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Custom Tiki Farm mug to raise money for TC members in New Orleans - Feedback Needed!

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DawnTiki posted on 09/05/2005

So much confusion is going on in regards to the relief efforts for the victims of hurricane Katrina and the devastation she has left behind.
It will be a massive undertaking in an attempt to bring life back to the communities that have suffered through this terrible storm.
Bigger than we know I’m afraid.

I want to say thank you to all the caring people who have contacted me trying to get some practical information on how they can get donations out to help Tiki Central's Ohana, like our own Purple Jade.

I finally have some news to share with you, without saying too much, only because there isn't much to tell yet, it being very early in the thought process.
Holden has contacted me with the same concerns we all have and wants to be able to help however he can.

In conversations with Holden, he seems to think there may be a way to get some real help out to our long time contributing Ohana.
Holden has a plan to try to bring back some sort of normalcy to our friends that have been directly effected by the hurricane. His plan is to have a commemorative mug, dedicated to Tiki Central's longtime contributing members who have been directly affected by Katrina.

A mug designed by Purple Jade, one of our own who is from one of the hardest hit areas in New Orleans, along with Trader Vic backing the project as well, contributing their Mai Tai mix to the project at cost.
All in an effort to raise money to donate to our long time contributing members of Tiki Central, who have lost so much from this huge tragedy.

Next is where our Tiki Central Ohana come in, we need you all to help get the word out.
We, as a group, could promote the heck out of this thing. Of course there will be press, but our Ohana getting the word out could really make the difference here.
Telling everyone, everywhere what we are trying to accomplish.

Tiki Central is a huge resource, if we can get you behind this project, 110 percent, we could really be able to make a difference in getting some real help to people we know and care about, people that are our own.
With everyone’s help I know we can get the aid to our Tiki Central Ohana that need it most.

Holden's been working on this idea and he asked me to make this announcement in hopes to get some feedback.
What are your thoughts on this? Do you think it is something we can do?
This is a big undertaking and a mug couldn't materialize for about 90 days, but perhaps we can put our heads together and get creative.
Things like:

The ability of Tiki Central's Ohana helping Tiki Farm to promote the mug

PRE-selling the mug (Tiki Farm is only looking to cover their actual costs) associated with this project.
They look just to recoup their costs and then the balance of the proceeds will go entirely to our very own TC Ohana relief fund.

I can’t stress this enough, it is totally up to us, the Tiki Central “OHANA” to tell our friends and families about what we are trying to get accomplished.
This is something that you can participate in as a Tiki Central member and make a big difference!
Our Ohana need our help!
I know we can make a positive difference here, what do you think?

[ Edited by: dawntiki 2005-09-05 13:34 ]

Humuhumu posted on 09/05/2005

I think it's a great idea, but I know you need to hear more than just generic encouragement -- it sounds like the folks who are putting their money & resources up to get it rolling need to have a good idea whether the effort will actually be successful -- will make some real and useful money back.

Is there an estimate yet on how many of these mugs would need to sell, and at what price, for the effort to be worthwhile?

I can get the word out with ads on Tiki Central, Ooga-Mooga & Critiki, and through entries on Humu Kon Tiki. I can also pester... er, alert folks via MySpace bulletins & such.

And, uh, put me down for one. :)

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 09/05/2005

I wouldn't mind paying up to $100 (possibly more) for a limited edition mug if I knew the funds were going to go directly to our TC members hard-hit by Hurricane Katrina. I fully support the idea.


DawnTiki posted on 09/05/2005

No hard numbers quite yet Humuhumu, Holden's working on that. He is donating so much of his time and resorces to this effort. These responses are exactly what we are looking for, but we need more. I hope everyone will post a comment weather its good, bad or indifferent. Just let us know your thoughts on it. PLEASE!

Tikiwahine posted on 09/05/2005

I really think this is a wonderful idea.

I was watching the news with my parents tonight, telling them all about our ohana here, while we watched and listened to what's been happening.

I need to make my contribution and this is somewhere I'd like to do it. Directly to our wonderful friends that need it.

