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Ebay for PJ! Buy or Sell and Help Out Purple Jade

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tikifish posted on 09/03/2005

Shop, get fun stuff, and help out a friend! All proceeds from my auctions below will go to help out our very own Purple Jade from New Orleans. Be sure to look for the auctions with the NO HANDS! cat, as that is the secret sign that will let you know that it is an 'Ebay for PJ' auction. (Ebay does not allow auctions for charity unless it is one of their approved charities, as PJ found out herself trying to help tsunami victims with her jewelery.)

Vixens of Vinyl: Exotica Album Art Book - Extremely ZAZZ!

Senor Kon Tiki - The Biography of Thor Heyerdahl - Hard to find!

More to come... feel free to post your own Ebay for PJ auctions, and by all means use the No Hands! cat too. Aloha!

tikifish posted on 09/03/2005
tikifish posted on 09/03/2005
tikifish posted on 09/03/2005
tikifish posted on 09/03/2005

Last one for tonight... Gilligan's Island Cookbook!


Humuhumu posted on 09/03/2005

Here's my offering for the Great PJ eBay Extravaganza:


This is a very cool bucket mug -- I adore this mug!

You can also see more details about it on Ooga-Mooga (naturally!):

Sun Hung Heung Mug for Sale on Ooga-Mooga

I used our little friend Nohands, but I forgot to ZAZZ! Doh! Maybe I'll add it in later.

I'll match the end price for this item, so Purple Jade will receive twice whatever the final total is -- the higher you bid, the more Purple Jade gets!

tikifish posted on 09/03/2005


Oh boy! 9 Fabulous 50's Recipe books - Nuclear Food!

Feelin Zombified posted on 09/03/2005

For all you PEZ heads and Monkeymen... :wink:

I present for your generous, kind-hearted, giving spirit:

The Monkey Sailor



Thank God The Tiki Bar Is Open
Thank God The Tiki Torch Still Shines...

[ Edited by: Feelin' Zombified 2005-09-03 16:12 ]

tikifish posted on 09/03/2005

VOODOO! A couple tiki mugs from Jamaica (by way of Polynesia)


So a Monkey, a Leilani, and a Tiki walk into a bar...


2 rather appropriately (or inappropriately) named Tonga Room Hurricane Glasses:


2 Fierce Vessels for your Extra Strong Kona Coffee


Thanks to everyone so far for your awesome bids!

tikifish posted on 09/03/2005
tikivixen posted on 09/04/2005

Allrighty then, I put up a couple of things.



I'll try to get to more later or Monday--I've got a nice little pile of stuff.

I regret to say that I'm a terribly choosy tiki buyer so I don't have a lot of extra tiki stuff to sell. I am still looking. There is a cool old Jantzen shirt, though, and a shell purse. I have some wee surprises to include with those, too. Mostly I have some nifty vintage oddments and some high-quality new stuff too. Okay, I admit it, I'm all over the map but it is all zazz!

Thanks, guys.

tikivixen posted on 09/04/2005

To tell you the truth, those Moai salt and pepper shakers remind me of John Travolta.

tikifish posted on 09/04/2005

Damn I wish those shoes were 7.5!

tikivixen posted on 09/04/2005

I think I have some 7.5 shoes to put up, actually. I almost listed that pair as 7-7.5, though, not just 7, because they are a hair long on me. I just wasn't sure that was quite enough...if you don't mind a snug fit and are a true B, not wide, they might do. Usually 7s top out at 9.5".

I am a lunatic for 40's shoes.

Now, I wish THESE fit me. Fwat.


DawnTiki posted on 09/04/2005

I know people associate Ebay with trying to score the best deal they can. But this being all about helping a friend, I hope the bidders find themselves bidding on the "Ebay for PJ" auctions with generosity. Mahalo in advance to all the bidders!

Exotica Gecko Mug

lil'Mod Scooter Dress

Tikifish tribute

Poly Art King Kamehameha Bust

Shawnee Pottery vase

[ Edited by: dawntiki 2005-09-09 22:06 ]

Traderpup posted on 09/04/2005

Here ya go PJ... letting go of some rarities!

PubTiki Moai Tiki Mug!

