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Punk Rock Royalty? Hardcore Heros?

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Nui Nui 2 posted on 01/02/2003

Hey shipwreckjoey, I was at the Fleetwood every weekend during it's heyday, including the filming of the Decline (that's me in the movie down in the pit with the spiked hair and leather jacket) remember the Germs show that broke out into a riot with the riot police and Darby onstage chanting "kill the pigs" I literally crawled out of there on my hands and knees to avoid the billy clubs and beer bottles. The Fleetwood was a great place for a naive teenager from Newport Beach to hang out and learn about the "real world" especially the bathrooms and parking lot.

bamboo ben posted on 01/03/2003

Do you guys remember where the Fleetwood was? Is it a Home Depot/Staples/etc. now? Would be cool to re-visit some time...those were the daze! Riener Ale quarts! Hey Nui Nui, my brother has a zillion pics of all the "good ol daze" and I'm sure there are some of you and Civil. I'll send you his e-mail and maybe you could get some to show your wife and kids. He's actually photo-ing bands again. Mid life crisis!!!

Doctor Z posted on 01/03/2003

Was the Fleetwood in Redondo? There used to be two clubs right by the water in King Harbor, way back when. One of them was the Sweetwater and I'm pretty sure the other one was called the Fleetwood. I don't know if it's the same Fleetwood, but in any case they are both long gone, having been replaced by a Crowne Plaza hotel and a Gold's Gym in the 80s...

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