With my tiki enthusiasm I'm sure I could sell a mug to each and every friend and relative up here. If they were more expensive limited editions you can count me in for a substantial payment.

tikivixen posted on 09/05/2005

I'm behind the project 110% and more. My volume is set to 11! What a completely wonderful idea!

I think Tikiwahine was perhaps suggesting having a more expensive limited edition and then mass sales? Because I'd definitely be happy to pay a higher price for mine, and could sell lots of the basic version to friends and family on tight budgets (come to think of it that's most of them, sadly...) Just thoughts...let's see what happens!

In any case, count on me to offer my enthusiastic support in any way. It means so much to me to be part of a group like ours. Every day this week, I've looked around my home, where I am so happy--and then my thoughts go to our ohana who have been so hurt and traumatized--I cannot even imagine the despair I would feel at such indescribable losses.

I am very lucky and grateful to have what I do, and I want to share as much as I possibly can with those who need help so badly right now, who need to believe that there is hope and that they can rebuild their lives. Let's do it!

Thanks so much for pulling this together, Holden and Dawn and all.

xox tikivixen

Humuhumu posted on 09/05/2005

Have there been discussions about how to distribute the money? 'Cause I can imagine that being a bit of a sticky wicket.

virani posted on 09/05/2005

that's a fabulous idea. Maybe it could also be sold at Hukilau, as it's only in a month, and it could touch a lot of folks there.

Unga Bunga posted on 09/05/2005

It's a great idea Holden.

Benzart posted on 09/05/2005

I too, think it is a great idea. The rebuilding of Katrina losses will take years. I know there are still families that went thru Last years storms who are just Now getting their insurance money and many did not have insurance. Any help we can start now tht would be ongoing would be really great. I'll do what I can to help.
Thanks Holden.

hewey posted on 09/05/2005

I think its a top idea.

Is it worth releasing a set number directly onto ebay? The exclusivity would push up the price and hopefully pull in more cash for this great cause. Just an idea.

TikiDude posted on 09/05/2005

I love the idea!!!

tikifish posted on 09/05/2005

Sounds good. Released to Ebay would be good too. The more the merrier. Im wondering if more at a low price would raise more cash than fewer at a high price. Im leaning towards more at low cost... but Im no expert.

pablus posted on 09/05/2005

Since the first cocktail was believed to be served in New Orleans...
Sazeracs and Absinthe were in it as legend goes... then perhaps a nod to that historical "cocktail" with a mug or container of some sort.

P.S. Don't make it a "hurricane" mug.

the drunken hat posted on 09/05/2005

cleen and i would be willing to purchase a mug as well. i think a limited edition small run is the way to go as well. great idea holden and dawntiki!


bananabobs posted on 09/05/2005

Who could ask for more, I get a mug, they get relief.
I think it would be good to target a small group of people to bless with the proceeds (PJ) I don't think a shotgun effect is as efficient for a smaller fund raiser. There is more of a "buy-in" when people are directly associated with the victim and will spur additional funds and resources, which is what we are after anyway. Also I would suggest keeping the price in the "discretionary spending" range. A series would be cool.
Put me down for one.

[ Edited by: bananabobs 2005-09-05 08:25 ]

tikichic posted on 09/05/2005

[ Edited by: tikichic 2005-10-06 06:52 ]

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TikiJosh posted on 09/05/2005

I agree with everyone else-- sounds like a capital idea (pun intended). I don't think I'd be able to cough up $100 for a mug, no matter how worthy the cause, but if there's going to be cheaper ones, I'd purchase at least two, and could possibly convince a few other folks I know to purchase another one or two as well.

[ Edited by: TikiJosh 2005-09-05 10:26 ]

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christiki295 posted on 09/05/2005

Would Trader Vic's promote the mugs at their establishments?

Would a portion of the cost be tax deductible or does TikiFarm need to create a side-entity like TikiFarm Ohana - Friends of Katrina" to obtain a charitable tax status?

Regardless, I'm in - although I think a mug in excess of $100 would reduce its ability to be sold as much.

