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The London Luau, 3rd Sept, Trader Vics, with photos

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cheekytiki posted on 08/10/2005

It's taken a while to get this far for those who knew something was going on but here it is.
Hope all the UK ohana can come, the website will be up later today to buy tickets and the chance to win rum from Appleton.
Many Thanks to Sam Gambino for the fantastic Artwork
I forgot to say, due to space etc we are limited to only 200 tickets, so if you really want to come, get your tickets early in case they sell out ( which I hope they do)


[ Edited by: cheekytiki 2005-09-08 00:04 ]

Kon-Hemsby posted on 08/10/2005

Looks like the 're-'birth of Tiki in the UK.
I'll be there, along with some friends. I'll get my tickets as soon as the website's up.

Cheers Cheekytiki

virani posted on 08/10/2005

too bad I can't come...excellent work on the poster, and I'm sure the evetn will be great. Congrats Cheekytiki

Hibiscus Honey posted on 08/10/2005

Nice one Cheekytiki.

I'll be there too! With my kane, Kon-Hemsby

This is going to be one fantastic night, food, drink, music.

I'm swaying already to the London tropical vibe that will be THE LONDON LUAU.

[ Edited by: Hibiscus Honey 2005-08-10 03:42 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 08/10/2005

Sounds like a great event, wish I could be there, but at that time I will have to be satisfied with the Munich Trader Vic's.
Close, but not close enough.

cheekytiki posted on 08/10/2005

The website is running now so you can buy tickets.
Still a bits to be added.
We are going to have a weekly draw on ticket numbers every week until the event to win a bottle of Appleton VX

Kon-Hemsby posted on 08/11/2005

Wow, You're drawing tickets for giveaway rum too!

Pick me Pick me

hewey posted on 08/11/2005

Mate I am there in spirit. You guys have a good one!

Kon-Hemsby posted on 08/15/2005

I'll be there in the spirit too!

cheekytiki posted on 08/17/2005

We have drawn the first winner of a bottle of Appleton VX!
Although Kon Hemsby in his desperation for Rum booked many tickets, it actually went to another member here - Chrisc!
Well done Chris.
Another Bottle up this week

Kon-Hemsby posted on 08/17/2005

I'm sure Chris will wanna share it around!

Any other TC members going?

midnite posted on 08/17/2005

I don't get to this part of Tiki Central much, I should try and read more. So much going on, I haven't a clue.

Wish I could be there, I'll be just a few short months late though. It's going to be a midnite Christmas in London this year, hopefully Christmas Eve dinner at Vic's. The London Luau looks like a blast.

That's one top-notch poster as well. Stellar work.


King Kukulele posted on 08/19/2005

That sounds like its going to be a big big night...but beware of Kyle from the Fisherman Vibraphonic Trio. He's the Tasmanian Devil of Tiki, I also think of him as kind of a Maria from the Sound of Music. Good Luck with the event.

cheekytiki posted on 08/23/2005

We have another winner of abottle of Appleton Vx plus here is a sneak preview of the mug for the event, taken from Sam Gambinos cool artwork. This is only the sculpt

cheekytiki posted on 08/26/2005

Just spoke to Appleton Rum, and it seems we have scored a massive coup for The London Luau.
This is how the story goes
They have managed to get hold of some Rum for us from the same Barrel that provided the Rum that Trader Vic himself created the original Mai Tai.
One lucky person next Saturday will get to try the closest possible drink to his original Recipe.
This rum is apparently rarer than hens teeth, you cannot buy it, and very few people in the world have ever tasted it.

We promise TVs won't use Mai Tai pre mix

Humuhumu posted on 08/26/2005

Wow wow wow!! That's crazy! What a fun story to be able to tell. This night looks like an absolute blast, I'm extremely regretful that I won't be able to make it. Hmmmm... perhaps if I put on a dog costume I could fly crate class? Have a great time, you lucky souls who can be there!

Trader Woody posted on 08/28/2005

As Cheekytiki knows, I won't be able to make it, which is a complete bummer. It looks like a really great night out, with a fine line-up of talent and lashes of rum. At first £50 ($90)
seems a lot of money for a night out, but when you remember how much Vic's charges for food and drink, throw in a mug, and consider all the entertainment on offer, you realise it's a bargain.

