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"ebayers that suck" website

Pages: 1 4 replies

Tiki Chris posted on 01/04/2003

i have a feeling that some of you wil really appreciate this site:


word is that it was set up by a New Jersey cop who was ripped off on eBay and he has taken it upon himself to fight fraud on eBay.

watch out antiquecove & tiki trader?

bigbrotiki posted on 01/04/2003

I like that Voodoo doll, great idea.

Trader Woody posted on 01/04/2003

It actually shows up that fact that the feedback forum doesn't really work particularly well. Everyone is so afraid of a retaliatory bit of negative feedback that few people will actually post negative feedback themselves.

With the current situation, sellers tend to wait until the buyer has posted positive feedback before posting their own positive feedback, even when the buyer has completed their end of the deal.

A better system would be to have a star system (10 points) where buyers and sellers were graded much more accurately. That way, the really good sellers & buyers would stand out, and minor faults would be noticed, then (hopefully) adjusted.

Trader Woody

tikifish posted on 01/05/2003

Someone really should submit antiquecove to that site... has anyone had personal dealings with them?

Talkie-Tiki posted on 01/05/2003

That’s hilarious

Pages: 1 4 replies