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dogbytes posted on 09/05/2005

the only thing i'd worry about a limited edition mug is, that the prices would be "too high" for the regular collectors. i'm sort of a "for the masses" kinda gal. i'd rather see 1000 mugs sold at 20 bucks each, that to see 100 mugs sold for 200 each (if that makes any sense.)

also: perhaps a limited edition thing, like the Oasis package could be sold at first (on ebay or The Farm) ~ then release (just) the mug for retail sales, like the regular stuff is sold.

i'm not sure how i feel about this. a straight up donation would mean 100% of the money goes to hurricane relief or PJ. a mug that goes into production takes time/money to make and distribute.

on the other hand, it promotes PJ as an artist, which could be helpful in the long run. we have some awesome talent at TC. i think "working artists" are a lot better than "Starving Artists", would this mug project help PJ get her other orders when she's got her studio back up n running?

its pretty complex. i'd just want the easiest way to help out... i'm more of a follower than a leader when it comes to complex things..

sign me up for some mugs!

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pappythesailor posted on 09/05/2005

Am I the only one thinking: Why don't these people just send a check to the Salvation Army or the Red Cross? Or better yet, a credit card transfer online. Click, click and the money is already doing good. I mean does even disaster relief have to be tiki-related? Cripes!

Tikiwahine posted on 09/05/2005

I've already donated via red cross, but this is a way to directly help our friends.
I'm not sure what you mean by 'these people'

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Tiki Matt posted on 09/05/2005

I have donated through the Red Cross, but would have no problem supporting this effort.

Here's an idea. The Web is the best way to get the word out. So many of us have websites, we should all put the mug on our home page. I can even link it to Holden's shopping cart so people can purchase online. Let me know...

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pappythesailor posted on 09/05/2005

On 2005-09-05 11:17, Tikiwahine wrote:
I've already donated via red cross, but this is a way to directly help our friends.
I'm not sure what you mean by 'these people'

I guess 'these people" would be people who think you can 'directly help' someone by buying a mug. I can't state it more plainly than that. I know your heart's in the right place.

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mrs. pineapple posted on 09/05/2005

We donated through the Red Cross, for the greater good, but I want to help Purple Jade. She is a wonderful example of all that is right with Tiki Central, and I think if people feel like there are other artists/members who are affected by this disaster, they should mention them. It's Holden's call, based on his experience as a long time member of the artist community, and organizer of all things vended at Oasis. If you don't think that's fair, or right, that's fine too. Please don't be offended that some members who have a long relationship with PJ want to help her. It's not at the expense of helping anyone else, it's in addition to, for many of us. I will be in for a mug, and will put the word out to my many artist friends!


Tikiwahine posted on 09/05/2005

ok pappy, I understand your point of view. And I appreciate your wanting to help directly.

I think a mug might help PJ since it will be her design, and may bring her more business in the future.

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I dream of tiki posted on 09/05/2005

Well, even if the mug turns out to completely out of my range, I still want to send a donation straight to PJ. Lets see how this goes. Just want a secondary option so I can give, even if its in a limited capacity.

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Swanky posted on 09/05/2005

As a long term help for people that will need it, this is a good idea.

Would it not be better to just ask for money? Who is this money going to? If it's the Red Cross, that's a very different thing than if PJ needs a refridgerator or Mary Wahl needs a car or whatever.

I am for helping, but if TC is raising money, I want it to go to people we know. If I want to give to charities, I can do that any time. If we hear from PJ, or Mary or Armead or the other list of people I know in the region and they tell us what they really need, I think we can all get behind that. And I think we will all send checks to the cause.

I made a short term suggestion to help over on the other thread. It's good to see people like Holden and Dawn doing things to get the job done. The whole thing is very overwhelming and it's hard to figure out how to really help.

