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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Chin Tiki Detroit

Pages: 1 5 replies

Fez Goon posted on 05/29/2002

The World Famous Chin Tiki in Detroit is making its feature film debut in the upcoming feature film "8 Mile" staring Eminem.

Fez Goon posted on 05/29/2002

More exciting news regarding the Chin Tiki coming soon!

tikifish posted on 05/30/2002

If Mr. Chin decideds to re-open it, you can bet I will be the first one in the door, in a coconut bra and everything.

I will rock that place HARD.

It's time to bring the coconuts back to Cass Corridor!

tikifish posted on 05/30/2002

Some pix of the Chin Tiki today...


I also have some vintage interior shots from the Chin Tiki's heyday that BigBro mailed me, if anyone is interested, I will scan those babies and post them.

Chin up, kids!

Fez Goon posted on 06/01/2002

If you look at Tiki Fish's pictures of the Chin Tiki, you will notice that there are two missing Polynesian tiles on the buildings facade. Mr. Chin’s son, who makes them himself, has since replaced them. If you happen to be in the neighborhood take a close look, you will notice that there are two small M’s molded into one of the tiles. Can you guess whose initials they are?


Fez Goon posted on 06/03/2002

I would like to see those Vintage pictures!

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