SIGNED Martin Denny Afro-Desia album!!!

or search ebay for 'PJ Nohands'... I may be adding a few more listings

tikigreg posted on 09/04/2005

I just listed one of my exclusive ClubTiki mugs on ebay for the PJ fund. The auction starts at 7:30 pm, but you can view it here:


I only have a handful of these, so now's a great time to get one before there are no more, and to help out a fellow TCer!

tikivixen posted on 09/04/2005

Here's a couple more:

for your 50's modern patio:


and some lucky nice person is gonna get my favorite PINK genuine vintage, near-mint 1950's sunglasses:



tikifish posted on 09/04/2005

Oops, only 2 barometers do I see there!

Iuka Grogg posted on 09/05/2005

I would very much like to donate a Maikai Gents fun package to help Purple jade, but am very computer and eBay ignorant (I'm just amazed that I can post here!). If one of our close personal friends would like to help by putting the auction up, I'll provide the merchandise and shipping. Any folks interested in helping me with this, please e-mail me (Private messages don't get checked too often.). Mucho Mahalo.

-Iuka Grogg

tikivixen posted on 09/05/2005
tikifish posted on 09/05/2005


Polynesian Village mugs find a new purpose in life... as quasi-lanterns!

Traderpup posted on 09/05/2005

TF, you should try those with the clear cup tealights! You'll never go back to the metal cup ones again for glass holders!

tikifish posted on 09/05/2005

Uncle Tiki CD! It's a different kind of loud, all right!

tikifish posted on 09/05/2005


I picked this game up yesterday expressly for Ebay 4 PJ. Now the lushes have something to bid on!

Swanky posted on 09/06/2005

How about this idea. I will put a lot of 200 single Hukilau swizzles sticks on Ebay with a $1 opening bid. The winners will not actually get the swizzle as the shipping would eat the money. Instead, the swizzles would be taken with me to Hukilau and put in drinks served as a reminder. That way, people can donate whatever they want from $1 on up. The only money lost would go to Ebay and PayPal. Every penny raised would just be sent to PJ, no questions asked.

I could even make it a 3 day auction so it could be wrapped up very soon and help would arrive that much quicker.

DawnTiki posted on 09/06/2005

On 2005-09-05 16:16, Swanky wrote:
How about this idea. I will put a lot of 200 single Hukilau swizzles sticks on Ebay with a $1 opening bid. The winners will not actually get the swizzle as the shipping would eat the money. Instead, the swizzles would be taken with me to Hukilau and put in drinks served as a reminder. That way, people can donate whatever they want from $1 on up. The only money lost would go to Ebay and PayPal. Every penny raised would just be sent to PJ, no questions asked.

I could even make it a 3 day auction so it could be wrapped up very soon and help would arrive that much quicker.

Creating a mug will take a long time. Selling it will too. And, asking for something in return for your charity cheapens it.

What a great idea Swanky, so are you going to do it? I'll be the first to donate! Of course I can't speak for PJ, but I do know that her being asked to design this mug has meant a lot to her, to be able to think about something other than her current situation for just a few minutes I would imagine has been a welcomed relief.

Swanky posted on 09/06/2005

Thanks for working to help and doing it. Getting it done.
I am going to see if Kiliki will promote it through Hukilau. Do an auction and not only put those swizzles in drinks at Hukilau, but have maybe a table for "Swizzles of Katrina Ohana Aid" and make it a donation. I think I have thousands of swizzles in the basement. If we can promote it, then hopefully everyone will know that the swizzle in the drink is a reminder of those who could not make it because of the storm. At this point, I have been unable to reach Mary Wahl. Calling her number either gets a fast busy or a "all lines busy" message.
The last week has got me and my house thinking about what we mean to each other and how much we have even though we live paycheck to paycheck (on a good month!) and we are struggling to figure out what we can do for people in our modest way. 1,000s of people showed up at our churches and civic center this week here in Knoxville. Cots to sleep on in a room with 500 other people... Man. It's rough. We do what we can locally and hope to help who we can, who we know nationally.
There are 4 people on the Hukilau guest list who I assume are effected. PJ of course, Mary and Armead in Metarie who are not on TC but have been to Hukilau and other events, and a guy in Gulf Shores who I do not know. Regardless of what they lost or did not lose this week, this week has cost them money. I think I can cut something out and send some money and be just fine. Far better than if I was in the Gulf shore area...

DawnTiki posted on 09/06/2005

Your swizzle stix is a great idea Swanky, please let us know when we can make our bids! :)

DawnTiki posted on 09/07/2005

I posted these for my pals! remember every little bit goes to PJ!