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[ Edited by: Swanky 2005-09-06 07:13 ]

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blacksandz posted on 09/05/2005

I second that Swanky! Here Here! :tiki:

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore - Fixed broken smiley - 2005-09-05 14:33 ]

bananabobs posted on 09/05/2005

In hopes of returning this to task,
Swanky, I understand what your saying, I have donated through the Red Cross but if I understand correctly, this is for the long run type of thing to help PJ by promoting her art and possibly to keep focus on the victims months from now when the emotions are settled down.
By all means there should be a outlet here for any of our TC friends to reach out for help, IE sump pumps etc.
From an artistic point of view, a mug designed from the angst of a disaster and with recovery in mind should be incredible.
I can feel the TC love...carry on!

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/1a4533c4bf9a3225a7eaace8857dff3b?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Thomas posted on 09/05/2005

DawnTiki wrote:
I hope everyone will post a comment
so here goes, though I am a relative newcomer and haven't had the pleasure of meeting PJ or anyone else here in person yet.

So far the discussion has focused on PJ, though there are others in the region too. For now, I'll continue the focus on PJ. I think the mug idea had some very strong points. For me the biggest would be that PJ would design it. This suggests "professional opportunity" rather than "altruism."

A quick visit to PJ's website:
makes it clear that she is a proud and skilled professional in the area of tiki-related art, especially of the type that is readily accessible to all sorts of people in terms of price, etc.

I'd rather "work with" PJ to get her back in the swing professionally and in terms of income, and maybe even help her take things to a next level (in keeping with the notion that "crisis" can also bring "opportunity"). Commissioning her to design a special edition mug is one good idea. Those who set the price might (correctly!) take into the consideration peoples' increased desire to purchase the mug based on the unique history of it (after Katrina, an esteemed and well-loved tiki artist from New Orleans designed this mug as her first work after the tragedy...). This is a market reality, not charity. Mindful of this, PJ's partners in the venture may choose to offer a higher percentage of gross than is typical, as her contribution lends this added value to the product.

I don't think this is just fancy words. I think there is a difference in approach and this may be a way to avoid the sort of feeling that Swanky well described above.

I gather that PJ may have lost her studio, tools, etc. Assuming she wants to get back in the business, this will of course be the biggest obstacle. How to get over this hump? Well, I'm no expert but a surge in prepaid (and very "patient"!) orders would provide a timely capital inflow. I look at her website and say, "I look at goods like this frequently, but usually find a reason not to purchase. Well, now I have a reason. In fact, I can stock up on gifts for others in advance of future holidays and birthdays..." You get the idea.

In sum, I think that leveraging the positive power of capitalism may be a better way to move ahead than overt altruism. PJ's business no doubt provides her with peace of mind as well as pride and income. Helping her get it back together (assuming she wants to) would be an opportunity to collaborate with her over time. Frank discussion of costs involved and creative arrangements ("patient prepayment" is one, simple one, and there would no doubt be others) would ensue. Unless PJ tells us, or some among us, otherwise, perhaps we can assume that family, friends (including some individual TCers perhaps), aid agencies, government, insurance co's, etc. are helping her with the critical, baseline needs one has in this situation, including, frankly, the writing of checks for her. Perhaps we should focus more on the specific area of her life -- her tiki art business -- which is where our focus is, and where we have the most to offer.

Anyway, perhaps this is an "add-on" to the mug idea and not a disagreement with it.

[Edited to put in intitial comment with quote of DawnTiki]

[ Edited by: Thomas 2005-09-05 15:09 ]

Tikiwahine posted on 09/05/2005

If people would prefer to get money directly to her, maybe one of those that is having a PJ nohands auction could help us out?

We could paypal them directly and they could include those funds along with the ones gathered in the auctions? Just a thought I had last night.

tikifish posted on 09/05/2005

You can PM me and I can give you her paypal address. Sending it to me then me sending it to her means paypal takes 2 cuts instead of one. So if you want to help out directly (what? You dont need a PASS-OUT game?) then just let me know.

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/1a4533c4bf9a3225a7eaace8857dff3b?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Thomas posted on 09/05/2005

I may have gotten a bit theoretical in my previous post, so here is a specific point: I'd rather see the mug project be as "normal" as possible. In other words deliberately making it "limited edition" and having a markedly high price could make me feel that there's a kind of, I don't know, "forced," or "false" element to it, in a way similar to what Swanky expressed.

