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Shasta Tiki Punch (with rum)

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I finally tried the Shasta Tiki Punch flavor. As I kind of suspected it tastes a lot like Hawaiian Punch and soda water. Is Hawaiian Punch still sold in the stores? I haven't had it in years (remember the yellow one?) but this tastes a lot like I remember it. It's not bad, but nothing spectacular.

On the upside, it is not bad at all with a little rum. I mixed a high ball with it, but felt it needed a little something extra. So, I added a little cinnamon schnapps and that gave it a nice extra boost. Here's how I made it...

  • Noa Noa Tahitian rum
  • Red Hot cinnamon schnapps (hiram walker)
  • Shasta Tiki Punch

Put ice into a highball glass. Add a shot of rum and about a half ounce of cinnamon schnapps. Fill the glass with tiki punch.

It's a bit sweet but it's not too bad.

[ Edited by: PiPhiRho on 2002-04-09 02:00 ]


For those of you who live in the vicinity of a $.99 (99 cents) store, I found Tiki Punch for, surprise, $.99! A massive 3 liter size. Yum!

Sounds good with rum and Schnapps!

On 2002-04-09 01:58, PiPhiRho wrote:

  • Noa Noa Tahitian rum
  • Red Hot cinnamon schnapps (hiram walker)
  • Shasta Tiki Punch
    It's a bit sweet but it's not too bad.

So is this a new drink? "Tiki Central Punch" perhaps?



Well, yeah, I guess it's a new drink. I hadn't really thought about what to call it. Tiki Central punch sounds OK, or maybe Shecky Punch, Shecky Highball, or maybe even something like Mt. Tiki (the Mt. for "Mt. Shasta").

I was going to use just a white rum, but I was out of it after using it to make mojitos over the weekend. The Noa Noa was what I had on hand. The Tahitian rum has kind of a unique flavor, but it's not real easy to find. After tasting those two on their own and feelign something else was needed, I tried the cinnamon schnapps because it seemed the most appropriate from what else I had on hand (chambord, pernod, vermouth, peach schnapps, rose's lime, passion fruit syrup and blackberry brandy). I didn't actually try any of the others - the cinammon schnapps seemed to work OK. That's how I came to mix these particular ingredients.


This should never be made public, but at this very moment, I am partaking (is that a word?)in a rum and A&W root beer. And I think I'll have another.

On 2003-01-03 23:47, mrtikibar wrote:
This should never be made public, but at this very moment, I am partaking (is that a word?)in a rum and A&W root beer. And I think I'll have another.

Vodka & root beer isn't bad...never tried rum though.

Thank the Tiki Gods for Big Lots as Shasta Products tend to be rather hard to come by in this part of the country. We do have, however, a Tropical Punch Soda called Tahitian Treat. I'll give that a shot soon with the Noa Noa and the Cinnimon Schnapps. I'm not usually much of a fan of Liquor/Soda Pop concoctions, but... Hey! It's in the interest of Science, eh?
I am interested to find that theres not a regular Tiki Mixology Forum on TC. Is it something that pops up only occaisionally or is it something that we should, perhaps, consider? I'd be really interested to learn of other learned people's Glassware/Barware preferences for certain drinks as well as recipes for drinks not found in books (or found in books I don't have. Seems to me that a forum of this type could sustain itself for quite some time while providing a useful service.


Root Beer mixes better with Bourbon, IMHO.

BTW: the Ralph's in Torrance (maybe others too) is now carrying Shasta ZAZZ. It is a citrus/grapefruit sode. I haven't tried it yet, so I don't know if it tastes more like Squirt or Fresca. Does anyone even remember Fresca?

We need to check with an Atlantan on that one. When I lived there, in the late 80s, it and Tab were still available (I assume this to be due to Atlanta being the Coca-Cola Corps hometown). I see Fresca here, on occasion, even now.


Isn't Zazz our little buzzword? Is there a drink called Zazz?


Heck yeah, Fresca's still available! I still buy it by the case! It's ZAZZ (Zazz-y?)!

(Martiki6, Zazz was another Shasta soda vying for our beloved Tiki Punch's title as favorite. Yep, the name caught on - albeit, in a very artificial way. kinda like the Shasta sodas themselves...)

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