Well done to Cheeky for having the brass balls to organise a Tiki event of this size and scope in the UK. The size of the Tiki contingent over here is extremely tricky to gauge, so it's a real step into the unknown. Previous Tiki events have been low-key affairs where no money has been risked, so this kind of event takes things a whole lot further.

Good luck to Cheeky & hope everyone has a great time!

Trader Woody

Fez Ape posted on 08/28/2005

All I can say is I hope this a smashing success, and hope that you can do it again next year, would be fantastic to be a able to plan for it with more notice. Be proud that you have the looks for just a amazing event. By the by, is the only way to purchase a mug by buying a ticket? Mahalo!

Pickle posted on 08/29/2005


The Legend and I were at Trader Vic's this weekend, and that's when we found out about the Luau! I'm not sure I can afford Trader Vic's twice in one week!The mug looks so cool as well! awwww! We asked the manager about it and there were 50 tickets left on Sat night...so don't worry if you haven't got your ticket yet (tho it'll most probably sell out soon!)

I so wish that I found out about it before!

Hope you all have a great time tho, would've been good to haev met a few more faces off the board!

cheekytiki posted on 08/29/2005

Hey Pickle,
Shame you both can't make it, I did try to contact you by PM.
Hopefully if all goes well we will do it again next year and try to give more notice beforehand.
Thanks Woody, shame you can't come either.
As for the mug, they are only available if you go to the event, sorry.

TikiSpecs posted on 08/31/2005

Got my tickets in the post, looking forward to a great night.

Kon-Hemsby posted on 08/31/2005

If anyone's in London for the London Luau on Saturday, and you wanna buy some booze, check out Gerry's at the end of Old Compton street. They have a vast amount of spirits and those hard to find cocktail ingredients. Cash only though.
I'll be popping in to pick up some more rum and orgeat.

virani posted on 09/04/2005

so, how was it ??? pictures please

cheekytiki posted on 09/04/2005

I've just woken up after what can only be described as a complete sucess.
We had fantastic shows from all of the acts involved, the fisherman even played Warren Zevons, Werewolves of London.
Cyril Lefebvre is the Best and Kevin Ancell even joined in on uke.
The Tahitians, Terii Nui, were as always brilliant. If you guys in the States don't get them over to play you are misssing out big time.The guys are great and the girls are soooooo beautiful and talented
We auctioned off the bottle of Wray and Nephew 17 yr old, and someone walked away with it for only £100, apparently on the open market this was worth up to £3000, the other small bottle we were given WE DRANK but everyone had a taste. And for all yo doubting Thomases, Joy Spence is going to send a letter of authenticity to us, the winner and on i will post it on here.
Trader Vics did a fantastic job too, next year they want to do something bigger, and also maybe take it to some of their other places in Europe.
Thanks again to everyone for coming and we will see you again next year, now I just have to find the rest of the Fisherman ( I only seem to have one)to take them on a tour of London.

Fez Ape posted on 09/04/2005

On 2005-09-04 01:59, virani wrote:
so, how was it ??? pictures please

WE DEMAND!! No we beg, plead, give us pictures!!

Pickle posted on 09/04/2005

Yeah come on PHOTOS!!!

we want some more blow by blow accounts of the evening :)

Fez Ape posted on 09/06/2005

On 2005-09-04 12:39, Pickle wrote:
Yeah come on PHOTOS!!!

we want some more blow by blow accounts of the evening :)

And we are STILLwaiting! :wink:

cheekytiki posted on 09/06/2005

We are just waiting for ours to be developed, we didn't have a digital camera with us.
Anyway, we have given most of the fisherman back to you, Brian is still here with his wife but leaving tomorrow.
thanks again to all who came, it was a really posotive experience.
Photos to come from us at the end of the week, we have Barry McGees exhibition on Thurs to finish the film, then I will post them.

cheekytiki posted on 09/07/2005

Here's a few pics sent to me

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The London Luau Mug

TikiSpecs posted on 09/07/2005

Fantastic time cheeky, really enjoyed it. Great to catch up with everyone, food was excellent, the drink was flowing (bad hangover the next day), the music and dancers were amazing, the fisherman - wow - superb - the cover of Nellys Hot in Here was really cool. Well done to everyone involved, cheers Cheeky, heres to the next one!

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TIKIWAGON posted on 09/12/2005

Yeah, well done to jamie and anji for such a good show ,lets hope it happens again

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