I'm not in the business so I defer to those who are, but those are my two cents.

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0019c44037542f96e77f50c73123eb25?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Swanky posted on 09/05/2005

[ Edited by: Swanky 2005-09-06 06:42 ]

tikichic posted on 09/05/2005

[ Edited by: tikichic 2005-10-06 06:52 ]

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/1a4533c4bf9a3225a7eaace8857dff3b?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Thomas posted on 09/06/2005

Also on the "business opportunity" vs. "charity" theme, could PJ sell it through her site? Mightn't that be a way to drive traffic to her site and encourage add-on purchases? Again the "patient prepay" idea could be employed here. I'm not in these businesses like many of you are, so there may be good reasons why it wouldn't happen this way, but I thought I'd mention it.

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d951e62e71004a0f94a297978bf4efc8?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Shipwreckjoey posted on 09/06/2005

Capital ($$$) idea. Bring it on. Money may not buy happiness, but it works wonders for misery.

tikichic posted on 09/06/2005

[ Edited by: tikichic 2005-10-06 06:51 ]

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nicktiki posted on 09/06/2005

DawnTiki nad Holden,

Great ideas to help the victims of the tragedy in New Orleans and surrounding areas. Count me in! If there is any way Tiki Magazine can be of help, please let me know! New Orleans was a wonderful city and will be again.

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8c506af3311c8b5263572b52f4915fbb?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
MakeDaMug posted on 09/06/2005

Thanks for the email Swanky. Just doin' the best thing that I can think of to help out.

[ Edited by: smogbreather 2005-09-06 13:17 ]

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/856085a6b177777159245b14ec04ed71?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
TikiJosh posted on 09/06/2005

I'll chime in once more, as I thought this post particularly eloquent (mostly because I like using the word "eloquent" whenever possible).

On 2005-09-05 14:42, Thomas wrote:

So far the discussion has focused on PJ, though there are others in the region too. For now, I'll continue the focus on PJ. I think the mug idea had some very strong points. For me the biggest would be that PJ would design it. This suggests "professional opportunity" rather than "altruism."

A quick visit to PJ's website:
makes it clear that she is a proud and skilled professional in the area of tiki-related art, especially of the type that is readily accessible to all sorts of people in terms of price, etc.

I'd rather "work with" PJ to get her back in the swing professionally and in terms of income, and maybe even help her take things to a next level (in keeping with the notion that "crisis" can also bring "opportunity"). Commissioning her to design a special edition mug is one good idea. Those who set the price might (correctly!) take into the consideration peoples' increased desire to purchase the mug based on the unique history of it (after Katrina, an esteemed and well-loved tiki artist from New Orleans designed this mug as her first work after the tragedy...). This is a market reality, not charity. Mindful of this, PJ's partners in the venture may choose to offer a higher percentage of gross than is typical, as her contribution lends this added value to the product.

I don't think this is just fancy words. I think there is a difference in approach and this may be a way to avoid the sort of feeling that Swanky well described above.

I gather that PJ may have lost her studio, tools, etc. Assuming she wants to get back in the business, this will of course be the biggest obstacle. How to get over this hump? Well, I'm no expert but a surge in prepaid (and very "patient"!) orders would provide a timely capital inflow. I look at her website and say, "I look at goods like this frequently, but usually find a reason not to purchase. Well, now I have a reason. In fact, I can stock up on gifts for others in advance of future holidays and birthdays..." You get the idea.

In sum, I think that leveraging the positive power of capitalism may be a better way to move ahead than overt altruism. PJ's business no doubt provides her with peace of mind as well as pride and income. Helping her get it back together (assuming she wants to) would be an opportunity to collaborate with her over time. Frank discussion of costs involved and creative arrangements ("patient prepayment" is one, simple one, and there would no doubt be others) would ensue. Unless PJ tells us, or some among us, otherwise, perhaps we can assume that family, friends (including some individual TCers perhaps), aid agencies, government, insurance co's, etc. are helping her with the critical, baseline needs one has in this situation, including, frankly, the writing of checks for her. Perhaps we should focus more on the specific area of her life -- her tiki art business -- which is where our focus is, and where we have the most to offer.