The Maikai Gents Featuring The Mysterious Miss Mauna Loa

[ Edited by: DawnTiki 2005-09-07 00:42 ]

Tangaroa posted on 09/07/2005

Whooo Hooo PJ!

Here are my humble offerings for Mrs. Jade....

Haunted Mansion Evil Door Handle....

Lollapalooza concert T-shirt 1992

All you Pearl Jam and Haunted Mansion freaks bid now!

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 09/07/2005

Humuhumu wrote:
Here's my offering for the Great PJ eBay Extravaganza:
This is a very cool bucket mug -- I adore this mug!

You can also see more details about it on Ooga-Mooga (naturally!):
Sun Hung Heung Mug for Sale on Ooga-Mooga
I used our little friend Nohands, but I forgot to ZAZZ! Doh! Maybe I'll add it in later.

I'll match the end price for this item, so Purple Jade will receive twice whatever the final total is -- the higher you bid, the more Purple Jade gets!

FYI, in speaking with some people who called & emailed me about this mug, I wanted to let you know that I bid on this mug, at this price, because of the 'overseen' statement that Humuhumu has on her post:

"I'll match the end price for this item, so Purple Jade will receive twice whatever the final total is -- the higher you bid, the more Purple Jade gets!"

It's all for PJ folks, not for the mug. If you outbid me, then that's ok, since I will still send her the amount I have bid (aka, she will get the amount 3x over!)

As always, just my 2 coconuts worth.

DawnTiki posted on 09/07/2005

WOW! What a great idea! I missed that part of Humuhumu's post.
It's inspired me to do the same. I'll also match whatever my Gecko mug ends up selling at.

[ Edited by: DawnTiki 2005-09-07 22:05 ]

tikivixen posted on 09/08/2005
tikivixen posted on 09/08/2005

And another:



tikivixen posted on 09/08/2005
DawnTiki posted on 09/08/2005

2 Gil Air Brush Prints

[ Edited by: DawnTiki 2005-09-07 21:46 ]

tikifish posted on 09/08/2005


2 LP sets of Hawaiian Music for your Listening Pleasure ~ Nohands says 'All that hawaiian music for one price? So crazy!'

tikifish posted on 09/09/2005

My first lot of auctions are ending tonight! Get in there and bid!

DawnTiki posted on 09/10/2005

bumpitty bump!

Johnny Dollar posted on 09/10/2005

obey the mesmerizing paws

bid high and bid often for pj!

tikifish posted on 09/11/2005


Original Music Out of the Moon 78 LP Set - Les Baxter & the Theremin!

Sadly, its scratchy... but its for a good cause!

[ Edited by: tikifish 2005-09-11 05:03 ]

tikifish posted on 09/11/2005


Here's a cheaper item for those on a budget who want to help out: Dating and Grooming advice from Connie Francis!

tikifish posted on 09/12/2005


For all you kinky people... I mean scientific researchers!

Tangaroa posted on 09/12/2005

Come on guys - $10 for a Haunted Mansion door handle? Help me out here! I don't wanna just send PJ $30....

Iuka Grogg posted on 09/14/2005

Just a gentle bump here. While you're looking around, be sure to catch this auction before it closes in a few hours:


Have a little gander, read the description, think of the goodness that will result in your bid... and then BID. Oh, and be sure to notice how darling Mr. Wersmo Derinc looks modeling one of our t-shirts. Mahalo.

-I. Grogg

Just say "Ee-you-kah"
Sway your hula hips over to http://www.mkgents.com

[ Edited by: Iuka Grogg 2005-09-13 18:00 ]

tikivixen posted on 09/14/2005

Meow! bump Mrrp??

Lotta my 'zazz'/nohands auctions ending in the next few hours too...

let's make little Miss Nohands PURRR!

DawnTiki posted on 09/15/2005

Ebay 4 PJ was a super idea Tikifish! I just want to thank everyone who participated in my "Ebay 4 PJ" auctions. My little auctions alone raised 189.58 with just 7 items. Plus with me matching the Gecko mug sale puts the total at 266.36!
And thats not including the Maikai Gents CD auction I posted for Judd. If you add that sale the total comes to 299.36!
I am stunned! Thanks for helping me help a friend TC! Many MAHALOS Everyone!!! I'll be posting more soon...

[ Edited by: DawnTiki 2005-09-14 23:15 ]

Pages: 1 2 59 replies