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Hot Rod Hula Hop_Columbus Ohio Saturday August 20th 2005

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KuKuAhu posted on 03/31/2005

Okay folks, we have the new date set for the first annual Hot Rod Hula Hop in Columbus Ohio. That date will be Saturday August 20th, and it will still be held at The Voodoo Juke Joint (which is a club). We will be reorganizing things a bit and providing information with regard to entertainment, directions to the Voodoo, parking, cost, and all the other details here shortly.

Mahalo for your interest and patience,


Original post below:

Announcing the "Hot Rod Hula Hop" in Columbus Ohio!

Please come out and join us at the first installment of what we intend to turn into a growing annual event.

Info here:




Fraternal Order of Moai

[ Edited by: KuKuAhu on 2005-04-26 20:27 ]

Erika posted on 04/01/2005

There's not enough info at the "info" link. What/where is the Voodoo Juke Joint? What's the admission cost? What time is the event?

KuKuAhu posted on 04/01/2005

You'll have to forgive us, right now we are putting up what we have set in stone. Regular updates are coming.

We'll attach both the address to the Voodoo, and a map by monday morning. The total event itself will run all day, I imagine that 10AM to 2:30AM is our total run, but various vendors and the cars themselves will likely be there for a shorter duration than that.

We will have a schedule of events and some more specifics very soon. We're just trying to get the word out with what we have at the moment.



teaKEY posted on 04/06/2005

If there is something better than tiki, its hot rods. I'll try to make it. It'll be a post birthday party.

KuKuAhu posted on 04/06/2005

Great! When's your birthday?
Maybe we'll make you a pineapple upside down cake with a candle.

Where will you be coming in from?

Oh, and sorry about the map not going up yet as promised folks. I've got a million details to sweat right now regarding the event, and it just got pushed aside. I'll get on that. We have a scheduling meeting on friday evening, so we should hopefully have some more details up on the site by midweek next.



Fraternal Order of Moai

[ Edited by: KuKuAhu on 2005-04-06 12:25 ]

teaKEY posted on 04/07/2005

Birthday is May 27, one of the best days of the year.:) I'm would be coming out of Ann Arbor Michigan, just below Detriot.

the75stingray posted on 04/10/2005

We'll set ya up with a birthday drink on me if you can make it here.

We'd love to have ya! Lots of us mid-west tiki-rodder fanatics are looking forward to this!

KuKuAhu posted on 04/11/2005

Please read the updated info in the first post.

KuKuAhu posted on 04/27/2005

Updated above.


rustbeltcat posted on 07/21/2005

just checked out the new site, it is working great! Hopefully we will see alot of our Tiki Central bretheren out at the HRHH!
cars, tikis bands does it get any better?

chisel slinger posted on 07/22/2005

crazy! tiki in ohio? I dont believe it.

Swanky posted on 07/22/2005

August 25th is five years after the Kahiki closed. And they were reopening in two years. I think I missed something. But I hope Skip will pour us some Kahiki Navy Grogs and help us forget... or remember as the case may be.

KuKuAhu posted on 07/22/2005

On 2005-07-21 19:28, Swanky wrote:
August 25th is five years after the Kahiki closed. And they were reopening in two years. I think I missed something. But I hope Skip will pour us some Kahiki Navy Grogs and help us forget... or remember as the case may be.

Kahiki Navy Grog... damn, I could go for one right now.

Lodging info is going up on the site tonight folks. We procured an incredible rate at a local inn that is close to both the Voodoo and the spots you'll want to visit in Columbus (retro modern shopping, tiki drink happy hour, indie record stores, indie book stores, etc.). This place is nice and clean and on a decent strip with parking.

Now the place isn't huge, so if you are an out-of-town visitor and you're planning on joining us, skip over to the Fraternal Order of Moai site and click on "Events" to get the info and get yourself a room booked.

And the pre-event luau at the Voodoo on the 19th is shaping up to be a very special evening of drinks, Kahiki pu pus and possibly a secret after hours at an as yet undisclosed tiki locale. If you are going to be driving in from outside Columbus for this, you really should meet and greet with us at the luau that night. Admission is cheap, and the eats are free.


KuKuAhu posted on 07/23/2005

Just got some bugs in the site worked out and the "lodging and places to visit in Columbus" page is working properly along with the map to the venue.



mrsmiley posted on 07/26/2005

On 2005-07-21 19:28, Swanky wrote:
August 25th is five years after the Kahiki closed. And they were reopening in two years. I think I missed something. But I hope Skip will pour us some Kahiki Navy Grogs and help us forget... or remember as the case may be.