Anyway, perhaps this is an "add-on" to the mug idea and not a disagreement with it.

[Edited to put in intitial comment with quote of DawnTiki]

[ Edited by: Thomas 2005-09-05 15:09 ]

Thomas, I don't think you were being too theoretical at all. I think you hit this right on the head. I also agree with Holden 100%. He made it very clear where the proceeds were going, and I think all of this is a fantastic idea, mostly because I think there should definitely be an element of getting business going again, and a PJ-designed mug is a great place to start.
Being relatively new, I think it's amazing how much everyone cares about each other, and how when things do take a turn for the worst, there's definitely help not just in a charity fashion, but in a more "let's get your business going again so that you don't need to live off charity" kind of way. Not that charity is a bad thing, mind, but that it's only sort of a small band aid over a big problem.
If I understand the motivation behind this idea, it seems to me that getting things back to normal and getting PJ back to work is possibly as equally important as giving her money outright. I still think this is a great idea!

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/1a4533c4bf9a3225a7eaace8857dff3b?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Thomas posted on 09/06/2005

Wow -- thanks Tikijosh! I'm not too "cool" to say that your compliments really made me feel grand. "Eloquent" -- holy cow! I think I'm going to print your comments and frame them :) .

Just when I'd started thinking it might have been a mistake to chime in, I get your nice words. Much appreciated. And I agree with your followup comments too!

DawnTiki posted on 09/06/2005

Just when I'd started thinking it might have been a mistake to chime in

That's just silliness! You were asked to participate! Everyone's opinion is valid and should be concidered. I think it's pretty nice Holden wanted to know what everyone thought on the topic. I would just hope we can stay away from using harsh, ugly terms in voicing our opinions. I'd like to think we really are trying to find some answers here, really trying to find a way to help. We can talk about it till the cows come home, at some point, soon, action will be needed to make (what we all hope to be) positive things happen for our ohana.

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0019c44037542f96e77f50c73123eb25?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Swanky posted on 09/06/2005

My apologies. "Con" was a poor choice of words. That implied something I did not mean. I know Holden's ethics are above reproach.

As a way to support PJ in a long term way, I think this is a good idea. My only thought is that there are quicker ways to raise money that can address problems now. I didn't understand that the intent of this project was long term. I'll amend my earlier post to reflect that.

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[ Edited by: Swanky 2005-09-06 07:16 ]

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/38db4f72b03b4dad3c5bcdd926274d39?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
thebaxdog posted on 09/06/2005

Maybe it should be run like a KCET telethon?
0-25 you get some swizzles
25-50 you get swizzles and a mug
50-75 you get swizzles, a mug and a tiki central grand membership
75-100 you get, blah, blah, and some PJ stuff
100-200 blah, blah, blah and something
200-and above blah, blah, blah, blah, and a limited edition mug
You brain children can work out the details
That way more people could give at different levels with incentive.
It would spark a fire to hear from any of our TC Ohana down there.
Anybody have any news?
Dawn and Holden keep on doin what you are doin
The first 20 people over $200 "I the baxdog, will pay your shipping"
Holden let me know.
Did I say incentive?
Let,s get this train rollin
The pumps are on but no one is home!

J Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4f57029d6b09c7185962e92888c4345e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Jawa posted on 09/06/2005

This is a great idea for a long term fund raising project for hurricane relief, especially when we can see exactly where it is going and why. Plus it gives us another mug, and who can say no to that?!? :D

Living in Florida, I can tell you that there will be plenty of need for long term assistance. There are still temporary mobile home parks in areas away from the coast that are still being occupied by people who have no place to go after last years hurricanes came through.

JT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/f6f231dfd9f0be59f443aacaeb2fa26d?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Jungle Trader posted on 09/07/2005

I'll support this as best I can. Thanks for two very big hearts Dawn and Holden. My eyes are sweating. Gotta go.

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