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dupage county all night flea market

Pages: 1 2 replies

Dawn32 posted on 08/23/2005

Anyone know if the all night flea market has happened yet? If not, when is it scheduled.

BambooLodge posted on 08/23/2005

You should have checked here last week..... http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=16089&forum=4&0 ....we had a lot cool stuff this year. There is one scheduled at Kane County for September 24th. Not sure if we will do it or not, depends on weather.

Dawn32 posted on 08/24/2005

That stinks! I cannot believe that I missed it. Well, hopefully you guys'll be at Kane County. Please keep me posted.

BTW, you guys don't by any chance have a bar for sale do you?

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