Do you know where Skip or Jim work now?? We became like family those 5 nights I lived there!!!
Of course, now that Michael Tsao has passed, the Kahiki's chances of reopening anywhere are much more slimmer!

rustbeltcat posted on 07/29/2005

looks like they are quite possibly going to be guest bartending..... More later...

rustbeltcat posted on 08/02/2005

whooo ha! looks like the mugs are in the works!! if you are in the area you do not want to miss out on this event... next year hopefully we will be on to bigger and better things for the 2nd annual Hot Rod Hula Hop!!!!

Swanky posted on 08/02/2005

I am reasonably sure Bill Sapp, the creator and original owner of Kahiki will be in town for the event.

KuKuAhu posted on 08/04/2005

And I'm in the process of getting Andy Chan the chef at the Kahiki prior to the closing to join us as well.

Oh, and Skip is very excited to be there.

So bring those menus to get them signed folks.


rustbeltcat posted on 08/05/2005

13 more days folks!!! Till the next great midwest tiki event!!

chisel slinger posted on 08/09/2005

this keeps getting bigger.

chisel slinger posted on 08/13/2005

7 days to go!

KuKuAhu posted on 08/14/2005

I chatted with Skip today again, and he will only be available (due to his current job) for a brief window on Saturday starting around noon when we open the show. So you will want to get there right on time if you want a drink from the man.

We went over ingredient lists and are all set. We may even have the Navy Grog (maybe) if Skip can dig up the bitters recipe for me so's I can mix a batch. If this happens, I'll likely make a lot and will have some available in bottles along with the recipe for the drink. That'd make a nice souvenir.

But we need to track down the recipe... so don't hold your breath.


[ Edited by: KuKuAhu 2005-08-13 17:21 ]

chisel slinger posted on 08/15/2005

5 days to go.

chisel slinger posted on 08/17/2005

its almost here

KuKuAhu posted on 08/17/2005


We don't know if Jim will be there or not. Skip is coming for sure, but he has his regular job to attend to that evening. So get there early to get a drink from the master.

Also, we finally got a confirmation from a terrific artist named Andrew Bawidamann (See his work here: http://www.bawidamann.com/ ) and he will be selling prints and such at the event.

And... it is looking like Hogscraper will be bringing along some burlesque gals as part of the show.

Hope to see you all Friday @ 7pm for a meet and greet at the Voodoo, and then on Saturday for the main event.

Oh, and one more thing... the Voodoo has booked a band for Friday that plays surf and such. So we have a live act now for Friday nights dig. Cool with me. The more surf the better!



[ Edited by: KuKuAhu 2005-08-17 07:21 ]

tikibars posted on 08/17/2005

I am leaving friday morning in the Mobile Exploration Lab, and plan to be in Columbus by 5 PM.

Any must see road-side attractions along the route from Chicago to Columbus?

I will likely take US highways as much as I can, and then jump on the interstate if I start to run out of time...

See you all at the hop!

rocker68 posted on 08/18/2005

i can't wait!!!!

theARTFINK posted on 08/18/2005

A fr@#@in' cram-packed junk/antique mall in Centerville
Indiana.( off i-70 almost at the border with ahia.) I've been there a couple of times but only
seem to get half way thru it. so as far as i know there
could be boxes of cool junk in there. Huber heights ohio
"the country's largest community of brick homes."

Kanekila posted on 08/18/2005

Dang -- looks like fun. Maybe next year, Haole Kats!!! could be a part of it? One of our members, Keo (Joe, aka Wholly Cat, ukulele/percussion), is from Columbus, O-HI-O...


[ Edited by: Kanekila 2005-08-18 05:38 ]

Swanky posted on 08/18/2005

So, go through the Dayton area to Columbus for antiquing/hunting? I'll do it if we make good time.

We still down for tongue? You have my cell number. Ring me and we'll plan a time.

KuKuAhu posted on 08/18/2005

On 2005-08-18 05:37, Kanekila wrote:
Dang -- looks like fun. Maybe next year, Haole Kats!!! could be a part of it? One of our members, Keo (Joe, aka Wholly Cat, ukulele/percussion), is from Columbus, O-HI-O...


[ Edited by: Kanekila 2005-08-18 05:38 ]

Count on it. If you guys can make it, consider yourselves billed. I'll chat with you about it in early winter when we are starting the HRHH 2 planning.


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