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Creating Tiki: August theme - Hot Rod Tiki!

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Capt'n Skully posted on 08/03/2005

Last Month's:

Hopefully now that we went through a month with a few participants, more people are ready to jump in... All are welcome to submit pieces that relate to the theme. (This is not a contest)

With that said...

Start your engines and meet me at the race track, Jack!

BURN, baby, BURN!!!

flacookz posted on 08/07/2005

just a rough sketch to get this started

[ Edited by: flacookz 2005-08-07 17:42 ]

Capt'n Skully posted on 08/08/2005

Cool sketch- nice start!

rodeotiki posted on 08/09/2005

Thats a great start to this months theme.

I am working on a carving but I am also just learning Photoshop. Here is my first attempt at using it. I took a photo of hotrod that I shot at a local show and a pic of one of my carvings . Added some flames and then played with the filters.

[ Edited by: rodeotiki 2005-08-08 17:57 ]

Raffertiki posted on 08/09/2005

Flacookz, that looks like the beginning of one hell of a roadtrip. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished piece.

Ro-deo, way to jump into Photoshop. My first Photoshop piece featured a saxamaphone. Your's is much cooler.

kirby posted on 08/11/2005

I know I painted this before the theme was picked but it kinda fits kinda....


Hi fellow artists here is my donation to the tiki/hot rod happenin' - carved gear shift knob in Roth style. I have done some moulds off this little fella for custom and rodders -if it takes your fancy you can check out more pics on my forum site soon and drop me a line if you want any info.

hewey posted on 08/11/2005

Cool stuff all round! Keep em comin!

Swamp Fire posted on 08/12/2005

Aloha fellow tiki artists and tiki art lovers. Like Kirby I also have a hot rod tiki piece that I had done. Thought I would share. Great thread by the way, lets see some more hot rod tiki art!

Titled Grand Theft Tiki

kirby posted on 08/12/2005

Your an awsome artist doug, Im a big fan...thanx for posting...

KAHAKA posted on 08/13/2005

Not sure of this qualifies for this topic, but I did create this car, and there is a tiki in it. Not exactly a Hot Rod, but maybe this would fit better in "Mild Custom" Tiki?

kirby posted on 08/13/2005

works for me...nice car...kirby

hewey posted on 08/13/2005

More cool stuff. I need to get my shift together

hewey posted on 08/15/2005

I threw this together for this especially (I got my shift into drive). Just sat down with a pen for a bit and this is what happened.

Tiki-Tingler posted on 08/18/2005

Great work!! I especially like the Grand Theft Tiki and the monster shift knobs. Very nice job!

Swamp Fire posted on 08/18/2005

Great job Hewey, I dig those cars and the atomic cocktails.

untamedhighway posted on 08/22/2005

Great stuff, everyone. Tiki and hot rod seems like an oxymoron, but on a pop cultural level the two complement each other so well, it seems like a natural combo. Especially the way each of these pieces were executed. Shawn and I are working on a piece right now but I don't know if we'll make the deadline.

hewey posted on 08/22/2005

On 2005-08-22 11:40, untamedhighway wrote:
Tiki and hot rod seems like an oxymoron, but on a pop cultural level the two complement each other so well, it seems like a natural combo. Especially the way each of these pieces were executed. Shawn and I are working on a piece right now but I don't know if we'll make the deadline.

They are both all about escaping life and having a good time. 50s rod culture is romanticised the same way as polynesian pop is (eg. American Graffiti). Maybe thats why they go so well.

Better late than never!

untamedhighway posted on 08/23/2005

We got it done in time! Here is mine and Shawn's contribution to the Hot Rod Tiki theme.
Shawn drew it and I inked it. We wanted to get it posted a.s.a.p., but we are planning on painting it too...
Hope you like it!
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The comic that scratches the underbelly of forgotten American pop culture.

[ Edited by: untamedhighway 2005-08-23 15:11 ]

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Als tikis posted on 08/23/2005

Hello this my contribution for this post a little shifter in the beetle of a friend and 2 pces of my last carving

  • Noah and shawn wow very nice illustration
  • Marcus do you sale your monster shifter i like it !!!
  • Capt'n Skully nice idea !!!

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See you.


[ Edited by: Al's tikis 2005-08-23 15:36 ]

rodeotiki posted on 08/24/2005

Oh man , I hope I can get done before the end of August.

That drawing is amazing Untamedhighway.

Al , where have ya been? Please share more of your great carvings

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surfintiki posted on 08/24/2005

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This little marq still graces the front of my jeep!

hewey posted on 08/24/2005

Cool art everywhere :) Nice stuff.

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teaKEY posted on 08/24/2005

good theme, good work.

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AlohaStation posted on 08/24/2005

This was a great subject. Here is a tiki that I did a few months back for a friend. It sits in the "flower pot" on her dash of a convertible Bug.

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These were done for the local Ferrari dealership to be sold as T-shirts. Not really "Hot Rod" or "Tiki", but what the hell.

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[ Edited by: AlohaStation 2005-08-24 11:37 ]

Capt'n Skully posted on 08/25/2005

WOW- great works everyone!!

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Sam Gambino posted on 08/25/2005

Yes, this is some fine work, alohastation and Al....

hewey posted on 08/26/2005

I got another one done - my first in watercolour. But my scanner died, so not sure when I will get pics up.

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sneakyjack posted on 08/26/2005

Tom / Alohastastion
I sent you a PM about that VW tiki guy...
Looks cool!

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AlohaStation posted on 08/30/2005

Thanks for the compliments everyone.

Is there going to be a September Creating Theme?? How about Tiki Self Portraits?

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teaKEY posted on 08/30/2005

tiki self portrait sounds like a good one. I know that it helps to have a constant look for yourself and facial hair helps too. So mine would have thick eyebrows and an goatee.

Capt'n Skully posted on 08/31/2005

Had to throw something together at the last minute...

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hewey posted on 09/01/2005

I wanted to do a better piece so here it is:
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My 1st watercolour!

Capt'n Skully posted on 09/06/2005

I keep coming back to look at this thread over and over- Really great stuff everyone posted last month!!

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