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Kilikopela's motorcycle accident in Korea (he's ok-ish)

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For those of you who know my dear friend and tiki-event roommate Christopher, aka Kilikopela, (and even if you don't), he was in a bad motorcycle accident Sunday in his new home in Okpo, Korea. Thanks to his being a BIG believer in safety, his leathers, steel-toed boots, and fullface helmet kept him from being hamburger. He had successful surgery for a broken foot today, and other than the long gash on his forehead (which should heal well), he is fine - no hidden internal injuries. His darling new wife Brittanie is grateful that he's alive but feeling pretty all alone there, as there are no friends to do the friends' duties things. (Now is when I hate distance...)

No one really knows what happened; Christopher has no memory of the wreck. It's known that he collided with a car, went over the top and rolled a few times. Brittanie sends out this public service message:

"HELMETS SAVE LIVES. I am convinced that I would be a 25-yr-old widow if he weren't wearing one."

Their late honeymoon to Greece next week is off, but as she says, "Having a husband and no trip to Greece is 5 million times better than the alternative!"

He's been working on his report on Korean tiki for TC, and looks like he's gonna have a lotta time to get it finished now. The hospital wants him to stay for a week. Brit and Christopher have more like "'til tomorrow" in mind. He's already asked for his ukulele to alleviate the boredom; a friend of his postulated that it's to annoy the nursing staff who will request that he go home early. Clever, no?


Oh no, thank goodness he came out relatively unscathed. Please pass along my warmest thoughts to Christopher & Brittanie.


Best wishes, Chris!

Also best wishes....musta been a bad weekend for tiki
bikers...but my little mishap didn't involve doctors
or broken bones!


Hope he gets well soon. Good luck dude


Heal up Chris.


I'm so glad that Christopher's doing OK after such a serious accident. I hope he has a speedy recovery and that he never gets on a motorcycle again! I had a blast hanging out with you two at Exotica in Chicago and I want to do it again sometime.

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