salad & peanut butter sandwich...The BEST! Bologna, peanut butter & banana sandwich is a close second...try them, I swear!

Peanut Butter & Mayonaise/Miracle Whip. I like it with hard Salami & Bread & Butter Pickles, too.

tikifish posted on 08/12/2005

Kraft Dinner with Ketchup and Pickles. The smell of motorboat gasoline. Bagpipes.


Tangaroa posted on 08/12/2005

The smell of the water in Pirates Of The Caribbean....

laney posted on 08/12/2005

man, I like all this stuff you guys are saying, Duel (one of my favorite movies) the smell of dank in Pirates!

But nearly all of my friends wouldn't be caught dead in a thrift store

I love beets but I'll take it further...Borsch!!! could eat it all day

people hate my cheesy plastic swag lamps and wiskey barrel furniture, too.....crazys

johntiki posted on 08/12/2005

S.B. in Maine - I love Moxie as well... the taste took a bit of little getting used to but I'm diggin' it! Do people up there in Maine actually dislike Moxie? What the hell is wrong with people? You gotta love it!


Aloha from the enchanted Pi Yi Grotto in exotic Bel Air Maryland!

[ Edited by: johntiki 2005-08-12 12:24 ]

Chongolio posted on 08/12/2005

Unripe fruit. The more sour the better! I even like my bananas green.


naugatiki posted on 08/12/2005

It may cause cancer, but when I need a pick me up I rip open a packet of pure Saccharine and toss it down my throat. It's better than inhaling my those fizzy candy Zotz and so much neater.

johntiki posted on 08/12/2005

Man I feel a lot better getting all this back-up on "Duel."
I rented the movie a couple years ago and we had some friends over to watch it... to this day they insist on taking shots at me for making them sit through the whole thing! How can someone not like this movie!?

The scene where David Mann confronts the guy at the diner who he thinks is driving the evil truck - it never fails to crack me up! The other part when he's inside the phone booth with the police and you see the truck gearing up to run him over - classic!

David Mann (Dennis Weaver) is a serious bad ass...


Aloha from the enchanted Pi Yi Grotto in exotic Bel Air Maryland!

[ Edited by: johntiki 2005-08-12 16:12 ]

There are many Mainers who still do not like Moxie. However, we do have a Moxie festival, and it was made the official state soft drink this year.

Even though it's actually made in Georgia now.


Beatnikine posted on 08/12/2005

I LOVE Moxie - especially the orange cream


(But nothing beats chocolate egg cream sodas... mmmmmmMMmmmm)

stuff-o-rama posted on 08/13/2005

I love Jim Carrey. My friends mock me for it, but I don't care. He makes me laugh. I've followed him since his early days of stand-up when he was on Rodney Dangerfield's "Young Comedian's" special in the late 70's/early 80's. I've seen him perform live twice and have run into him in random places in LA. He is completely normal, very shy and soft spoken, not at all spastic as people perceive him.

I also love the cheesey 50's 60's "beach blanket bingo/gidget" teen beach party movies. One of my all Time faves is a go go crazy film called "Village of the Giants."

Bring it on, I can take it!

finkdaddy posted on 08/13/2005

women with garlic breath.

Unkle John posted on 08/13/2005

On 2005-08-11 21:55, hiltiki wrote:

the band or the stew-like dish?

Me I like spam... right out of the can.

johnman posted on 08/13/2005

Mmm... Spam in the can.

I don't know if I could stomach it now but I loved it as a kid - right out of the can with that lovely gelatinous ooze.

Something I love and most hate - the Canadian rock gods - RUSH.

Swanky posted on 08/13/2005


Thomas posted on 08/13/2005

johnman wrote:
Something I love and most hate - the Canadian rock gods - RUSH

... Me too! And I don't like most other "heavy" music. But RUSH is brilliant. "The Spirit of Radio" is the greatest work in the history of popular music. (In my humble opinion!) Heavy metal, and the philosophy of Ayn Rand -- what a combination.
Begin the day with a friendly voice,
A companion unobtrusive
Plays the song that's so elusive
And the magic music makes your morning mood.

Off on your way, hit the open road,
There is magic at your fingers
For the Spirit ever lingers,
Undemanding contact in your happy solitude...

Shipwreckjoey posted on 08/13/2005


Pickled Eggs

Stinky Cheese

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 08/13/2005

Chicken feet.

Head cheese.

Monkeyman posted on 08/13/2005


The Granite Tiki posted on 08/13/2005

McDonald's dark meat chicken McNuggets. (the one's they got rid of and replaced with all crappy white meat)
I used to hold them up to the light because the fat and grease content in the dark meat ones would show up clear as day up to a light. I'd eat those first.

Rum Demon posted on 08/13/2005

The Reader's Digest "Pop Organ Varieties" four record set. BRILLIANT!!!

Humuhumu posted on 08/13/2005

Crappy Disney movies. Not all of them, mind you -- you won't see me getting excited about Pocahooters 3 or Air Bud, Golden Receiver. Mostly they're bad live action late-'60s fare.

Prime example: Monkeys Go Home! -- Dean Jones is an American who has inherited an olive farm in the south of France. Instead of hiring farm laborers, he opts for NASA-trained chimps. Tensions mount between the American and the traditional townspeople. Wackiness ensues. The kindly town priest is played by Maurice Chevalier. Hell yes.

martiki posted on 08/13/2005

On 2005-08-13 00:41, Humuhumu wrote:
Crappy Disney movies. Not all of them, mind you -- you won't see me getting excited about Pocahooters 3 or Air Bud, Golden Receiver. Mostly they're bad live action late-'60s fare.

Prime example: Monkeys Go Home! -- Dean Jones is an American who has inherited an olive farm in the south of France. Instead of hiring farm laborers, he opts for NASA-trained chimps. Tensions mount between the American and the traditional townspeople. Wackiness ensues. The kindly town priest is played by Maurice Chevalier. Hell yes.

Sign me up for "The Three Lives of Thomasina" and "Dr. Syn alias The Scarecrow!"

Trader Woody posted on 08/13/2005

On 2005-08-12 22:02, Shipwreckjoey wrote:
Stinky Cheese

Aye, "Stinking Bishop" cheese.

Trader Woody

virani posted on 08/13/2005


[ Edited by: virani 2005-08-13 08:10 ]

finkdaddy posted on 08/13/2005

Liver sausage

Liver and onions (someone already said that, I know)

The little gray/brown blobs of congealed blood that form when you fry a really juicy cut of meat


8FT Tiki posted on 08/13/2005

Yard work.

purple jade posted on 08/13/2005

Plush lamprey to virani!!!

cynfulcynner posted on 08/14/2005

Oakland A's backup catcher Adam Melhuse

Tikiwahine posted on 08/14/2005

The movies The Neverending Story and Labyrinth

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