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Tiki Central / California Events

Rose Bowl brawl and Bahooka

Pages: 1 2 replies

laney posted on 01/06/2003

I would like to go to the Rose Bowl Fleamarket this Sun. 1/12 (Polypop are you sure it's this week?) Although I'll be wicked hungover, I'll get up at the crack for some tiki hunting.
Who's in?
Where shall we meet?
(I'll offer my pad in Placentia as a carpool meeting point for O.C peeps)
I'd like to hit Bahooka for lunch/dinner and LOTS of drinks. I will call them later to find out when they open on Sun.

[ Edited by: laney on 2003-01-06 10:32 ]

PolynesianPop posted on 01/06/2003

Laney, yes the Rose Bowl Flea Market is this Sunday according to their webpage:


What time are we looking at?

laney posted on 01/06/2003

Here's the info from the site...
Rose Bowl Flea Market regular admission starts at 9am for the general public at $7.00 per person, children under 12 are admitted free with an adult. We also have early and special early preview admissions available starting as early as 6:00am. Group rates are available. The box office is open until 3pm after which time sellers begin packing and leaving. The public may shop for those last minute bargains until 4:30pm

I'd like to get there earlier than 9 but don't know about this "special" admission. I think it is just more expensive. I'll call later to find that out too. Maybe we can get a group rate!

[ Edited by: laney on 2003-01-06 11:07 ]

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